Showing results 1 to 10 out of 94
22 Dec - 01:00 AM
Tunis, Tunisia
3000 TND
This hackathon aims to develop web and / or mobile applications based on the hundreds of Tunisian government datasets available in open data formats, many of them have been generated by the Onshor initiative.
The Deloitte Garage Online Challenges
10 Dec - 08:00 AM
A 2-month online challenge inviting developers, data scientists, marketers, designers, startups and idea generators to team up from December 10, 2018, to February 16, 2019, to develop new smart solutions for The Future of Mobility or Energy.
Each challenge has a prize pool worth 7,500.
The winning team from each industry challenge will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to present their prototype at the grand opening of Deloitte’s new Innovative Center, The Garage, in Amsterdam!
06 Dec - 06:00 PM
Nancy, France
1ère édition d'un hackathon dédié au BTP
Jeudi 6 décembre et Vendredi 7 décembre 2018
Lieu : L'Autre Canal, Nancy
Rejoignez le hackathon de BTP 54 ! Construisons ensemble la Ville de demain!
Seul ? En équipe ? Étudiant ? Startup ? Chacun peut participer !
Ingénieurs, architectes, designers, et développeurs, vous avez carte blanche pour imaginer la gestion du chantier de demain !
RESSOURCES 4.0 : Comment optimiser les différentes ressources sur un chantier ?
Gestion du temps
Gestion des Ressources Humaines
Gestion des matériaux
Un page projet qui explique la solution + un pitch finale de 3 minutes avec demo pour présenter le projet au jury. (Vous aurez un workshop de création du prototype digitale)
Que vous soyez en activité ou étudiant, rejoignez-nous ! Nous recherchons des designers, ingénieurs, startups, architectes ou étudiants !
2 prix pour récompenser les meilleurs projets
Prix étudiant : 2500€
Prix Startup : 2500€
Faisabilité technique
Plus d'informations :
#BtpLab #Nancy #BTP #immobilier #Innovation #chantiers #ressources #hackathon #Votreplaceestici #Placeanancy
The Future of Transport in Melbourne Hackathon
23 Nov - 05:30 PM
Carlton, Australia
Transportation and clean energy hackers -- students, entrepreneurs, designers, engineers, professionals -- in and around Melbourne! EnergyLab invites you to participate in The Future of Transport in Melbourne Hackathon. Come with a team, or join one at the event! You'll be challenged to identify a transport-focused clean energy startup idea and to brainstorm, develop and demonstrate an innovative new business concept. Present your project to a panel of expert judges for the chance to win recognition and an awesome prize.
Kreathon Krefeld
23 Nov - 04:00 PM
Krefeld, Germany
Die SWK Stadtwerke Krefeld und die Hochschule Niederrhein laden euch Computer-Freaks, Webdesigner, Programmierer & Co. ein, vier Challenges zu lösen. Gemeinsam habt ihr dafür 24 Stunden Zeit.
SmartCountry Hacks (Hackathon)
20 Nov - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Public-minded business people, designers, coders, and citizens in Germany! If you are passionate about applying smart city concepts to every municipality and city in the country, then Hackerstolz invites you to participate in the SmartCountry Hacks (Hackathon) at the Smart Country Convention in Berlin. You'll be challenged to design a prototype that delivers digital citizen services to enable a more sustainable and social life in towns, cities, and municipalities.
The American Association of Blacks in Energy HACKATHON
16 Nov - 05:00 PM
New York, United States
People of color -- professionals, business leaders, academics, students, and policymakers -- in the energy sector. You're invited to The American Association of Blacks in Energy Hackathon. You'll be challenged to work on discrete challenges related to energy issues and their impact on communities of color.
ReThink Mobility
16 Nov - 02:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Cash prizes worth € 2.000
Hackers and mobility enthusiasts in and around Berlin! The TU Berlin and the Frank Hirschvogel Foundation invite you to participate in the "Rethink Mobility" hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that addresses mobility in Berlin 2050. You'll take part in a guided design sprint to develop a sustainable product or service prototype for the mobility of the future. The winning prototype can win up to 2000 € prize money!
IV edición Hack2Progress - 16/17 noviembre Santander "La energía de las nubes"
16 Nov - 09:28 AM
Santander, Spain
Hack2Progress es un evento organizado por CIC en el que colaboran la Universidad de Cantabria y el Ayuntamiento de Santander. Consiste en un hackathon en el que pueden participar estudiantes universitarios, de FP, desarrolladores, diseñadores…
Próximamente anunciaremos las novedades para esta IV Edición de Hack2Progress. Visita la web y regístrate
V-HACK- The Code Of Development
14 Nov - 03:48 AM
Ahmedabad, India
The V-Hack (24-hour Hackathon) is an event where a select group of applicants will be given 24 hours to develop an innovative technology that should be useful and affordable to the common world and thus can help in development.
V-HACK is will be hosted in Ahmedabad (Venue yet to be announced)and will allow you to bring your ideas into the real world.