Showing results 121 to 130 out of 305
Get Digitl Hackathon
20 Aug - 09:00 AM
Shoreditch, United Kingdom
Makers, hackers, coders and enthusiasts come participate in the Get Digitl Hackathon at Google's London Campus. Compete in a software based competition to develop the best project. You don't have to be a coder! The competition is aimed at more competent coders, but even if you've never coded before, feel free to come along, learn, join in and meet new people! Everyone will be put in teams on the day. Bring your own computer, tablet or computing device of your choice! You can compete with something as small as a Raspberry Pi!!
Future Living Hackathon
13 Aug - 10:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This hackathon is hosted by Space10 - IKEA's future-living innovation lab and will take place at the Binary Futures studio space. The aim of this event is to question and find solutions for the future of co-living and co-working. Connecting spaces, communicating objects, and developing smart materials to change the future technological landscape. The challeng topics are: "Flex Citizenship" - A world with people constantly on the move "Immortal Water" - A world with water shortages "The Flow" - A world with decentralised economy This event is open to all students, designers, developers, technologists, academics, IoT startups, and innovators. So don't miss out!
Hack Human by Startup Institute
13 Aug - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
People are always evolving, learning, and adapting. In the 21st century, new technologies force us to change more quickly and dramatically than ever before. Is technology advancing humanity or is it making us lazy? Startup Institute is hosting the HackHuman Hackathon to challenge you to build and pitch a product/service that uses technology in order to advance the way we live, work, or play. Not a coder? Not a problem! This event is open to educators and human services professionals, business minds, artists, students, technologists, and more.
impactNPO Charity Hackathon weekend - August 2016
12 Aug - 06:00 PM
Auckland, New Zealand
Come and participate in the mpactNPO Charity Hackathon weekend! Collaborate to give back to the community by providing IT solutions to the following charities: Amnesty International, Make Live Give, Rainbow Youth, and Lifewise. Just bring an open mind, a smile and your own computer/laptop. Don’t forget your phone, chargers or any other gadgets that you rely on.
YY Quest Hackathon: Agriculture urbaine/Urban Agriculture
12 Aug - 06:00 PM
Montreal, Canada
Developers, students, designers, business people, gardeners! Love innovation? Love your city? Want to bring innovation to Montréal? Gestion Immobilière Quo Vadis (Montréal, Canada) and YY Goshti (Dhaka, Bangladesh) are bringing Montréal's first ever simultaneous HACKATHON, a completely unique event that will take place in synch and in coordination with an identical event in Bangladesh! Come and hack the concept of URBAN AGRICULTURE - build and put into action sustainable concepts and practices and innovative city development.
Barcampnfp London August 2016
12 Aug - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Do you think you can do social good with technology? Great! Then sign up for Barcamp Non-Profits -- the unconference designed for anyone interested or involved in non-profit or technology work. Attendees are anyone working in a non-profit who is interested in technology -- or anyone working in digital technology who is interested in non-profits: developers, designers, strategists etc. You'll come together and learn from -- and network with -- like-mided people. An unconference is an open, workshop-style event where the content is provided by the participants. This is the 5th London event, previous topics covered have included; social impact measurement, open source tech, open data, social media, digital tools swapshop, running a hackathon for a cause, and more.
Hacking Health Clínica #1 - Ribeirão Preto
11 Aug - 06:00 PM
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
The Hacking Health Clinic # 1 - Ribeirao Preto will be a workshop to bring people together to work in groups and develop ideas using the concept of Design Thinking. Rodrigo Caldeira Courses will teach the workshop, showing techniques he learned during his experiences as an entrepreneur. Come on in, network with fellow participants, and learn more about the union of the areas of business, technology and health!
Creation Marathon || Marathon de création || Maratón de creación
10 Aug - 01:00 PM
Montréal, Canada
Interested in the concept of an Unconditional Basic Income? Come participate in the Creathon on Basic Income. This hackathon-style event will be held over two and a half days, with creative people from different backgrounds: artists, activists, programmers, etc., who share an interest in basic income. Participate to discuss how a UBI might simplify the functions of the government, and provide each Quebecer with a life of dignity and the capacity to pursue their ambitions.
Oldham Youth Hack
10 Aug - 10:00 AM
Oldham, United Kingdom
Come and code with your friends - or learn to code and make friends. Digital companies will set challenges and offer prizes for the best hack. This doesn't just mean the best code - its about working well as a team, being willing to learn, showing all kinds of skills. This is a fun event where the aim is to work together, learn and produce something cool. If you've not done a hack before, no worries - there'll be friendly mentors on hand to help you out. You just need to bring a laptop and some enthusiasm and be ready to work with other people.
The Landing Youth Hack
10 Aug - 10:00 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Come and code with your friends - or learn to code and make friends. Digital companies will set challenges and offer prizes for the best hack. This doesn't just mean the best code - its about working well as a team, being willing to learn, showing all kinds of skills. This is a fun event where the aim is to work together, learn and produce something cool. If you've not done a hack before, no worries - there'll be friendly mentors on hand to help you out. You just need to bring a laptop and some enthusiasm and be ready to work with other people.