Showing results 51 to 60 out of 94
AngelHack Washington D.C. Hackathon 2018
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Washington, United States
Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in and around Washington, D.C.! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Washington D.C. Hackathon 2018. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. This year’s theme is Seamless Technology. You're not limited! Build an app that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community -- you might win the Code For A Cause Impact Award. Or accept IBM's Call for Code challenge to improve logistics based on traffic and weather activity. Other challenges are sponsored by Amazon Web Services, Fitbit, Consensys, and Interview Cake. The AngelHack Grand Prize will be awarded to the project that is innovative without limits and brings positive change to the world. Enhance your AngelHack hackathon experience with advice from our tips page!
Clean Energy Hack
06 Jul - 05:30 PM
Chippendale, Australia
Clean energy enthusiasts in and around Sydney! EnergyLab invites you to participate in the Clean Energy Hack. Come as a member of a team, or join one at the event! You'll have 24 hours to come up with an innovative solution that helps to facilitate the uptake of clean energy in Australia. You'll be able to choose to address one of two challenges -- in either case, you can look at households or commercial customers. The challenges are Helping customers make better energy decisions, and How to entice the next wave of solar users -- beyond subsidies and early adopters.
Unearthed Brisbane Info Session
05 Jul - 05:00 PM
Fortitude Valley, Australia
Software developers, data scientists, mechanical engineers, UI/UX designers, geologists, entrepreneurs, and industry insiders in the resources sector! If you're intending to participate in the 54-hour Unearthed Brisbane 2018 Hackathon, then you should plan to attend this information session. In the hackathon, you'll be challenged to work with actual industry data to solve real-world challenges faced by the global resources sector. Come and collaborate and compete for your share of an awesome prize pool and subsequent product development opportunities. <Our expert advice page> gives you insights on hackathon participation!
Le biopropane dans les systèmes énergétiques durables de l'habitat rural de demain
05 Jul - 08:30 AM
Nantes, France
Vous êtes étudiant ? Sensible aux enjeux du développement durable ? Passionné par la transition énergétique et les logements bas carbone ? Que vous soyez ingénieur, designer, hacker ou maker, venez imaginer avec des experts de l'énergie et de la construction des solutions pour développer l'usage du biopropane dans les habitats isolés de demain à haute performance environnementale. De nombreux chèques cadeaux à gagner Inscriptions et informations : , 07 72 36 70 28
30 Jun - 04:51 PM
Bangkok, Thailand
THE ENERGiST by EPPO คือโครงการเฟ้นหาคนพลังงานรุ่นใหม่ ภายใต้กรอบแนวคิด “Bottom Up Policy” เปิดกว้างความคิดและนวัตกรรม กับนโยบายพลังงานยุคใหม่ ครั้งแรก ! ที่หน่วยงานนโยบายภาครัฐ เปิดโอกาสและพื้นที่ให้ประชาชนเข้าร่วมระดมสมอง เฟ้นหาไอเดียเพื่อเสนอแนะประกอบการจัดทำนโยบายหรือมาตรการด้านพลังงานใหม่ ๆ ที่สอดดล้องกับบริบทของสังคมยุคใหม่ผ่านกิจกรรม “Hackathon" พร้อมร่วมกันพัฒนาไอเดียเหล่านั้นกับนักวิชาการด้านพลังงานของประเทศ สมัครได้เลยที่ :
Innovation for Sustainable Development
19 Jun - 05:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Hackers in the UK! HackerEarth invites you to participate in the Innovation for Sustainable Development hackathon. You'll be asked to create an innovative solution that addresses one of three challenge areas: Accessible, affordable and sustainable power for everyone, Efficient water systems or practices that drive sustainable water usage, or Critical environmental problems.
AEC Hackathon 5.1 - Dallas
15 Jun - 06:00 PM
Dallas, United States
AEC professionals in and around Dallas, Texas — developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! You're invited to take part in the AEC Hackathon 5.1 - Dallas. At this three-day weekend event for the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector, you will be challenged to create cutting-edge solutions that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Search the tips pagefor answers to your hackathon questions!
12 Jun - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Hackers, designers, start-ups! TechXRL8 invites you to participate in HACKXRL8 -- a hack in the City during London Tech Week. Come and showcase your skills and creativity! You'll be challenged to design and build an app, a prototype or a smart, connected solution around one of the HackXLR8 themes: IoT, Smart Mobility, and GreenTech. Come collaborate, network, and compete for awesome prizes--as well as the chance to showcase your project on TechXLR8’s main stage!
Green Futures Hackathon
09 Jun - 09:25 AM
San Francisco, United States
Join Capgemini and our sponsors for the 2018 Green Futures Hackathon – an event where motivated teams of professionals will seek to use technology to help businesses tackle some of the most pressing sustainability challenges of our time. Register now and take your first step towards making an impact! Register here:
Mogadishu Watt Information Session 1
07 Jun - 02:00 PM
Mogadishu, Somalia
Somali software developers, energy experts, data analysis experts, product developers and designers, and finance or project management ninjas! Are you an innovator aged between 18 and 35? Do you have an idea to improve the access to clean, sustainable and affordable energy to residents of Mogadishu? Then Irise Hub invites you to attend the first information session about the Mogadishu Watt hackathon. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to design an innovative smart energy solution that helps: Deliver affordable, reliable and sustainable energy through new sources, Use innovative business models to improve access to clean energy, Use creative financing models to increase access to clean energy, Reduce energy wastage across the value chain, Save cost for producers, distributors or consumers of energy. Come with a team, or join one at the information session prior to the hackathon. Visit our tips pageto prepare for your Mogadishu Watt hackathon experience!