Showing results 101 to 110 out of 480
Space Apps 2018, challenge d'innovation : la NASA a besoin de vous !
19 Oct - 07:00 PM
Vaulx-en-Velin, France
Technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, developers, and students in France! NASA has commissioned the NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) to get people around the world to collaborate on its mission directives. If you're interested in space travel, then you are invited to sign up for the Lyon edition. You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration.
Hackathon Future of Work (Programme Humanize Work - Smart City)
19 Oct - 06:00 PM
Paris, France
3 months mentoring + 2-month WeWork coworking space
Humanize Work – Smart City, du 19 au 21 octobre 2018
Réinventons le travail dans la ville de demain !
S’initier aux méthodes entrepreneuriales, concevoir un prototype et délivrer une solution innovante pour transformer le travail dans la Smart City.
Défi d'innovation dans le monde du travail en 50 heures, le hackathon Humanize Work – Smart City réunira une centaine de talents variés venant de toute l’Europe pour penser le travail dans la Ville de demain.Vous aurez l’opportunité de proposer votre idée ou de rejoindre un projet, et former une équipe dotée de compétences diverses et complémentaires pour vivre les débuts d’une grande aventure entrepreneuriale ! Pendant les 50 heures du hackathon Humanize Work – Smart City, les participants seront appelés à concourir dans 3 challenges :
- Collaboration : Permettre plus d’échanges, de transversalité et de transparence afin de créer des opportunités d’apprendre de l’expertise des autres et de s’impliquer ensemble.
- Intelligence : Grâce à l’intelligence artificielle, enrichir le travail quitte à le réinventer en plaçant l’Humain au coeur du travail de demain.
- Smart entreprise : Mettre en oeuvre une logique de développement des personnes, des structures et des outils conformes aux besoins d’évolution progressive.
La remise des prix aura lieu 3 jours plus tard, le mercredi 24 octobre, à la suite d’une journée de conférence enchaînant tables rondes et présentations individuelles par des speakers exceptionnels !Des PRIX D’EXCEPTION pour les équipes gagnantes- 3 mois de mentoring tech et business avec les équipes de Workwell et de Startup Inside, un accès à leurs écosystèmes.- Un accès de 2 mois au nouvel espace de coworking de WeWork du 198 avenue de France pour une équipe.- La possibilité de pitcher au cours de notre conférence du 24 octobre devant une audience composée d’experts du secteur, C-levels, d’investisseurs, de politiques, etc.- Une incubation dans le Living Lab de La Défense pour prototyper et tester son idée.
Quand ? Du vendredi 19 octobre au dimanche 21 octobre.Pour qui ? Startups; Experts du secteurs; profils Tech, Design, et Business; Entrepreneurs et Intrapreneurs; Etudiants et tous les passionné(e)s de l’innovation sociale sont les bienvenus ! Où ? WeWork La Fayette33 rue La Fayette75009 Paris
2018 NASA Space Apps Hackathon - Kitchener-Waterloo Region
19 Oct - 05:30 PM
Kitchener, Canada
2 Winners Progress to Global Final
SkyWatch is proud to announce the return of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge to the Waterloo region, from October 19 - 21, 2018. This year’s hackathon will attract many of Waterloo’s top tech talent – developers, makers, citizen scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs – who will work non-stop for 48 hours to address NASA-designed challenges.
Waterloo joins nearly 200 other cities hosting their own Space Apps Challenges that weekend, for an estimated total of 25,000 global participants, making it the largest hackathon in the Universe. Two winning solutions from the Waterloo challenge will move on to compete with other winners from across the globe, to be judged at NASA headquarters.
More info about Space Apps KW 2018 at
This event is completely free to attend. We are also collecting donations for a local charity: oneROOF, should you choose to.
oneROOF Youth Services is committed to providing for the safety, support and overall well-being of youth who are experiencing homelessness, and youth who are at-risk of homelessness, aged 12-25, in Waterloo Region.
Space belong to all. We welcome all and everyone. Whether you are a coder extraordinaire, a rocket scientist, or simply a student with an affinity for space, you have a place here.
There is no minimum age for participation in Space Apps, and many youth and children have participated in past events. We only note that participants under 13 must have a parent or guardian register for them and attend with them.
Participants will need to register as individuals, not teams. Participants will form project teams at Space Apps events and teams will submit their projects by creating a project page on the day of the hackathon.
Welcome! Participants of all skill levels will be there. We’ll have talks, mentors and workshops to help you with your project; hackathons can be a great place to learn new skills in a short amount of time. Just be eager to learn, and excited to meet lots of awesome people.
Absolutely not, Space Apps projects don't have to be apps. We need people with all types of skills to participate! Teams need project managers, designers, artists, educators, writers - anyone who can help advance the cause. You can contribute! Participants in the event will collaborate to build software, open hardware, data visualization, and citizen science platform solutions that contribute to solving global challenges that focus on improving life on earth. In fact, most teams will benefit from having non-programmers working with them.
Please feel free to email us, message us on Twitter, or join our Slack group.
Hackathon Femmes et Entrepreneuriat
19 Oct - 08:30 AM
PARIS, France
Vous êtes une femme et portez un projet d’entrepreneuriat que vous rêvez de lancer ? Venez le présenter et bénéficier de la puissance de l’intelligence collective pour le développer, le faire évoluer et le concrétiser. Vous serez impressionnée de voir ce que vous serez capable de produire en équipe en une journée seulement grâce aux nouvelles méthodes de travail !
Vous êtes un homme ou une femme, vous n’avez pas d’idée de projet mais souhaitez prendre part à cette belle expérience ? Vous êtes les bienvenues ! Nous avons besoin de vous pour challenger les idées, apporter votre point de vue et faire grandir ces projets.
Si vous n’êtes pas encore familier avec les méthodes agiles, le design thinking ou le lean start-up, c’est justement l’occasion de découvrir ces méthodes de travail déjà adoptées largement par les start-ups pour innover rapidement et développer des offres et services en réelle adéquation avec les besoins de leurs clients !
Cette journée s’annonce riche en rencontres et en partages ! Nous avons hâte de vous retrouver pour cette première escale !
Rendez-vous le 19 octobre à 8h30 : Orange Bonne Nouvelle 3 rue Mazagran 75010 Paris
Prenez place, n’attendez plus, inscrivez-vous vite ici !
Hackathon for mental health
17 Oct - 10:18 AM
Sydney, Australia
We’re looking for people who want to work with a group of peers in an afternoon/evening of fun and collaboration, on a genuine use case to aid mental health. You’ll use your creativity and innovation to develop a submission by the end of the evening, when all entries will be judged and a winner awarded.
Tech It Forward! Hosted by Google
17 Oct - 08:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
All cis women, trans women and non-binary people in and around London! Women Driven Development invites you to participate in the Tech It Forward hackathon. You'll get to work with like-minded people to collaborate, to help support, develop and promote one another in tech.
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018 : Pre-hackathon Workshop
16 Oct - 06:30 PM
Singapore, Singapore
The NASA Space Apps Challenge is one of the largest hackathons in the universe and part of the Open Government Partnership. Coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists, and everyone enthusiastic about curiosity come together over the weekend to address challenges we face on Earth and in space!
To gear up for the Hackathon, join us at the Pre-hackathon Workshop (16 October) where you will to learn more about the Hackathon challenges, be inspired by invited experts and network with people of similar interest.
Don’t forget to sign up for the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018 where you can show us your problem-solving skills and share your talents with the world!
Registration site:
If you have any questions, please send us an email at
The Congressional App Challenge - Appathon
13 Oct - 12:00 PM
Bothell, United States
Winning app displayed in US Capitol Building
High school students in Washington's 1st Congressional District! Sign up for the 2018 Congressional App Challenge - Appathon! You'll participate in a two-day hack to build an awesome software app for your choice of mobile, tablet, or computer. The winning app from each congressional district will be displayed in the US Capitol Building and on Winners are also invited to the #HouseofCode Reception in Washington D.C. and each winner will receive $250 in Amazon Web Services credits!
Genesys Hackathon - TOP PRIZE: Microsoft Surface Go
13 Oct - 11:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Hackers in the Greater Toronto Area! hacker? Are you interested in applying technology to enhance the customer experience? If so, then you're invited to participate in Genesys Hackathon? Sign up in a team of up to three people. You will be notified by email whether you are selected about 3 weeks prior to the event. At that time you will also be provided more information about the Hackathon theme. At the end of the hackathon, present your project to an expert panel for the chance to win the top prize of a Microsoft Surface Go.
#GirlsInAI Global Hackathon - London, UK
13 Oct - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Girls between the ages of 12 and 18 in the Greater London Area! If you are excited by the promise of artificial intelligence (AI), then Teens in AI and Microsoft invite you to participate in the #GirlsInAI Global Hackathon - London, UK.
Celebrate the International Day of a Girl and Ada Lovelace Day by being part of this #GirlsInAI event! You'll get to learn all about AI and develop a diverse set of skills including project management, design, and coding. You will also be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch an AI-based product that addresses a real-world problem.
Be prepared for the #GirlsInAI Global Hackathon with the best hackathon advice from the tips page!