Showing results 11 to 20 out of 73
Hackathon online Youth 4 Good
15 Nov - 12:00 PM
Participa en el Hackathon social de la Fundación Vodafone y resuelve un reto en 48h para hacer tu ciudad más sostenible Consiste en un breve curso decinco micro módulosen el que encontrarás lecturas, gráficos y vídeos,y en el que te guiaremos para conseguir madurar tu idea y encontrar unasolución al reto propuesto. Aunque la inscripción es individual, puedes realizarlo en grupo.
15 Nov - 12:00 PM
Nitte, India
Cash Prize: 12,500 + Trophy
HACKATHONis one of the events of ETTIN which is planned, organized and managed entirely by the students under the guidance of the faculty. HACKATHON is designed to generate innovative ideas in creating a better world. Rules: Two make a team Duration of the event is18 hours Event is open to students who are interested in technology, coding and development Teams should register before 12th November (11:59 pm) Participants should get the laptops, with dongle Participants should have a valid college ID For Registration: Scan the QR code Or Click on the below link: Contact Information: Rahul J: 9483820365 Shashidhar: 9945561164 For more information:
Electromobility meets Industry 4.0
15 Nov - 11:00 AM
Marktheidenfeld, Germany
Cash - 250€
Six teams - one challenge: Together in teams you will work on different modules for resolving one big challenge. The common goal: an automated loading of an electric car at a charging station and the automated loading and unloading of a truck through a service station. We are looking forward to your ideas! Please register here: Any questions? Contact
BlueArk Challenge
15 Nov - 10:55 AM
Bagnes, Switzerland
15 and 16 November in Valais. An all-inclusive weekend, registration is free and up to CHF 25'000 prize money and ski pass to be won!
Miami Newsjam: Make Newsgames in a Day
08 Nov - 05:00 PM
Coral Gables, United States
The Newsjam is anopportunity to rally community around games for reporting, playful infographics, data driven play, persuasive gamesand anything that's about helping improve the news through game design. Work and play with other game designers, programmers and artists to inspire the spirit of political activism and news reporting into games. This year, there will a Newsjam inWashington, DCand one inMiami,Florida. You can participate at either, but not both, locations. The Newsjam is an event sponsored by theKnight Foundationand theAmerican University Game Laband theUniversity of Miami School of Communication. In its second year, it is a 24 hour game jam with a very specific focus - the intersection of news, games. and community. It’s an opportunity to experiment with games as a way ofconnecting people with the news,empowering citizen reportersorre-envisioning the way we learn about the world around us.
Seaquam Hackathon 2019
02 Nov - 10:00 AM
Delta, Canada
Seaquam Secondary's first ever held hackathon will bring high-school students from all over British Columbia to solve a problem regarding climate change. You can go soloor create a team ofup to 5 people. You and your team members shouldbe currently in highschool. Participants will present an idea or a working model through code or some other form oftechnology to the respected judges. The winner will be decided by experienced computer teachers. There is a grand prize of 200$ for the winning team or the winning person. Also, there is a limit of 50 people for the competition so do not waste time and sign up!!!There will be a $5 addimission fee per personwhich will be donated to school resources and charities.
.BLD() Hackathon cpagemini
01 Nov - 05:00 PM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Automating data analysis to detect criminals faster. Or reducing the energy consumption of a house by utilizing its data? These are a few of the real-life questions our clients are struggling with. Together with your team you will come up with ideal and impactful solutions, and all this just within within 24 hours. The challenges During the Hackathon you will be working with Capgemini colleagues and external participants in more than 25 teams on different real-life challenges. After 24 hours of hard work, the winning team will take home a fantastic prize. You will be judged based on teamwork, the impressiveness of the solution, creativity and to what extent the solution is realistic. The prize? We will keep that a secret. But what we know for sure, is that you as a professional could certainly use it! This is what the Hackathon will look like On Friday November 1st at 5 pm the Hackathon will start. Of course, you will not just be working on your challenge, but there will also be all sorts of activities you can partake in. You can spar with our experts on Design Thinking. You can get help with presenting your pitch. Need a powernap? No problem. There are plenty of spots to have a quick snooze. Need a place to work in peace and quiet? Also not a problem. We have various spaces available where you can focus. On Saturday morning we will wake you with a Haka workshop, and during the 24 hours of the Hackathon feel free to enjoy a multitude of (healthy) snacks, drinks, a BBQ and of course lots of fun. What else could you want? Where & When Friday November 1st, 5:00 pm untill Saturday November 2nd 10:00 pm Location: De Utrechtse Stadsvrijheid, Utrecht
SmarTone Hackathon 2019
27 Oct - 04:34 PM
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hong Kong is entering the 5G era! For the third year, the SmarTone Hackathon is back on 26th & 27th October! This year, the hackathon will take on 5G and Smart City. SmarTone Hackathon 2019 is a competition for new possibilities and is now open for new ideas on creating future 5G services and Smart City developments! During the hackathon weekend, you and your team - which you can create online before the event or on the day of - will have the opportunity to tackle one of the key themes in “5G and Smart City”: i) Smart Living, ii) Smart Transportation, iii) Smart Shopping and iv) Smart IoT. Winning Teams will have the chance to receive prizes worth over $120,000, including latest gadgets, investment opportunity in SHKP Group, internship opportunities at SHKP, fast track interview opportunities to Cyberport’s entrepreneurship programmes, and more! REGISTER today to secure your spot for the SmarTone Hackathon!
Space Apps MKE
19 Oct - 10:00 AM
Milwaukee, United States
Developers, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, astronomers, and space enthusiasts in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin! Jet Constellations invites you to participate in Space Apps MKE—a 48-hour global weekend hackathon focused on space exploration. Join the contest to design and build a prototype solution to one of the following space challenges: 1UP for NASA Earth Down these Green Streets Spot That Fire V2.0 The Art Side of the Moon Trash Cleanup Rising Water Up, Up, and Away! The Trans-Neptunian Spaceway Visit the expert hackathon advice page for practical advice on Space Apps MKE participation!
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019
18 Oct - 06:00 PM
New York, United States
Trip to NASA Kennedy Space Center
Scientists, artists, techies, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, astronomers, and space enthusiasts in and around the Big Apple! SpaceApps NYC invites you to participate in the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019. At this 48-hour global weekend hackathon, you'll be challenged to address challenges in Earth science and space exploration. Two winning teams from each location will be nominated for global judging. Your team will create a short video project demo and present it to a jury of NASA experts for the chance to win a trip to NASA's Kennedy Space Center for a rocket launch! The expert tips page provides practical advice on hackathon participation!