Showing results 31 to 40 out of 51
Mobile App Hackathon
19 May - 10:00 AM
Bronx, United States
High school and middle school techies in the New York area! Do you have an idea for a mobile app? Great! Then Mentoring in Medicine invites you to participate in the Mobile App Hackathon in the Bronx! Come and showcase your stuff as you learn and build Android mobile apps.
Infusion Hackathon Healthcare
19 May - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Healthtech enthusiasts and techies! IMT Innovation & Roche Products Limited invite you to participate in the ‘Infusion Day’ Hackathon. You'll work in one of six teams to develop an innovative solution to address the challenges faced by patients receiving infusion medicines; from preparing for the infusion day to networking with other patients. The winning team will share the overall prize fund of £5,000. Note: Due to the prize fund, Healthcare Professionals (HCP) or Other Relevant Decision Maker (ORDM) may not participate in the hackathon.
Health-Hack '18 Information Session
14 May - 02:00 PM
Macquarie Park, Australia
Macquarie University students! Are you planning to participate in Health-Hack '18? If so, be sure to sign up for the hackathon Information Session. The theme of the hackathon will be "How can we harness modern technologies to improve the fitness & wellbeing of the Australian population?" Attend the info session and you'll learn more about the challenge, gain insight into how the hackathon works, and meet with other participants before the event.
Innovation Forum Oxford - Paediatric Innovation Hackathon
12 May - 09:00 AM
Oxford, United Kingdom
Academics, clinicians, and entrepreneurs in and around Oxford! If you're interested in paediatric innovation, then Innovation Forum Oxford invites you to participate in the Paediatric Innovation Hackathon. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like-minded individuals to solve real-life paediatric health challenges. This event is organised in collaboration with the charity "Thinking of Oscar" and product design and development consultancy "Triteq".
Demoday VG Hackathon
13 Apr - 11:30 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Healthcare professionals in the Netherlands! Are you interested in how technology can be applied to address pressing problems in the mentally handicapped care sector? You're invited to attend the Demoday for the VG Hackathon. You'll get to see presentations by participating teams of their digital projects that support people with an intellectual disability.
Paediatric Innovation Hackathon & Design Thinking: Innovation Forum Oxford
11 Apr - 12:00 AM
Oxford, United Kingdom
Scientists, problem-solvers, and innovators in and around Oxford! If you're passionate about how technology can be used to advance paediatric health, then you're invited to participate in Innovation Forum Oxford's Paediatric Innovation Hackathon & Design Thinking event. You'll be challenged to apply your creativity to solving identified paediatric health problems.
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hackathon
19 Mar - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Calling all parties interested in solutions to healthcare problems faced by UK hospitals! Techies, developers, designers, data analysts, health innovators, UX architects, data security experts, business analysts, service designers and others -- all are welcome to participate in the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution to critical issues around the use of patients’ data to improve care, as well as the capture of images onto patients’ secure care records and more. Come and collaborate and compete for recognition and £200 prize vouchers.
Pistoia Alliance President's Series Hackathon - "Hack the Lab"
12 Mar - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Life science developers, health & Safety team members, data scientists and lab scientists in the UK! You can come from pharma, agriculture, biotech, healthcare, academia, or tech and related industries that work with laboratories. The Pistoia Alliance invites you to participate in their President's Series Hackathon - "Hack the Lab". In this 2-day event, you'll be challenged to help create the future, smarter, more efficient and safer lab! Collaborate and compete to develop innovative prototypes for the themes of AI, New Technologies, or Health & Safety.
Build a DNA-personalized app! GENOME LINK Hackathon for developer/designer
10 Mar - 10:00 AM
Berkeley, United States
Developers and designers in the Silicon Valley/Bay Area! Are you interested in genomics? Do you want to build a DNA-personalized app? Awakens, Inc. invites you to participate in the GENOME LINK Hackathon. You don't have to be an expert -- beginners are encouraged to sign up. You'll be challenged to design and prototype a DNA-personalized app using the Genome Link API. Pitch your project to the panel of judges for a chance to win from a $10,000 prize pool.
HACKATHON: Hack the Genome - Times Square NYC 2018
24 Feb - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
Life science techies who are interested in genetic data! You're invited to participate in the Hack the Genome - Times Square NYC 2018 hackathon. You'll be challenged to use the Real-Time Personalization® (+RTP) API to add gene-based personalization to your app. Bring an existing app or develop one from scratch at the event -- in either case, you'll provide personalized, real-time insights and guidance to your app user.