Showing results 261 to 270 out of 305
#HacktoMaptheGap: The Role of Data in Building Equitable Communities
02 Apr - 12:00 PM
Cambridge, United States
This hackathon is hosted by the GSD African American Student Union who have been working on a research initiative entitled “Map the Gap,” which investigates spatial, socioeconomic, and political inequities in ten U.S. cities. #HacktoMaptheGa will aim to bring together students, practitioners, academics, and community members to further conversations about inequity in the nation’s urban centers. You will gather data and information across four main categories including: housing, education, transit/job access and crime, and discuss the results of the research together. The initiative is rooted in U.S. current events. It analyzes recent police shootings by contextualizing fatal encounters within their built environment. This event hopes to drive constructive conversations around inequity, begin to reframe alternate modes of decision making/ policymaking, and offer a new model for learning and teaching within academia.
UKGovHack 2016
02 Apr - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
UKGovHack is a hackathon and conference running simultaneously, creating an fun environment that is accessible to everyone with an interest in the public sector/civic technology - whether you are a developer, service designer, researcher, UX-er, or are just currious. The event will be offering you a chance to prototype solutions to key public sector issues. The challenges will not be tied to a single agency or department, but instead aim to explore broader and recurring issues in the public sector. The conference stream will be curating a series of lightning talks and workshops present a variety of interesting and insightful content, from entry level access to the public sector and technology, to more complex and developed themes. Running these two together means that you are free to come just for the hackathon, just for the conference or to move between streams to create a personal UKGovHack agenda that is suited to your own skills and interests.
02 Apr - 09:00 AM
Camarillo, United States
SOCIHACKS is a hackathon organized in honor of earth month in collaboration with the Small Business Institute of California State University Channel Islands. This event will provide an interactive hackathon where 100 young girls (ages 9-12) from underserved areas of Ventura County will get to work together in teams to develop websites and videos focused on raising awareness about the environment.
Food{Hacks} Berlin 2016
01 Apr - 07:30 PM
Berlin-Mitte, Germany
A hackathon with food as main theme. Come together with hundreds of developers, designers, and food expert to hack new ideas that will distrupt the current food industry! Food{hacks} is open to everyone, just bring your computer and software tools, the rest will be provided to you!
Culture Shift Cyprus 2016 Speaker Event & Final Presentations
01 Apr - 05:30 PM
Strovolos, Cyprus
The Culture Shift hackathon is organized to help motivate cultural economies across the globe. The model has a proven track record of stimulating innovation in the cultural sector worldwide. This event is similar to a hack weekend; where business ideas are generated and tested over a short period of time by designers, developers, innovators, individuals and groups from the local cultural sector. You will aim to develop a range of ideas and digital prototypes that solve or build on challenges regarding the cultural sector in Cyprus.
Lincoln Initiative Refugee Hackathon
01 Apr - 02:00 PM
Atlanta, United States
Lincoln Initiative Refugee Hackathon wants to leverage the power of technology to refocus the national debate on exponentially improving our refugee system and ensuring this great American tradition continues.  Hacking for the unique needs of refugees after they arrive. Georgia has the right mix of incredibly talented people, refugee success models and southern hospitality - with a small dash of controversy -  that could create a great recipe for empowering local change agents to amplify their impact within the communities they operate.
The Kick-off Session for the San Diego SmartCity Hackathon
29 Mar - 05:30 PM
La Jolla, United States
Come to this hackathon to help make the city of San Diego one of the greenest and most connected cities in the world. Register for this San Diego Smart City Hackathon Kickoff & Info Session, to learn more about the format, specific objectives, challenges, tools and data sets for solving real city problems based on input from multiple city departments. The target is to come up with original creative solutions to difficult city problems, which require wireless sensors and a lot of data. Something, which has not been done before. Come to this info session to take part in this event and learn more about the hackathon!
Hack the Senses - S01E01 Launch
24 Mar - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
This is a hackathon organized to push the limits of human perception by stretching and expanding them through the use of technology and great ideas. This is the first of a series of inspirational events that will explore state-of-the-art thinking about perception and sensory experience. Come along to learn more about the project and to hear some seriously mind-expanding ideas.
Diabetes 2 Hackathon by The Dandelion Project
19 Mar - 12:00 PM
St Peter Port, Guernsey
Come and take part The Dandelion Project together with BBC1's Dr Rangan Chatterjee and Jon Robson from Meta Medicine USA to try and tackle Diabetes 2 in Guernsey within 2 years and to see if together we can solve Guernsey's most expensive healthcare cost! This event is open to everyone!
Baseball Hack Day Chicago
19 Mar - 09:30 AM
Chicago, United States
This is a one-day hackathon for all baseball lovers! Come along to create websites, applications, or data visualizations for casual fans, hardcore fans, players, coaches, analysts, etc. So bring you ideas, creativity, and love for the game. Also, your own laptop and charger, and any other tools and materials you might need to realize your idea!