Showing results 161 to 170 out of 305
07 Jul - 05:30 PM
Orlando, United States
Calling all programmers, innovators, creators, designers, artists, scholars, leaders, and change makers! Your creativity and passion is required to develop innovative solutions to end homelessness. The winner will receive $100 to implement their project.
Design Workshop Hackathon - Hacking Health / Pierre Fabre
05 Jul - 05:00 PM
Castres, France
This design workshop is a collaborative and multidisciplinary design event led by design professionals to bring out innovations. Join a team or propose your ideas, then guided by designers let your imagination soar to find the most suitable solution to the problem posed. The theme of this event is acne, inviting all health professionals, patients, engineers, designers, entrepreneurs, people from marketing and communications, in short anyone who feels involved in this health case. You will get a rich experience, encounters and learning opportunities. The prizes for the best 3 teams will include tools to help the project to come true with: 5 days of support by teams of Pierre Fabre, 2 days of support by teams of Pierre Fabre, and free tickets to the team for the next Hacking Health Camp in March 2017.
NSCC Hackathon - Networking and Info session
01 Jul - 07:00 PM
Singapore River, Singapore
National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore invites you to take part in a one-of-a-kind Hackathon where participants can take advantage of one of the most powerful supercomputers in Southeast Asia. As part of the build up, NSCC will be hosting a networking session open to anyone interested in joining the hackathon. This session will provide information about the hackathon and will be an opportunity for you to form your ideal team.
Technology Ventures Conference 2016
25 Jun - 08:00 AM
Cambridge, United Kingdom
This is a huge event inviting over 300 inventors, investors, researchers, and entrepreneurs to innovate our way to a cleaner, healthier, more efficient future. Together you will aim to reimagining waste as a resource, advance science, develop new technologies, and create novel market opportunities. Waste and resource topics will be covered by looking at biotech, medicine, materials, AI, fin-tech, and consumer goods. This conference is not to be missed! A series of innovative programs culminating the brightest minds in the world, all in one day. The event will include the UK’s first Bio-Hackathon, the 2nd annual Sustainable Futures Challenge finale, and a sustainable technology start-up exhibition. There will be local and international media coverage from Bloomberg, WIRED, BBC and more!
Hack the Brain 2016 - health
24 Jun - 09:30 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This is a three-day hackathon to hack into our brains with ideas on health, care and quality of life. Attendees will be working with different EEG-type techniques to measure, visualize and interpret their own brain activity. Learn what you can do with brainwaves, measure happiness, health, love, and influence the brain to improve our quality of life. There will also be keynotes and discussions with experts alongside the actual hackathon. The event will end with public pitches and reflection of the teams.
Hackathon : le numérique pour l'Autonomie
22 Jun - 09:00 AM
Châtillon, France
Interested in how technology can help people with disabilities or seniors? Participate in this hackathon for digital service autonomy: disability, home care, old age. Participants can be students, employees, freelance, entrepreneurs, independent professionals, researchers or those seeking employment, particularly in the field of IT, design, marketing, digital usages.
The goal of the hackathon is to design and build a prototype product or digital service and present the user experience for people with disabilities or seniors under two themes: the live well and age well.
MIT App Inventor Summit 2016
22 Jun - 09:00 AM
Cambridge, United States
The MIT App Inventor Summit 2016 is annually organized by the MIT Center for Mobile Learning and the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). The event will include workshops, DIY, and hackathons for learning new skills and creating apps. The Summit will be organized into tracks. Two tracks identified thus far are Education and Health/Medicine. A diverse range of individuals, including: research scientists; educators from formal and informal settings; NGO staff members; computer scientists; representatives from industry; entrepreneurs; and others are all welcome to attend this exciting 3 days. Get the opportunity to share current work, form new collaborations, and stay abreast of the latest developments within the MIT App Inventor community. The theme of this Summit is MAKE!
Tech & Data Workshop - HDB Cool Ideas Hack
21 Jun - 06:30 PM
Singapore, Singapore
If you're planning on participating in the HDB Cool Ideas Hack, then this workshop is for you. At the Tech & Data Workshop by IBM Bluemix, you will get introduced to the Bluemix Platform and learn neat ways to create an amazing cloud-based solution. You'll be introduced to the technologies, platforms, and datasets that will be available to you at the HDB Cool Ideas Hack.
UrbanFoodTech Hackathon
18 Jun - 08:00 AM
Atlanta, United States
Techies and urban farming nuts! Come and collaborate in an innovation event targeting new opportunities around urban food systems -- with the goal of creating projects that will directly benefit urban farmers and the urban food system in Atlanta, GA. The UrbanFoodTech Hackathon is targeting innovation in these technical areas:
--> Mobile: Designing new mobile interfaces that simplify tasks, present data, consume APIs, and facilitate communication for urban farming practioners, their customers and community easily using standards compliant HTML, CSS, Javascript and UI/UX principles and tools such as Bootstrap, Angular, and React, etc.
--> Data: Communicate complex information clearly and efficiently to the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community, helping them analyze and reason about data using open source tools such as D3, SVG, Open Street Map, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, R, etc
--> APIs: Creation and Utilization of new and existing RESTful web application programming interfaces that create value for the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community utilizing professional practices and API development tools like Swagger, Kong, Apiary, and Postman.
--> Hardware: Creating open source hardware solutions, utilizing micro controllers,the internet of things (IoT), sensors, and drones, that collect data, exchange information, automate urban farming operations, and inform the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community in real time.
Electric Sky 2016: An Art and Tech Campathon
16 Jun - 10:00 AM
Skykomish, United States
The Electric Sky is a cross between an artists' retreat and a hackathon where you'll spend several days in the woods, on the river, in an outdoor creativity lab, making stuff combining art and tech. This event aims to bring together artists, technologists, designers, hackers, makers and friends to collaboratively engage with the environment in new and exciting ways.