Showing results 1 to 10 out of 100
Serendipia Limitless Thailand 2016-17
27 Dec - 12:00 PM
Bangkok, Thailand
Serendipia will be hosting a truly unforgettable event for participants coming from around the world that includes a hackathon, a tour of the temples of Bangkok, and even a 3 day party and workshop combo on the island of Koh Tao for the new year! The hackathon specifically will be focused on implementing one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations to the local community.
Open Market Hack
01 Dec - 04:00 PM
Den Haag, Netherlands
Hackers, designers, coders in and around The Hague! Interested in creating practical solutions to society's pressing energy and healthcare problems? The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) invites you to sign up and participate in an Open Market Hack. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to help solve growing problems in Dutch society: »Big Data in Healthcare for individuals »Energy affordability, accessibility and availability for businesses and individuals Design and prototype a solution to one of these challenges. You can build a website, a mobile app, or maybe a piece of hardware. It's your choice!
Nairobi Energy Data Challenge: Untangling the Challenges
01 Dec - 12:00 PM
Nairobi, Kenya
Interested in helping open up access to reliable energy for under-served populations? Sign up to participate in the Nairobi Energy Data Challenge. You'll collaborate on innovative solutions utilizing approaches such as the Internet of Things, off-grid energy access, and pay as you go technology. You'll work on creating solutions to the following core challenges: »Designing meaningful ways to help energy users by communicating with them about their energy use and payment patterns. »Designing IoT systems that work effectively to improve data collection and transmission for pay-as-you-go and off-grid energy service provision. »Using pay-as-you-go technology and data currently collected on energy users to design new ways to provide access to other essential services.
SpaceUp Hackathon
25 Nov - 09:00 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Coders, designers, makers, scientists, citizens, space nuts! Sign up to participate in the SpaceUp Hackathon in Manchester. Compete for awesome prizes including the chance to send your hack into Space. Come and collaborate on your choice of challenge: XploraSat Challenge: Develop hardware for use on the XploraSat platform Destination Discovery Network Challenge: Propose a future Space Mission Get your hackathon advice here on the tips page!
#accelerateCPH /kickoff HACKATHON
25 Nov - 09:00 AM
Frederiksberg, Denmark
Danish techies and entrepreneurs! Do you have awesome ideas for sustainability solutions? Come and sign up for the #accelerateCPH programme run by the E.ON Agile Accelerator. Bring your project to the event and showcase how it can help address the world's energy and sustainability challenges. Collaborate with the best minds in the sustainability segment and compete to win prizes and maybe seed capital.
AEC Hackathon 3.12 - Seattle
18 Nov - 06:00 PM
Seattle, United States
AEC professionals in the Seattle area—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, and built environment professionals! You're invited to participate in the AEC Hackathon 3.12 - Seattle. At this three-day Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector event, you will get to network and collaborate with your peers in the AEC community. You'll be challenged to create cutting-edge solutions that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Collaborate and compete to win prizes in one or more of the following categories: Best Overall Project Best Project that Solves a Big AEC Problem Best Digital Cities Project Best Hack from a Past Event You'll find useful info at this hackathon tips page!
Hackathon Objets Connectés de L’Usine Digitale - Saison 2
17 Nov - 06:30 PM
Paris, France
Developers, designers, students, engineers, "makers", ergonomists, apprentices, marketers! Interested in manufacturing and the Internet of Things? Come and collaborate in the Digital Factory Hackathon! You'll compete in one of four teams of six participants to build a connected object prototype that expands or transforms a service, a product, or an ecosystem.
Hackathon: Campus Total Energy Usage And Building Control
17 Nov - 04:30 PM
Chicago, United States
Hackers! Interested in conserving energy? Come and participate in the Campus Total Energy Usage And Building Control Hackathon. Come and help improve University of Chicago campus energy usage and increase energy efficiency. You'll select from a series of challenges and compete to identify features in campus data or propose new designs for tools that could be developed to improve understanding of campus energy usage and increase energy efficiency.
PowerUp Houston Hackathon 2016
12 Nov - 10:00 AM
Houston, United States
Houston Inventors is proud to present the PowerUp Houston Hackathon this year at the Mini Maker Faire. The theme will be sustainability to further our efforts as a society in conserving energy and water. Both hardware and software projects are allowed, and the venue will provide access to Rapid Prototyping equipment like 3D printers. Participation is limited to highschool and college students only.
Hackathon Sendi - Challenge 4: Solutions for Smart Cities and Facilities
04 Nov - 07:00 PM
Pinhais, Brazil
Hackathon Sendi will consist of 4 simultaneous challenges. Registration should be made to only one of the challenges, In the event of double registration, the organization will eliminate surplus registrations without consultation prior. The focus of Challenge 4 is build an app or program that will improve cohesiveness of city structure or facilities or improves how infrastructure does its job in some way.