Showing results 31 to 40 out of 73
Oxford Global Hackathon Toronto - Sign up now!
14 Sep - 08:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
How can you challenge the status quo, innovate and optimize the design, documentation, or construction phases of the building development process? Oxford Properties is a global real estate owner, investor, developer and property management company. As a group passionate about innovation in construction, architecture and building design, they are inviting 500 of the best minds to gather in 4cities around the world to develop solutions for some of the most pressing challenges in the sector today. The global construction industry is projected to exceed $15.5 trillion by 2030. With that massive scale comes a massive opportunity to innovate, and Oxford Properties challenges you to help transform the way we plan, design and construct buildings.
Hackathon Hubs as a service
13 Sep - 05:30 PM
Paris, France
Ce hackathon porte l'ambition de contribuer à la transformation du territoire Grand Paris Seine & Oise en faisant émerger des solutions concrètes de mobilité et de service pour les citoyens, les entreprises, les collectivités et les associations du territoire. Autour de trois grands défis : 01/Imaginer des places de marché capables de dynamiser la filière alimentaire locale 02/Faire des hubs un levier de création d'activitéslocales 03/ Mesurer l'impact des hubs sur la mobilité et le développement économique
Love Food Hack Waste
06 Sep - 06:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
BCG Digital Ventures is all about sustainability. Love Food, Hack Waste is a 48-hour hackathon aiming to harness digital technologies to help reduce the amount of food waste in restaurants, supermarkets, homes, etc. All tech-focused visionaries, young and seasoned professionals alike, are invited to participate.
Energy Hack 19
06 Sep - 11:43 AM
Melbourne, Australia
Whether you have an energy innovation, seeds of a start-up or are looking to learn new skills and grow your network, EnergyHack 19 will support a diverse community of entrepreneurs determined to harness the consumer and technology revolution in energy. Starting in early September, teams will work over five weeks with industry mentors - covering energy technology, modelling, data management, finance, marketing, and strategy - to develop the most viable project. With $35,000 in prize money to be won, now is the time to test out your energy innovation or create a team with the talent to be the next big energy start-up.
03 Sep - 11:23 PM
Chatarpura at Lalya Ka Bas, India
Build-A-Thon is a JK lakshmipat university premier event launched with a mission to discover the innovations which can challenge various social issues around the world to make this world a better place to live
Fathers Day Cake in Nepal
28 Aug - 07:37 PM
Kathmandu, Nepal
Free Cake
The Sons and Daughter at any edge of the world would now be able to send Father's day cake to Nepal to their dad with yourkoseli. Send father's day cake from Australia, America or some other corner of the cake to Nepal with us at the best cost. Pick your favored Father's day cake, make your installment on the web and let us know your message for your dad. We are here to enable you to observe Father's day and we will assist you with expressing your adoration to your father with our uncommon redid father's day cakes. If you are in Nepal you can directly order cakes online.
Pertamina Energy Hackathon 2.0
24 Aug - 11:05 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Pertamina Energy Hackathon adalah acara hackathon tahunan yang diadakan bagi para developer Indonesia berbakat yang tertarik untuk memecahkan permasalahan dalam industri energi melalui teknologi ICT terbaru. Pertamina Energy Hackathon 2.0 menantang para developer Indonesia untuk memecahkan permasalahan di industri energi dalam negeri.
MoveUp Festival
11 Jul - 05:00 PM
Dour, Belgium
Accelerate your startup and raise €100K by creating a synergy between culture and sustainable development 🌍 Prize pool 🏆 A one-month acceleration program with Digital Attraxion and their partners, whereafter they will showcase its solution during the Live Experimentation, on Aug 22-25 at the Cabaret Vert Festival. Who can join this program? 🤝 We’re eager to connect with various entrepreneurs; all you need is an MVP! (and a motivated team, including a dev to attend the bootcamp)
08 Jul - 04:00 PM
Montréal, Canada
Venez hacker avec nous pour une cause sociale; hebergé par Environnement et Changement Climatique Canada, est un hackathon consacré à la démonstration de le pouvoir des données scientifiques de la Terre et propose de nouvelles application lutter contre le changement climatique. Jusqu'à 10 000 $ de prix à gagner! C'est possible de participer virtuellement! Il y aura des beaucoup d'opportunités pour réseautage, l'idéation, à l'innovation et le hacking! Beaucoup de café et nourriture sera servie!
08 Jul - 03:09 PM
Montréal, Canada
Come hack your hearts away for social impact; hosted by Environment and Climate Change Canada, is a hackathon showcasing the power of earth-science data and finding new applications/solutions to fight climate change. There are up to $10,000 in prizes to be won! Data, climate, programming and weather enthusiasts can also participate virtually from anywhere in Canada. There will be tons of opportunities for networking, ideating, mentoring and obviously hacking! There will also be food & coffee!