Showing results 131 to 140 out of 305
Big Data & Hadoop Certification Training| Work on Industry Based Projects
06 Aug - 07:00 AM
Bengaluru, India
Sign up for Big Data & Hadoop certification training. You'll get live instructor training and hands-on experience on industry specific projects. This course is designed to guarantee project experience and hands-on practical knowledge of working with Hadoop. You can select from the following projects to work on:
→Data Analysis on Medicare Data (Healthcare Sector)
→Perform Call-Drop Analysis (Telecom Sector)
→Identifying Mortgage Defaulters (Finance Sector)
→Real-Time Twitter Data Acquisition (Product Development/Marketing Sector).
2016 National Urban League TechConnect / Hackathon for Social Justice
05 Aug - 08:00 AM
Baltimore, United States
Developers, designers, students, civic leaders and creative thinkers! Sign up for the National Urban League's Hackathon for Social Justice at TechConnect. Collaborate to create solutions to Save Our Cities and compete for cash prizes! Your app/software solution will be implemented by the National Urban League to enhance civic engagement, voting, education pipeline, housing, health, justice and job creation in urban communities.
Miss-Tech 2016
31 Jul - 07:00 PM
Kathmandu, Nepal
Miss-Tech 2016::Sparkle with Water” encourages the participation of girls/women with software skills, with hardware skills, and with programming skills. We all know the importance of water in our life. There is an increasing awareness that freshwater resources are limited and need to be protected in terms of both quantity and quality. This event encourages women techies to create water projects and hardware startups for bringing technology to life. The goal of the event is to create an android application which will control a hardware mechanism for solving water pollution and water-related issues in Nepal.
Hackathon Presentation Night
31 Jul - 07:00 PM
Subiaco, Australia
VGen -- World Vision Australia's youth movement -- invites you to Hackathon Presentation Night. Watch while the hackathon teams pitch their creative solutions to child labour to the panel of judges. Support them and find out more about World Vision Youth and how VGen's youth advocates are changing the world by taking action on issues of global poverty and injustice.
EXPO' 16 “Soaring Together Through Strategic Partnerships”
31 Jul - 11:30 AM
Rancho Mirage, United States
American Indian youth! Come participate in the entrepreneurial hackathon competition @ the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California's EXPO '16.
Fair Food Policy Writeshop
30 Jul - 09:30 AM
Brunswick, Australia
Join Fair Food Challenge in drafting a Fair Food Policy for Australian Universities. University food policies are common in Britain, Canada and America yet there are few in Australian institutions. Food policies cover accessibility to healthy and affordable food, procurement, research, access to spaces to grow, cook, eat and share food, organic waste management and more. They are an opportunity to create joined-up policy and break down the silos that limit collaboration in institutional environments.
Startup Weekend Busan
29 Jul - 07:00 PM
Busan, Korea, Republic of
Developers, designers, and marketers! Pull together your teams, come to Startup Weekend Busan and turn amazing ideas into beautiful web and mobile applications. In this hackathon, you must build an application that solves a specific problem for people who are living, working, or traveling in South Korea.
29 Jul - 06:00 PM
Ciudad de México, Mexico
Participate in the Telcel Hackathon Infinitum. Collaborate in teams to develop an app that helps solve social problems (eg education, entrepreneurship, health, public participation and transparency, etc.). Each team will have 40 hours to develop their app and 3 minutes to present their solution!
Shelter Scotland Product Forge Hackathon
29 Jul - 06:00 PM
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Coders, designers, and housing professionals! Step up to help Shelter Scotland solve Scotland’s housing crisis. Participate in the Shelter Scotland Product Forge Hackathon for a weekend of brainstorming and collaboration to devise digital solutions that help address the real world problems for people facing homelessness and bad housing. During this weekend-long hackathon, teams will be asked to come up with creative solutions to make it easier for first-time buyers, low income renters, senior citizens or anyone needing help meeting their housing needs. Teams will present their solutions to a judging panel of local tech leaders, entrepreneurs and housing professionals.
VGen Hack-a-thon
29 Jul - 06:00 PM
West Perth, Australia
Passionate about finding solutions to help end poverty and injustice? Sign up to participate in the VGen Hack-a-thon -- an event where small teams get together and create ideas to help tackle pressing world issues. Teams have a day to come up with an idea for the issue that will be given to them. The winner of the Hack-a-thon will receive mentoring from World Vision to help develop their idea further!