Showing results 211 to 220 out of 305
DataMission - UN World Food Programme Hackathon
14 May - 09:30 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
DataMission and the World Food Programme (WFP) are partnering up for a hackathon that will help in the fight against hunger. This event invites all data scientist, developers, non-profit organisations, experts in the hunger issues, marketers, and anyone who is willing to join their skills for a good cause! The topics covered at the hackathon include: Data analysis for developing more detailed and higher quality estimates on food security, Data-driven products to build a software, webpage or mobile application to encourage more survey participation, and Data visualization to enable decision making.
Hackathon Smartvillages 2016 - Accès, mobilité & services pour les villages
14 May - 08:00 AM
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
This is a hackathon on creating "Smart Cities" organized by Ecovillage. At this event you will develop new applications and tools for villages. The main theme of this edition is "Access, Mobility & services for the villages". So come participate in this event and be part of the design of the connected world of tomorrow!
Hacking Transportation: @StartupBusSF and @UberDevelopers
13 May - 07:30 PM
San Francisco, United States
Wanted disruptors! If you're an aspiring entrepreneur with an idea that could disrupt the status quo--and make our lives better--then sign up for Hacking Transportation: @StartupBusSF and @UberDevelopers. StartupBus is an annual competition that challenges top tier talent to hop on a bus and conceive, build and launch a startup in 72 hours. Starting in San Francisco, participants will compete with fellow travelers on buses from 5 other cities, to see who can create the most innovative business to pitch on stage at Techstars' Boulder Startup Week.
Hack Chiapas 2016
13 May - 05:00 PM
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico
Hack Chiapas 2016 is inviting all students who have ideas to improve the technology of the city of Chiapas and develop their ideas in a 24 hours marathon. The objective for this event are: Hack Chiapas seeks to provide interesting and positive change for the city through creative and innovative projects and ideas. Participants should cover any of these areas: health, public services, farming, and/or tourism. There are no restrictions on languages, frameworks or methodologies and anyone can participate even if they do not know how to code. This event is open to students from areas of systems development, electronics, mechatronics, graphic design, management, programmers or any other related to the idea of ​​creating something for the city's profile.
HackCité - Le Défi des Données Vertes | The Green Data Challenge
13 May - 05:00 PM
Montréal, Canada
Hackcité brings together digital actors, biodiversity and land. Together you will develop useful, concrete and innovative urban biodiversity and living environments. Participate in Hackcité to take on the challenge of green data, create a digital map prototype for Montreal, and win amazing prizes! Expand your skills and creativity in a team with other people from different backgrounds, be part of a unique event in an atmosphere both studious and relaxed, connect with top professionals, and most importantly - help to make the world a better place!
Hacking Health Windsor-Detroit II
13 May - 05:00 PM
Windsor, Canada
Attend a weekend-long cross-border hackathon and help break down barriers to healthcare innovation! Join your IT and healthcare peers from the US & Canada and collaborate to dream up and design people-centric apps that address front-line healthcare problems.
TorVergata Hackathon III
13 May - 05:00 PM
Roma, Italy
The theme of this year's Tor Vergata Hackathon is "Rome 2024". The capital is one of the chosen candidates to host the 2024 olympic games. The aim will be to find services that will enhance the experience for this event and to find solutions for the possible problems that could occur. Participants will need to look at both the experience of the athletes as for the visitor and others involved in the olympic games. Note: this event is reserved for the students of Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
Health App Hackathon
13 May - 08:00 AM
Kampala, Uganda
Marie Stopes Uganda has partnered up with Hostalite Cyber Academy to organize the first ever inter-university hackathon on health, specifically sexual reproductive health. This event will have participants from 12 universities all under one roof coding a program or app concerning health.
Seeds&Chips 2016
11 May - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
This event is an International Summit dedicated to food innovation looking at all aspect of the food process, from farm to fork and where food and technology meet. Hundreds of startups, companies in food and tech investors, thought leaders and policymakers will join on this day to share ideas, projects and experiences. Innovating the food system is not just an opportunity, it is a challenge for the Internet of Food!
11 May - 09:00 AM
Lund, Sweden
This hackathon is inviting all developers, artists, hackars, and designers to gather for an interactive experience on the theme "Building a City for Humans". Come along to take a look towards the future of the human city; a city where technology and art meet, a city built for people with feelings and visions. There will be three tracks that you and your team will be able to choose as challenges: internet, love and mobility. This event is also part of the Art & Tech Skåne Week 2016, which therefore will also be featuring inspiring lectures within the theme.