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IBM Z Day 2023
18 Oct - 06:00 AM
IBM Z and LinuxONE Community is hosting its signature annual virtual conference – IBM Z Day 2023, bringing together 180 industry experts and global thought leaders on Hybrid Cloud, AI that delivers real time insights, modernization, industry leading security and more! This no-cost digital event is open to everyone of all levels. No experience required! Join us on October 18th. Explore 5 all-new content-rich learning tracks:IBM Z, App Modernization, AI & Data, Sustainability and IBM Z Skills Acceleration. LEARN MORE & REGISTER FOR IBM Z DAY NOW:
Worldline e-Payments Challenge 2023
19 Jun - 10:00 AM
Puteaux, France
​​Get ready for the 5th edition of the Worldline e-Payments Challenge! We're bringing you an exciting hybrid journey, combining both onsite and online experiences, allowing participants to join the challenge from anywhere. Dive into the future of payments and get ready to co-create the future of payments for a digitally connected and trusted world. Exciting opportunities ahead! This year, Fintechs & Startups will address real-world challenges faced by Worldline clients, with a focus on: Leveraging artificial intelligence Designing best-in-class experiences Driving financial sustainability & inclusion Mastering the opti-channel user experience Ensuring trust & security How to join the e-Payments Challenge? Express your interest by applying directly on the website Selected Startups will receive an invitation to the hackathon platform Attend the two online days - June 19th to discover the challenges, & October 12th to showcase your solution and get Experts’ feedback Experience the thrilling 48-hour hackathon, either onsite or online, from November 29th to December 1st, 2023
Afterwork des Métiers de la Défense et de la Sécurité
05 Apr - 11:56 AM
Ne manquez pas l'événement incontournable du mois d'avril : l'Afterwork des Métiers 100% en ligne organisé le 5 avril 2023 de 18h à 21h par le GICAT, le Groupement des industries françaises de Défense et de Sécurité,! Au programme : des conférences passionnantes, des job-datings personnalisés pour trouver le poste qui vous correspond, et même un quiz pour tester vos connaissances et tenter de remporter des prix tout au long de la soirée ! Cet événement est gratuit et ouvert à tous ! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant et accédez aux offres en avant-première!