Showing results 211 to 220 out of 344
City of Things
21 Jun - 11:00 AM
Delft, Netherlands
Interested in how the Internet of Things can help save energy? Sign up for the City of Things Midsummer Night Hackathon Challenge. Your challenge--create a product that indicates the real energy efficiency of a building, combining data from the TOON® smart thermostat, open data and possibly data from extra sensors or devices.
tool.Up Workshop
18 Jun - 10:30 AM
Mendoza, Argentina
VR & drone enthusiasts! Come and participate in the tool.Up Workshop. Throughout the day you will experience lectures, brainstorming and workshops that will inspire and prepare you to collaborate and produce solutions such as VR technology, IoT solutions for everyday life, and the development of Drone solutions.
Internet das Vacas
18 Jun - 10:00 AM
São Paulo, Brazil
Internet of Cows? Who would have thought that the Internet of Things (IoT) could be applied to livestock? The Internet of Cows is an initiative to connect the productive chain of livestock in the cloud, in order to improve the collection of livestock activity data, and thus increase efficiency. So come and help build the Internet of Cows—focusing on using RFID technology and newer types of sensors for data collection in the field, and efficient platforms for buying and selling.
Creative Coding Amsterdam 1111 - Hack the Room
18 Jun - 10:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Come on...get creative! The creative coding community in Amsterdam is invited to Hack the Room. It's open to every coder--no matter your level of experience! Event cosponsors are Creative Coding Amsterdam and binaryfutures, a research group with a strong view on spatial design. Hacker participants will use the binaryfutures' prototyping kit for connecting objects and spaces to a local network via websockets. During the hackathon you'll be invited to create some awesome stuff in the space, using the binaryfutures HTML5-based platform
DB Open Data Tech Hackday
17 Jun - 05:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Hackers! If you have an idea how to make rail travel easier, better, more comfortable with digital applications, then sign up for DB Open Data Tech Hackday? You'll have access to some cool resources, including relayr Android app proto IoT, the Deutsche Bahn's open data portal, the OpenStreetMapper API and much more. Compete in a team and combine sensors and software and take your idea from concept to prototype--all in one day. There will be a range of prizes for winning prototypes. Win prizes for apps using data from the DB APIs, and for apps that use your mobile phone as a sensor kit to connect with Deutsche Bahn's train station clock.
Speaker Series | Code + Art
16 Jun - 07:15 PM
Paris, France
Come and participate in the Ladies of Paris Code meetup. Listen to great speakers with varied backgrounds -- combining mathematics, programming, UX, music, and more. The speakers and topics will be:
--> Aurore Zhe Li - In Wonderland algorithmic music
--> Emilie Zawadzki - Creating a digital installation
--> Lucile Cossou - From signal processing to the creative development
FORGE DevCon 2016
15 Jun - 08:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Join this hackathon for a 2-day conference for one of the largest communities of design and engineering software developers in the world. Be among the first to learn, experience and use the next generation of Autodesk Cloud Services, a set of web services, APIs and SDKs that span early stage design, engineering, simulation, visualization collaboration, production and operations. Attendees can mix and match between Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, AEC, Manufacturing with 3D printers, and Business Development.
Sierra Wireless Innovation Summit 2016
14 Jun - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
A hackathon for you to discover, discuss and test tomorrow’s IoT technologies and network with one of the world’s most active IoT business and developer communities.
Internet of Cows
13 Jun - 07:00 PM
São Paulo, Brazil
Internet of Cows? Who would have thought that the Internet of Things (IoT) could be applied to livestock? The Internet of Cows is an initiative to connect the productive chain of livestock in the cloud, in order to improve the collection of livestock activity data, and thus increase efficiency. So come and help build the Internet of Cows—focusing on using RFID technology and newer types of sensors for data collection in the field, and efficient platforms for buying and selling.
Open Source Circular Economy Days 2016
12 Jun - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Come attend OSCEdays London 2016 a global hackathon-style event and community to create open resources and possibilities for a global shift towards a waste-free, sustainable and environmentally friendly Circular Economy. This event will be an opportunity to collaboratively imagine a future where London embraces open source and circular economy thinking. People from industry, grassroots, maker & hacker movements, students, etc. will work together on all kinds of challenges discussing, developing and experimenting with the Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE).