Showing results 251 to 260 out of 280
Hacking Hackathon
07 Feb - 11:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Ever wonder how those nut job hackers are able to hack the servers of companies and governments alike? Come to Ryerson Tech Society's and IEEE's Hackathon in VIC512, where you will learn how to protect yourself from these loons and pick up a trick or two of your own! Hurry and sign up through our Eventbrite link below, spots are limited!No previous hacking experience is required. Only light programming experience is required. All hacking methods will be taught. Please bring your own laptop.
CBC Hackathon: Hyperledger Fabric
07 Feb - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
AEC professionals in the Greater London Area—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! You're invited to take part in the CBC Hackathon: Hyperledger Fabric.
At this 2-day Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector event, you'll get to network and collaborate with your peers in the AEC community. You will be challenged to create cutting-edge blockchain smart contract modules for the construction sector and progress with the Construction Blockchain Consortium's (CBC) open-source project on Smart Procurements for the AEC Industry.
Search the tips pagefor answers to your hackathon questions!
Tech Tarik Sat - Strrrrrreeeeeetch your imagination
02 Feb - 01:00 PM
Singapore, Singapore
Techies in Singapore! Are you planning to participate in HackOMania 2019? Why not find out more about the event? GeeksHacking invites you to attend Tech Tarik Sat - Strrrrrreeeeeetch your imagination -- the exclusive pre-hackathon event for HackOMania. Find out more about the hackathon, interact with the organizers. and learn about the hackathon challenges.
Collaboration Tree Hackathon - Los Angeles
02 Feb - 11:00 AM
Los Angeles, United States
Programmers, designers, and other technically inclined folks! You're invited to participate in the Collaboration Tree Hackathon in Los Angeles. This is your opportunity to collaborate on the open source Collaboration Tree (cTree) demo site. cTree is a collaborative design/innovation web platform. You'll get to network with like-minded techies, help advance the open source project, and build your resume.
What The Hack!
02 Feb - 12:00 AM
Access to aeternity starfleet funding and incubation in April 2019
What The Hack! is an æternity hub Africa Hackathon that is bringing together blockchain developers across the African region to create solutions addressing real life business and social problems.
BE5 Hackdays
01 Feb - 06:00 PM
Garching bei München, Germany
UnternehmerTUM is inviting makers, developers, architects, creators, designers and more to take part in the BE5 Hackdays. Powered by the new innovation and digitization platform BE5, and together with their partners GC Gruppe, KNAUF, Warema, PERI, Schüco and Max Bögl, this hackathon will disrupt and shape the future of the built environment sector.
Hacking Health Café : Innover dans l'expérience patient
31 Jan - 07:30 PM
Strasbourg, France
Lors de cette conférence, découvrez cette nouvelle approche de la relation au patient, un sujet d'innovation passionnant
Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir notre expert : Amah KOUEVI, co-fondateur de l'lnstitut Français de l'Expérience patient.
Qu'est-ce que l'expérience patient ? C'est l’ensemble des interactions d’une organisation de santé avec un patient et ses proches susceptibles d’influencer leur perception tout au long de leur parcours de santé. L’expérience patient ne se limite pas à la relation entre le patient et l’équipe médicale mais concerne aussi les interactions en amont d’une consultation ou d’une hospitalisation tout comme l’organisation du retour au domicile.
L'expérience patient invite à considérer le patient non pas seulement par rapport à la pathologie dont il souffre mais comme une personne à part entière avec sa personnalité, ses préoccupations, ses attentes.
Venez découvrir les initiatives menées par d'autres pays, celles qui sont déjà nées lors des précédents hackathons, et imaginons ensemble comment faire avancer l'expérience patient en France !
Et vous, quelle est votre idée pour faire avancer l'expérience patient ?
Gratuit, inscription indispensable
HackingHR-Atl: Corporate Sustainability -Is it time for Corporate America to Place Humanity Ahead of Profit?
31 Jan - 06:00 PM
Atlanta, United States
HR professionals in and around Atlanta! You're invited to participate in HackingHR-Atl. You'll be challenged to bring and share your ideas on corporate sustainability and whether it's time for Corporate America to place humanity over profit! Come and collaborate with like-minded HR professionals to address this topical issue!
Data Hack 2019
29 Jan - 04:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
MBA and MBSA students throughout Northern California! You're invited to come and showcase your analytics and business skills at the 2nd Annual UC Davis Data Hackathon. You'll be challenged to solve a real-world business problem within 24 hours. Come and network with like-minded students as well as corporate contacts. Collaborate and compete for recognition and cash prizes including a Bronze Strata Conference Pass valued at $1645.
Camunda Hackday – the one about integration
26 Jan - 10:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
The event
Camunda is hosting a one-day hack! Join us on Saturday January 26th, 2019 for an integration challenge on the Camunda engine. Learn how to integrate and orchestrate new systems and technologies in any code, ranging from back-end languages to front-end frameworks and data sources. We’ll keep you fueled with snacks and drinks – all you need to do is integrate.
Participants from all software disciplines and backgrounds are welcome, whether you’re a student or a pro. You can sign up as a team (4-5 people) or join one at the event.
What should I bring?
Your laptop, charger and a fresh mind.
10.00am: Breakfast
10.30am: Welcome session & Introduction to Camunda
11.15pm: Challenge starts
06.30pm: Team presentations & prize-giving
07.30pm: Drinks
Diversity/Code of Conduct:
At Camunda, we provide a respectful and supportive environment. This Hackathon follows the guidelines outlined in our code of conduct -
About Camunda:
Camunda is an open source platform for workflow and decision automation that brings software developers and business users together. The engine is written in Java but you don’t necessarily need to know Java to use it. It can orchestrate code written in Python, .NET, JS – anything and everything that can make a REST call.