Showing results 11 to 20 out of 48
IdeaHack! 2020
09 Oct - 06:00 PM
2000€ + 3 months Mentorship with Dragos Nedelcu
IdeaHack! wants to connect Tech and Business. We think that the combination of these 2 disciplines leads to synergies that enhance groups to come up with better ideas and better implementation of them. The event is organized by the student club "BusinessMeetsTech" from WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management - a competitive business school based in Germany. This year's topic will be announced soon.
International Space Apps Challenge 2020 Germany (Göttingen)
03 Oct - 09:00 AM
German coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, and technologists in and around Göttingen! You're invited to participate in the International Space Apps Challenge 2020 Germany (Göttingen). You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration. Due to Covid-19, this event will be virtual! This year's theme is "Take Action" — and challenges will involve coding, storytelling, creativity, data, science, engineering, technology, and more! You can select one of the following challenges: Observe, Inform, Sustain, or Create. Maximize your International Space Apps Challenge experience with help from the tips page!
Environmental Impact Challenge - Perth
02 Oct - 09:00 AM
Perth, Australia
Young Aussies — ages 10-21 years! Are you passionate about the environment? Young Change Agents invite you to participate in the Perth edition of the Environmental Impact Challenge. You'll be challenged to develop an awesome solution that helps create a better future! Select from the following four challenges that focus on encouraging people to produce and consume resources more responsibly: Food waste and/or overconsumption Greenhouse gas emissions from food production Better use of water resources Energy efficiency and renewable energy Present your project for the chance to win one of three prizes for each category of 10-15 years and 16-21 years old. Click to the tips page for advice on hackathon participation!
Considition 2020 - sustainable city development
01 Oct - 12:01 AM
Considition is back! This time in collaboration with Riksbyggen - one of Sweden's biggest property companies who create attractive and sustainable housing for everyone. This year's challenge is all about developing the smartest sustainable cities for our future - using smart algorithms. Enter this year’s challenge today and compete on October 8th!
HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2020
18 Sep - 05:00 PM
Singapore, Singapore
HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2020 aims to challenge innovators from all walks of life to come together and develop technology-enabled solutions that encourage smart and sustainable living in HDB estates. This year, we are bringing HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2020 online, so you can participate from the comfort of your home to create solutions for "Myself", "My House" & "My Neighbourhood". 💬 What is HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2020 Solve the challenges you face in your daily lives in 52 hours! Team up with smart, passionate individuals to brainstorm, validate your ideas and create innovative solutions that might be adopted by renowned partners! Start off by ideating and building your strategic team by Friday evening, get down to business on Saturday, and pitch your ideas to the crowd and panel of experts on Sunday. Selected teams from the HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2020 will be shortlisted to move on to the 4-week Pre-Accelerator programme. The Pre-Accelerator is designed to help teams from the HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2020 build their business models, validate and implement their solutions, find product-market fit, and bring their ideas to life with guidance and mentoring from global leaders and partners. 💡 Why Join HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2020 Come together with like-minded people that are enthusiastic about creating solutions for our urban environment. Have a say in designing the way we live in the future. Take this opportunity to validate the idea that you have been thinking of, chat with mentors to gather feedback and pick up the right tools and resources to bring your idea to life! Take the first step towards becoming a founder and register for HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2020 today!
Girlscript IDEATHON
17 Aug - 12:00 AM
The time is tough, the time is to think. The time is to shape your ideas into reality. We all are busy in check listing our goals, we all are into growing. We GS Alwar is coming up with an online Ideathon series with the hidden layers of phases or rounds that need to be completed to win the badge of successful completion of this event. This Pandemic will be used effectively to brainstorm, ideate, visualize, and pitch your to-be product. The best part is it is somewhere unique with no coding involvement is at fore-front. Excited! Yayy, so all we want you to take your seats FCFS for an effective journey of ideation to bring your curiosity into reality. We all are waiting for you, bring along your teammates to win this race to development. Important Points: 📌 The form must be filled by team lead only. 📌A team can have at most 3 members. 📌You can work in any domain. All domains are welcomed.
Hack in the Woods 2020
25 Jun - 06:00 PM
Tournai, Belgium
Developers, makers, designers or just plain techies! If you want to improve the world, Microsoft Innovation Center invites you to participate in the next edition of Hack in the Woods. At this eco-responsible event at Domaine De Graux in the Tournai region of Belgium, you'll pitch your tent right in the heart of nature. Then as a member of a team, you'll have four days to design and prototype an innovative solution to a challenge posed by a partner humanitarian organisation such as Handicap International, or Good Planet.
AI to Save the Planet (2020)
12 Jun - 02:00 PM
We are currently facing a pandemic. But as long as we work together we can face any challenge 🚀. It's amazing to see how the world can come together so quickly in times of crisis. We believe that we can achieve a similar reaction 💪 to an equally dangerous, although even less visible, crisis: climate change.. That's why on the 12th of June 2020 we, FruitPunch AI, will organise AI to Save the Planet (ASAP) Online, an online event, so we can join arms despite these difficult times. In the fight against climate change, resources are scarce. We believe artificial intelligence to be the best force-multiplier. We also believe in self-sustaining projects. ASAP Online is a competition 🏆 for the best sustainable business case that tackles climate change with AI. We like to call it the Heroes track: we will guide you through the process during the competition. We will match you with other bright minds to form a team, we’ll have guided online brainstorming sessions and experts available on call! At the end everyone will pitch and our expert jury will decide on the winner. We’ve given the competition an exciting twist with our new ‘Cards Against Climate Change’. Pick a card, make your match and create the best solution! Curious to learn more about how this works? Go to to find out! The event is freely accessible to everyone, worldwide 🌍!
05 Jun - 04:00 PM
In our co-creative and socialMAKERTHON OWL: OPEN.PUBLIC.PLACES from 5-7 June 2020, we (4 institutions from science, economy, policy making and society) will invite creative minds from all generations and backgrounds to design and prototype innovative ideas for streets and squares, churches and museums, parks and playgrounds in times of Corona - and beyond. For the first time, we will experiment with a hybrid event format, uniting hands-on experimentation with online-meetings. A strong focus will be on inviting female makers to be part of the innovation process, and to encourage artistic or musical interventions as well as technological solutions. The MAKERTHON OWL is located in a rather rural area - involving two larger university towns plus several smaller villages and neighborhoods. We will reflect and share the outcomes of this process to see whether this model of participation, and the involvement of the "maker" spirit in urban innovation processes, will increase innovation in regions - in Europe and across the world. What are the problems you aim to help solve with this project?: In times of social distancing, people across the world still want to use streets and squares, parks and other open spaces to meet and cherish urban vibes and enjoy collective experiences. With our MAKERTHON OPEN.PUBLIC.PLACES we aim to "conquer" public spaces in cities and villages while infusing the "Maker Spirit" into local innovation processes. We will invite people from different genders and areas - universities, innovators, startups, citizens, artists, musucians, families, designers, policy makers, to think abour their urban environments and come up with new ideas on how to use them. We will encourage all participants to use LEGO, playmobil, playdow and other gamestorming materials to illustrate their ideas during the MAKERTHON.
Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge
30 May - 08:00 AM
On May 30-31, NASA, along with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), is inviting coders, entrepreneurs, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, artists, and technologists to participate in a virtual hackathon. During a period of 48 hours, participants from around the world will create virtual teams and use Earth observation data to develop solutions to issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Challenges will range from studying the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and its spread to the impact the disease is having on the Earth system. The challenges will focus on the following thematic areas: Learning about the virus and its spread using space-based data Local response/change and solutions Impacts of COVID-19 on the Earth system/Earth system response Economic opportunity, impact, and recovery during and following COVID-19