Showing results 171 to 180 out of 344
DevMountain Hackathon
29 Jul - 07:00 PM
Salt Lake City, United States
Inviting all developers! Welcome to the DevMountain quarterly Hackathon -- a crazy, exciting, exhausting, and awesome event where DevMountain students get the first taste of the hacker lifestyle. DevMountain Hackathons are open to the public development community, and DevMountain students/alumni/faculty. It is a unique experience combining junior, mid, and experienced developers to create a truly one of a kind community. Come one and all to hack all night long at DevMountain's Salt Lake City location!
Startup Weekend Busan
29 Jul - 06:30 PM
Busan, Korea, Republic of
Software and web developers, UX/UI designers, project managers, marketers! Come participate in the 2nd annual Startup Weekend Busan event! Collaborate to turn amazing ideas into beautiful web and mobile applications -- all in the course of a single weekend!
AT&T IoT Hackathon - Seattle
29 Jul - 06:00 PM
Seattle, United States
$1,000 Amazon gift cards for Best App Winner team
IoT and mobile app enthusiasts and professionals in the North West! Got an app idea or need an app built for your business? Join AT&T's Developer Program for an IoT and Mobile App Hackathon. Hang out, hack and build apps/mobile apps, compete for prizes across different categories and—most importantly—meet new people and scout for teammates to work on new or current projects. Make sure you're prepared for your hackathon experience—visit the expert tips page!
CUA Hackathon Information Night
28 Jul - 05:00 PM
Brisbane, Australia
Planning to participate in the CUA Forces of Attraction hackathon? You will have the opportunity to use your skills, innovative thinking and creativity to develop an idea that CUA can use in their business. Come along to an information night and get some tips to put you ahead of the competition! Learn about the structure of the hackathon, and how the theme "Forces of Attraction" should influence the product you create, as well as giving pointers on how to get the most out of the experience.
Outside Hacks 2016: The Official Hackathon of Outside Lands
23 Jul - 12:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Come on down to the Outside Hacks 2016: The Official Hackathon of Outside Lands. Build something that enhances the experience for artists and/or fans at the Outside Lands 2016 music festival in San Francisco. Build something for iOS, Android, the Web, or anything else! The winning team will be featured by the festival either through the official app/site or promoted through their channels.
Weekends at Fishburners: Female Founders Hackathon
22 Jul - 06:30 PM
Ultimo, Australia
Are you an aspiring female startup founder? Come and join like-minded people like yourself and receive guidance on how to take your first steps? You don't need to have a background in tech or startups to participate, just an enthusiasm to try this out. You can work on any idea that has a large potential market, and is using technology somehow to capture that market quickly - there are no set challenges to solve, and judging is purely constructive feedback. Come along and help create the jobs, exports, investment and prosperity that great Australian startups can provide.
iOSDevCamp 2016
22 Jul - 05:00 PM
San Jose, United States
iOS Dev Camp 2016: Wearables and Civic Engagement 500 developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and testers are invited to come together for a 3-day hackathon for iOS and related applications on the eBay Campus, San Jose, CA. It is set to be the most vibrant hackathon ever thanks to Apple Watch, Apple TV, and the upcoming releases at WWDC 2016.
Trinity Launchbox Pre Demo day
21 Jul - 05:30 PM
Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College Dublin students with a start-up? This is for you! LaunchBox is a startup accelerator open to teams of Trinity students with an early-stage business. This three-month summer program provides office space; funding; mentorship; access to alumni, partner and investor networks; and the ideal collaborative environment to launch new startup ventures.
Elasticsearch Intern Workshop
21 Jul - 05:30 PM
San Francisco, United States
Interns! Looking for awesome technology to use in your hackathon projects? Interested in some hands-on, guided learning with real software engineers? You're in luck! The Workday Search team is hosting a workshop on the Elasticsearch open-source search engine just for interns! During this workshop, you'll learn the basics of Elasticsearch and introduce you to some tools that make working with it super easy. You’ll also get a chance to meet fellow interns from other companies, as well as learn about how Workday Search uses Elasticsearch!
MiTech July MeetUp
19 Jul - 06:00 PM
New York, United States
Minorities in technology - come join the monthly New York meet up! The meet up features speakers from around New York City speaking on topics ranging from their experiences in technology, how to run a start up, and much more. For all game developers…Sara Cornish of Games for Change will be giving tips on game development and Richard Murby of devpost will talk about the devpost Leads Hackathon. You'll also hear from Kim Wales on financing/crowdfunding and from Maisha Walker from INC. Magazine.