Showing results 11 to 20 out of 94
BlueArk Challenge
09 Nov - 11:00 AM
Bagnes, Switzerland
9 and 10 November in Valais. An all-inclusive days, registration is free and up to CHF 25'000 prize money to be won! We're looking for nerds, developers, designers, engineers and innovative minds. Join us for this unique experience where you can test your ideas and abilities!
07 Nov - 05:30 PM
Chicago, United States
Building simulation professionals in the Chicago area! You're invited to participate in the Future Weather Hackathon sponsored by the Chicago Chapter of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (CHIBPSA). You'll get to network with your peers and then take part in an interactive session analyzing future weather datasets, assessing their impact on building performance, and developing creative energy resiliency strategies for a changing climate.
04 Nov - 08:45 AM
Bengaluru, India
Our event will be held at APR Tower 1 Clubhouse , Deverabisnahalli, Bangalore 560103. Date : 18th November Participants must choose a theme while registering from our website. All work should be done at home. Participants get 1 hour for finishing touches at venue and 15 mins per team for presentation. Exciting cash prizes to be won.
Sustainable Sustainability Startathon - Shanghai
02 Nov - 10:13 PM
Shanghai, China
Incubation Programme
Sustainable Sustainability is a 2 day 2 night Startathon held in Shanghai to empower and nurture entrepreneurs, makers and innovators to solve real-world problems and kick-start their journey into the community of innovative and sustainable businesses.
VersionBETA Hackathon by MANIT BHOPAL
02 Nov - 05:00 AM
Bhopal, India
Prizes worth 14.85 Lakhs(including AMAZON ECHO, GOOGLE HOME MINI, EXT. HARD DISK, TRANSFORMER KEYBOARD and MOUSE, coupons and goodies from biggies like MOZILLA, JETBRAINS, CODING BLOCKS and many more) are up for grabs for the ideal pragmatist through our hackathon. All of this, for free. Your registrations, food and stay are on us. You just have to come and bag the prizes and certificates from CodingBlocks, Hackerearth, Mozilla and Facebook Developer Circles.
The Future of Transport in Melbourne: Congestion
01 Nov - 05:30 PM
Carlton, Australia
Transportation and clean energy hackers in and around Melbourne! You're invited to attend the third in EnergyLab's three-part event series on The Future of Transport in Melbourne. This event on Congestion -- will go into the major challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and how startups can contribute to tackling the persistent problem of Melbourne's congestion. Following this event, you'll be able to sign up to participate in an EnergyLab hackathon with the goal to generate transportation-focused clean energy startups.
HallowHacks 2018
27 Oct - 08:32 AM
Vancouver, Canada
"How to use technology for creating awareness and for financing sustainable energy initiatives?" This is a valuable opportunity to take your skills to the next level by taking on the role of coder, designer, marketer, or sustainability professional. The vision is to create a product that educates users in the field of sustainable energy, and has the capability to raise funds toward a related cause. The goal is educating and advocating for environmental sustainability.
Smart Rurality Hackathon - CSLabs - UNamur
26 Oct - 05:30 PM
Namur, Belgium
Le thème Smart Rurality n’a pas été choisi au hasar. Cette problématique cruciale, tout particulièrement en Wallonie, est pourtant d’actualité à l’heure où l’on se focalise sur le développement durable, la mobilité en milieu rural et les autres sujets liés à l’écologie… Notre objectif est de provoquer chez les étudiants une réflexion sur l’intégration des TIC dans le domaine du développement rural et, ainsi, susciter des idées innovantes.
26 Oct - 01:12 PM
London, United Kingdom
Community managers, members of working spaces, creatives, UX/UI designers, and developers in the UK! Launch22 invites you to participate in Hack4Communities. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like-minded freelancers, entrepreneurs, and developers on improving community experiences.
Social & Solidarity Economy Hackathon
20 Oct - 11:00 PM
Reggio Emilia, Italy
La community di sviluppo dell’applicativo open source “iGruppi” chiama developers, hackers, UX e Web designers a contribuire allo sviluppo della propria piattaforma già in uso tra i Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale. Attraverso il codice si creerà un contesto di “innovazione aperta” dove il mondo digitale possa intrecciarsi a quello del consumo critico e consapevole e di una rete territoriale di organizzazioni e aziende, per far nascere sinergie e nuove possibilità.