Showing results 21 to 30 out of 48
Hackathon Renov'Action
25 May - 06:00 PM
Le MTES et le MCTRCT s’attaquent à la rénovation énergétique, une des problématiques les plus importantes de la transition écologique, en organisant le hackathon digital #RenovAction. Du 11 au 22 juin 2020, celui-ci s’effectuera sous le patronage de Madame Emmanuelle Wargon, secrétaire d’État auprès de la Ministre de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire.
L’événement a pour but de rassembler un grand nombre de participants en plusieurs équipes pluridisciplinaires (ingénieurs, designers, commerciaux…). Chacune d’elles s’efforcera d’imaginer, de développer et de présenter sa propre solution innovante en réponse à un des cinq défis proposés.
AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow!
11 May - 02:30 PM
After the success of the 2019 edition, AWS Hackdays is back in 2020 with an exciting new challenge! Introducing AWS Hackdays: Build Tomorrow!, an online hackathon made for builders like you who are eager to accelerate South-East Asian digitalization.
This year, take on the challenge to shape the future of South-East Asia’s digitalization by bringing new solutions around today’s industry challenges from your home: sustainability, learning & development, automation, and security.
Using Amazon Web Services, showcase a prototype pushing your abilities in either serverless, machine learning, IoT, databases, web applications or mobile development.
Three stages of AWS Hackdays 2020:
1. Application Phase (24 April 2020 - June/July) *Date depending on country location*
a. Create/join a team of 2 to 4 members
b. Submit your solution online
2. Online Demo Day
The top 5 teams from each Country locationwill be selected for the Online Demo Day in July *Date depending on country location*
The winning team will be invited to participate in the Final Online Hackathon
3. Final Hackathon - Online Hackathon (4 - 10 August 2020)
The Final Online Hackathon will consist of the 6 other winning teams of AWS Hackdays Online Demo Days
Compete for the Grand Prize:20, 000 USD
Are you ready? Form a team with your friends, peers, colleagues or join a team online!
We cannot wait to have you onboard to #BuildOnAWS !
Click here to participate:
Green SPS Challenge
28 Apr - 01:00 PM
Eurovia is Europe’s leading specialist in the mobility service industry with expertise in roads, motorways, railways, airports, tram lines. Among their top priorities is a longstanding commitment to environmental excellence, supporting eco-friendly development, and it is this dedication that has inspired this exciting online challenge: the Green SPS Challenge!
The event is made up of two tracks:
Ideation Track: This track is designed for individuals with great ideas, unique perspectives, and innovative concepts. You have a great idea? Submit it!
Startup Track: This track is for corporate teams and organizations with formal experience. You have a solution, product or service ready, or almost ready for deployment? Submit your concept here!
Prize pool:
Ideation Track:1st 5000€, 2nd 2500€, 3rd 1500€
Startup Track: 1st Paid Project with Eurovia, 2nd+3rd will pitch at next Leonard (Vinci) startup program batch
Climate Hack 2020: Hack From Home
18 Apr - 09:00 AM
Hi! If you're looking to participate, please register via this form:
Climate Hack 2020 is a hackathon hosted by Starfish focused on addressing key climate change issues and presenting relevant solutions.
About this Event
“Very few people on earth ever get to say: "I am doing, right now, the most important thing I could possibly be doing." If you join this fight that's what you'll get to say.”
― Bill McKibben
Our times may be uncertain, but one thing remains true - there’s a simple power in people coming together. That’s why KindSF and Starfish are launching Climate Hack 2020: Hack From Home.
Attendees can participate from anywhere in the world, connecting with likeminded talent to create inspiring solutions to climate problems.
At Climate Hack 2020, your team will build solutions around helping the environment. We’re targeting developers and builders from all industries with a passion for protecting our ecosystems and creating something impactful. If your looking to participate, please register via this form:
Don’t let lack of technological background stop you! We encourage hackers, non-hackers, designers, investors, entrepreneurs and business folk to get involved. Whatever your angle or interest in climate change is, we want to see what you can do. Saving the world is going to be a team effort!
Challenge Areas:
Challenges are being crafted by industry experts -- nonprofits, scientists, policy workers, and more -- so that the work done this week will directly support people on the front lines of climate change work.
If you have challenge recommendations, we're all ears! Please fill out this form:
Q-Summit Hackathon 2020 | Mannheim
14 Apr - 07:00 AM
Mannheim, Germany
3,000€ cash
You are an imaginative programming genius, data expert or design guru and would like to deepen your skills using a real-life dataset?
Then the Q-Hackathon is the perfect challenge for you!
On April 14th and 15th you will have the chance to immerse yourself in the data universe and develop unique solutions by working together with a motivated on one of our 4 challenges.
In each challenge, 4 teams will compete against each other to create the best product based on the challenge. The winning team of each challenge will then pitch their idea on the mainstage to the whole Q-Summit audience and a professional jury to compete for the overall prize money of €3,000!
Together with this years challenge setters SAP, Getsafe, Microsoft and Flaschenpost we have created the perfect environment for young talents to achieve astonishing results within a motivated team.
Hack@Mi 2020 - CODING THE FUTURE Il primo hackathon per STEM(A) dedicato a un futuro smart e sostenibile
01 Apr - 07:00 AM
Hack@MI 2020 The first hackathon for STEM(A) focused on a smart and sustainable future
Hack@MIwill be the first hackathon for students, graduates and professionalsSTEM(A)[STEM + Art] dedicated to a smart and sustainable future and organized by an Italian city.
As a part of the projectSTEM in the City 2020, the event will take place in April, a month dedicated to STEM(A). The aim of the event, focused on the topics of sustainability and Gender Gap, is to foster the association of STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) with the once developed during humanistic studies.
Due to the Covid-19 Global crisis, we had to change the structure of the event.
Hack@MIwill be composed of 4 online qualification challenges that will determine the final teams that will be competing on the 23th of May in a 24h online race of coding and analysis.
Online Qualification: from 01/04/2020 to 30/04/2020
Online Final: 23/05/2020 - 24h data challenge
Theeventwill be hosted on our platformOpen Data Playground
Postponed Start-up Hackathon 2020 #ihackrlp
27 Mar - 03:00 PM
Ludwigshafen, Germany
Die aktuellen Empfehlungen bzgl. Veranstaltungen gerade auch hier in der Region Ludwigshafen ändern und verschärfen sich täglich, so dass wir uns entschlossen haben, die Veranstaltung vom 27.03.-29.03.2020 im Freischwimmer Ludwigshafen abzusagen.
Mit dieser Maßnahme möchte die Hochschule als Veranstalterin sowie die Kooperationspartner ( LDEW Landesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., Energieversorgung Mittelrhein AG,
Technische Werke Ludwigshafen AG und Wasserversorgung Rheinhessen-Pfalz GmbH) gewährleisten,dass alle Beteiligten und ihre Angehörigen geschützt werden.
Es fällt uns sehr schwer diesen Schritt zu tun, da wir uns schon sehr auf Euch alle gefreut haben und wir ein super Wochenende miteinander erlebt hätten, bei dem bestimmt, die ein oder andere „brilliante“ (Gründungs-) Idee entstanden wäre.
Zusammen mit unseren Kooperationsunternehmen und Förderern werden wir
in den nächsten Wochen das weitere Vorgehen besprechen und Euch frühestmöglich über einen Ersatztermin informieren.
27 Mar - 01:21 PM
Jodhpur, India
Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology is organising RECKON 3.0 - A 36-hour Hackathon' from 27th-29th March 2020, aimed for students to express their true potential and bring their innovative ideas to life. We strongly believe in the ideology of innovation and the spirit to shape a thriving future society. For the past two years, 800+ participants registered their idea from various parts of India and 300+ students were shortlisted to attend RECKON. We were able to collaborate with 20+ startups and tech giants.
The theme this year is“Growth Product”which aims at providing market-fit solutions. We are expecting participants across the country who will work overnight to provide sustainable solutions for the problem statements provided by our collaborators, over a wide range of subjects. So, we expect you to provide some problem statements, that could be solved in the hackfest and provide you with the best implementable solutions.
Since your company believes that modernization and technology go hand in hand for the ease of system and betterment of society.So standing with this ideology, I request you to kindly extend your benign support to discuss a chance ofcollaboration or sponsorshipandmake this event more impactful.
Continuing the legacy this year, we are expecting 500+ techies. So far we have received collaborations from organizations like CodeChef, JetBrains, IncubateIND, RedBull, etc.
24 Mar - 02:00 PM
Vellore, India
Technica is a 36-hour hackathon conducted by ISTE-VIT. Innovation, as they say, is the backbone of technology. Technica ensures that its participants are pushed to their limits and inspired to come up with exciting solutions to real-world problems. The hack is aimed at cultivating a technical temper among the student community and promoting healthy competition among peers. It is one of a kind opportunity for participants to develop their technical skills and kickstart their journey to becoming pioneers in their field.
Energy Efficiency Hackathon 2020 #eehack2020
22 Mar - 03:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Are you passionate about Germany's energy transformation -- the EnergieWende? Come and participate in the Energy Efficiency Hackathon 2020 #eehack2020. Create a new sustainable solution to fight climate change! You'll get to collaborate in an interdisciplinary team and tackle one of four challenges:
#1) Fight Climate Change Today by Creating the Carbon Neutral Office Building of Tomorrow | powered by Danfoss
#2) Create Innovative Corporate E-Mobility Services to Drive Zero Carbon Transition in Transportation | powered by ENGIE
#3) Make a Factory Hyper Energy Efficient with the Power of Your Smartphone | powered by KSB
#4) Make the Industry 2°-ready | powered by MVV Enamic
#eehack2020 is free for students! You’re a student and not from Berlin? Just send your CV to to win a great travel pack to #eehack2020!
The working language is English.