Showing results 271 to 280 out of 280
Kronothon 3.0
16 Jan - 07:47 AM
Cash INR 4,00,000
KRONOTHON 3.0 is a challenge designed to inspire the creative and dynamic millennials to put their skills to test, thereby identifying and rewarding the tech & non-tech wizards of the industry. I-code - A two-step Coding Challenge which will bring out your creativity to solve difficult problems and come up with a solution. If you think you love coding, have mastered the languages and have the zeal to prove yourself, this is the place to be! Come, try your luck and take away the rewards. I-ideate - A case study challenge which will bring out your finesse to think out of the box, solve real time business problems and come up with a solution. This doesn't end here. If you have the skills to impress the customer rather than informing, you are sure to be a winner. What's in it for you? Cash worth INR 4 Lakh
Hacking Health Camp 2019 : Atelier de préparation de projet #3
15 Jan - 07:30 PM
Strasbourg, France
Healthcare professionals, patients, designers, and technology experts! Are you planning to participate in the upcoming Hacking Health Camp 2019 hackathon in Strasbourg? If so, you're invited to attend the third Project Preparation Workshop to develop your idea and meet potential teammates.
Hackathon 13 bruggen in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland
15 Jan - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Spinwaves organiseert voor Rijkswaterstaat tijdens de InfraTech2019 een hackahton. Centraal staan twee opgaven: A. welke oplossing heb jij voor het renoveren van een beweegbare brug? B. Welke oplossing heb jij voor het renoveren van een netwerk van 13 bruggen in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland? Hier schrijf je je in voor opgave B. Jij kunt meedoen! Voor meer informatie:
Hackathon beweegbare brug InfraTech 2019
15 Jan - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Op 15 en 16 januari organiseert Spinwaves voor Rijkswaterstaat een 2daagse hackathon tijdens de InfraTech2019. Centraal staan twee belangrijke renovatie-opgaven: A. de beweegbare brug en B. een netwerk van 13 bruggen in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland. Deze pagina is voor de inschrijving van opgave van de de beweegbare brug. Lees voor meer informatie en de spelregels voor deelname:
Hacky New Year
12 Jan - 08:30 AM
Seattle, United States
DESCRIPTION WHY: Tech holds the promise to empower active citizenship and make institutions more accessible, accountable and efficient. Instead it’s been used to subvert American Democracy. It’s time for you to take it personally. WHAT: A convening of the local civic tech community to focus on connecting people who want to make a difference with local tech-for-good projects that need their help. It’s a chance to get inspired, imagine a better future, and contribute your talent. WHO: You. Whether you’re a concerned citizen or a technical wizard, you have something to contribute. Projects will need coders, designers, researchers, project managers, subject matter experts, and just ordinary people. HOW: Bring your laptop, your creativity, and your collaborative spirit to Code Fellows on Saturday, January 12th. Join a project or create your own on DemocracyLab.  This hackathon will continue the momentum from our events in August, September, and November. Check out these slides from our September event to get a sense of what to expect. The agenda for January 12th is: 8:30     Registration and Coffee 9:00     Welcome and Overview 9:15     Paul Alley, City of Seattle Open Data Manager 9:30    Project Fair and Team Formation 10:00   Teamwork 12:00    Working Lunch 4:30     Project Presentations 5:30     Closing Comments and Adjourn
SV Insight Global Hackathon
11 Jan - 10:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
iOS/Android/Web developers and engineers! Blockchain techies! If you're planning to attend the Blockchain Connect Conference in San Francisco -- or if you're just in the city -- then you're invited to participate in the SV Insight Hackathon. Come with a team of 3 - 6 people, or join one on-site! You'll be challenged to design and build an awesome blockchain solution -- decentralized wallet, smart contract, or whatever you conceive! Present your project for the chance to win awesome prizes!
Data Matters with Louis Dorard
10 Jan - 01:42 PM
London, United Kingdom
Skills Matters hosts a series of talks with experts from around the world. The aim of this free series is to share the ideas that are shaping our technology and the people who are leading the charge. Author of the MachineLearning Canvas, Keynote Speaker, ML Coach and chairman of will delve into his experience in data as it shapes machine learning and other key tech.
We Trip Out
08 Jan - 12:00 AM
Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil, que funcione como una red social y esté enfocada en el turismo. Habrán 3 categorías a evaluar, cada una con un premio para el primer puesto. Asimismo se elegirá uno de los grupos para trabajar con la empresa organizadora en un proyecto a futuro, el cual estará basado en Blockchain.
Collaboration Tree Hackathon - Los Angeles
05 Jan - 11:00 AM
Los Angeles, United States
Programmers, designers, and other technically inclined folks! You're invited to participate in the Collaboration Tree Hackathon in Los Angeles. This is your opportunity to collaborate on the open source Collaboration Tree (cTree) demo site. cTree is a collaborative design/innovation web platform. You'll get to network with like-minded techies, help advance the open source project, and build your resume.
Polymer Web Components Hackathon - Los Angeles
05 Jan - 11:00 AM
Los Angeles, United States
Programmers, designers, and other technically inclined folks! You're invited to participate in the Polymer Web Components Hackathon in Los Angeles. This is your opportunity to collaborate on creating new web components with and Google's Polymer web components framework for the open source Collaboration Tree (cTree) project. cTree is a collaborative design/innovation web platform. You'll get to network with like-minded techies, help advance the cTree open source project, and build your resume.