Showing results 1 to 10 out of 73
18 Dec - 09:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Hubraum and Deutsche Telekom are on a mission to become a frontrunner in Network Sustainability and will offer the winner of their latest initiative ‘Sustainability in 5G award’ to join them in their journey.
Who can join?
You must have existing - or are currently working on projects focused on 5G network sustainability to submit them for a chance to win cash prizes.
All top 3 winners will pitch the solution at MWC 2020 and receive the award of ‘Sustainability in 5G’ ON STAGE! + create a paid Proof of Concept together with Deutsche Telekom - and potentially launch it on Telekom’s infrastructure!
+ 50K (25k, 15k, 10k) to the top 3 projects
Winners will be invited to MWC 2020 where they will pitch on stage and receive the award.
Winners will get unique access to Deutsche Telekom networks, platforms, data & knowledge to create a paid proof-of-concept together with Deutsche Telekom to continue the development of their projects.
National Hackathon
16 Dec - 01:19 AM
Dahmi Kalan, India
Cash- INR 1,00,000
This National Hackathon will invite the young brains across the country who will attempt to solve proposed problems like: Solution for water management, agriculture, rural livelihood, healthcare, water technology, environment technology, road safety, smart city innovations etc. This will inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem solving, where in participants must build a prototype / deploy applications/ hardware on a problem statement.
E-Mobility Hackathon München
07 Dec - 08:30 AM
München, Germany
Der 1. Münchner E-Mobility Hackathon richtet sich an Studenten und Young Professionals aus allen Bereichen. Egal ob du Hacker, Hustler oder Designer bist: Gestalte die elektrische Mobilität der Zukunft, arbeite an eigenen Ideen oder an den Problemstellungen unserer Hackathon-Partner.
Man kann alleine teilnehmen oder gleich als Team.Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Für das leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt.
Wann: Samstag, 07.12.2019 ab 08.30h
Wo: E-Mobility Hub, Landsberger Str. 318a, 80687 München (Office von ChargeX, Emmi & Nextmove)
Digital Sky Challenge at Athens International Airport
02 Dec - 01:00 PM
Athens, Greece
Great opportunity to participate in a 48h non-stop Digital Sky Challenge organised by ACI EUROPE and SESAR both taking place from 2 to 4 December in Athens, kindly hosted by Athens International Airport.
6+ Ideen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft - #InnovateforClimate
29 Nov - 03:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Students, doctoral candidates and young professionals in and around Berlin! If you believe that a sustainable energy world is possible, then you're invited to participate in the Future Energies Hackathon 2019 in Berlin. You'll be challenged to collaborate to develop interdisciplinary ideas and solutions for successful climate protection.
BCIT & UVIC App Inventor Hackathon
16 Nov - 03:04 PM
Victoria, Canada
Students from BCIT and University of Victoriawill come face off in teams to create a web application to tackle climate change. Applications will be judged by numerous judges and be ranked. There are several prizes to be won. Students travelling from Metro Vancouver with valid student IDswill be provided with Hotel rooms in a local Hotel. This is a great oppurtunity as a student to add to your resume and expand your skills in design and development.
The event will be held on November 16th 2019 from 8 pm to the building next to the Victoria Convention Center.
YYC Hacks App Development Hackathon
16 Nov - 09:00 AM
Calgary, Canada
At this 2-day event students from grades 9-12, will get to learn how to use MIT App Inventor and then put this knowledge to usein small groups tocreate an app to solve any problem they see fit. Unlike other Hackathons, on the morning of the first day, there will be a Bootcamp for all of the students, both experienced and not, on how to use MIT App Inventor, after which they will be set free to work in their groups. On the second day, students will finish creating their apps, which they will then present to a panel of judges from the app development and other science fields. There will be prizes for the winning teams.
NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! All student grades 9-12 welcome to participate!
USI HACKATHON 2019 // Making Data Alive
15 Nov - 06:00 PM
Lugano, Switzerland
CodeLounge, the center for software research & development of theSoftware Institute, is pleased to announce the USI Hackathon 2019, which will take place in the USI Aula Magnafrom Friday (Nov 15) to Sunday (Nov 17).
The USI Hackathon represents a first experiment in Lugano of an open data approach to share city-related data, in particular regarding city mobility flows. To this aim, a number of datasets concerning the city of Lugano and, in particular, its mobility, will be given to the participants. The City of Lugano will provide real data through theLugano Living Labinitiative.
The goal of the USI Hackathon 2019 is to find interesting facts and trends in the data (data analysis track) and to leverage the data to build prototypes useful for citizens and tourists (coding track). In the coding track the teams with the best tool or prototype will be awarded, whereas in the data analysis track is all about producing the best data analysis. More details as well as examples of prototypes and analysis can be found in theFAQ.
Moreover, there will be a“Mini-Hackathon”, a special competition for kids and their families, will take place on Saturday (November 16) with an award ceremony at the end of the day.
Zero Carbon Hack
15 Nov - 06:00 PM
Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France
LafargeHolcim is on a mission to discover the most sustainable use of concrete at theZero Carbon Hackthis November in Lyon.
The challenge:Minimize the embodied carbon footprintof a reference building via design levers.
Technology experts (from various fields) are invited to join this 48-hour hackathon to collaborate and produce building solutions that can:
Reduce the embodied carbon footprint of the reference building
Provide smart use of concrete
Pave the way for innovative designs
Why join the Zero Carbon Hack? This is an international event where you can meet other passionate practitioners to take on the challenge and collaborate with international experts.
First place prize: a 6 months collaboration with LH to further develop your project + 5000€/team!
Date: 15-17 November
Location: LafargeHolcim Innovation Center - 95 Rue du Montmurier, 38070 Saint-Quentin Fallavier (30min from Lyon)
A contribution to participants' travel expenses will be offered by LH
Register and get all the info on theofficial website.
Kreathon 2019 – Solve the Problem
15 Nov - 02:00 PM
Krefeld, Germany
Die Stadtwerke Krefeld AG und die Hochschule Niederrhein laden euch Computer-Freaks, Webdesigner, Programmierer & Co. wieder nach Krefeld ein. Zusammen mit dem diesjähirgen Kooperationspartner Canon haben wir 6 Challenges für euch gesammelt. Neben einem Preisgeld von insgesamt 6.000 Euro warten 24 Stunden Spaß, Teamwork und Kreativität auf euch. Außerdem dürft ihr euch wieder auf feinstes Catering und ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm freuen. Unsere Challenge-Paten und Professoren der Hochschule stehen die gesamte Zeit mit Rat, Tat und Infos zur Seite. Übrigens besteht in unserem Maker-Space vor Ort die Möglichkeit Platinen herzustellen, zu bestücken, zu verdrahten und zu löten. Zur Verfügung stehen die Mini-Computer Arduino und Raspberry Pi mit passendem Sensorik-Auswahlkoffer. Auch 3D-Drucker sind benutzbar (Format *.stl).
Die Teilnahme ist für jeden möglich, egal ob Schülerinnen und Schüler, Studentinnen und Studenten, Mitarbeitende von Unternehmen und auch Privatpersonen und Interessierte jeden Alters, die Ihre Kreativität einbringen wollen. Teilnehmende unter 18 benötigen die Erlaubnis eines Erziehungsberechtigten.
Worauf wartet ihr? Jetzt schon einmal auf unserer Webseite für die Anmeldung vorregistrieren!