Showing results 141 to 150 out of 305
Women Who Code Hackathon: Atlanta
29 Jul - 08:30 AM
Atlanta, United States
Women who code! Come and showcase your skills at WWCode Hackathon Atlanta. Participate with over 100 other engineers, designers, and mentors. Collaborate to create tech solutions that support inclusion, while driving innovation.
Iscrizione aperte Hackathon inclusivo - Premio Cuore Digitale 2°edizione
29 Jul - 12:00 AM
Roma, Italy
Come and hack for the benefit of the disabled at Premio Cuore Digitale. This is a 48-hour solidarity marathon with the focus on digital inclusion. Bring all your creativity and expertise to develop a prototype that improves the quality of life for people who are visually impaired.
TALLERTÓN: Banco de tiempo para reconstruir Dolores
27 Jul - 06:30 PM
Montevideo, Uruguay
People, technology and resilience in the service of a cause. Come and provide ideas that will help the families in Dolores recover from the tornado. Dolores today is experiencing a situation where homeless families have the building materials, but not the manpower to rebuild more than 1500 houses. Come and collaborate to help develop a Time Bank prototype exchange that will match of rebuilding services with individual needs. The prototype will match labor and materials to aid in the reconstruction of homes affected by the disaster.
HHOttawa Huddle
27 Jul - 06:00 PM
Ottawa, Canada
Passionate about innovation in healthcare? Plan to be part of the huddle to work on real problems that were identified with the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario's (CHEO) healthcare practitioners! The HHOttawa Huddle is designed to start creating ideas and working on specific problems in healthcare that need immediate attention. This will be a precursor to the 2017 Hackathon -- so participants can hit the ground running.
Lean UX e Projetos com Causas Sociais
25 Jul - 06:30 PM
São Paulo, Brazil
Come and participate in an event to assist vulnerable populations on the streets. All participants are asked to bring blankets, coats, shirts and pants for donation. Participants will investigate the social phenomenon called homelessness, trying to understand the root causes of the phenomenon and discuss some actions to address the problem.
HackIT @ Camp Volta (Hackathon)
22 Jul - 06:00 PM
Halifax, Canada
Are you in the dev/design/tech/startup community in Halifax, NS? Get ready to hack at Volta! Camp! Make something awesome for one of the three participating Volta companies: The Rounds, PACTA or Zora. You'll compete for one of three cash prizes -- minimum $800 each! Each participating company will provide a clear explanation at the beginning of the hackathon of the problem/idea/feature that they want fixed/built. Guidelines for what qualifies as a winning idea will also be provided. Judges from each of the three participating companies will evaluate the competing hacks and ultimately pick a winner for each.
T-Hub Hackathon - Chance to get Incubated in Israel!
22 Jul - 12:00 PM
Hyderabad, India
Innovators, entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, designers, engineers, programmers and business professionals! Sign up for the 3-day India-Israel Med4Dev Hackathon in up to four locations (Tel Aviv, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Mumbai). You'll be working with your peers to develop innovative ideas and prototype solutions (hardware and software) to address healthcare challenges of low and lower-middle income communities in India.
Auto-liderazgo, organización personal y una pizca de suerte
18 Jul - 07:00 PM
Ciudad de México, Mexico
Trapped in a bubble? Head down, working day and night? Discover the best strategies for working better for yourself, your team and your customers. Sign-up for a 90-minute workshop about self leadership, personal organization and the magic that happens when you come out of yourself.
NewAge Hackathon 2.0
16 Jul - 11:00 AM
Singapore River, Singapore
The NewAge Hackathon 2.0 is a 24-hour competition open to all youths aged between 13 and 25, for both experienced coders and beginners. Attendees will be invited to design apps which will tackle particular social problems in Singapore. The theme of the NewAge Hackathon 2.0 is “Mental Wellbeing for all Ages”. Beginners are also invited to the workshops MIT App Designer prior to the hackathon event itself.
16 Jul - 08:50 AM
Noida, India
Front-end and Back-end Programmers, Mobile Application Developers, Tech Geeks, Hackers and Crack Coders! Sign up for GEEKCOMBAT -- a 2-Day hackathon organized by TO THE NEW Digital. Each team has to engineer a solution that supports the idea of SMARTER India. It can be a mobile app, a web app, a standalone desktop app, or even an IOT based solution. The aim is to provide a tool that has the potential to change the future and make India ‘Smarter’.