Showing results 21 to 30 out of 344
Hackathon Preparation
02 Dec - 06:00 PM
Cambridge, United States
Interested in BOTs? Want to participate in the Build A Bot Hackathon @ PLUG? That's cool! First sign up for the Build A Bot Preparation event, where your pre-formed team will meet-up, or you'll make new friends and form your team to build your bot! At the hackathon itself, your goal will be to create an open source bot for the inSitu mobile field sales application. Your bot will be packed with awesome features that will provide information about the company, package/invoice status, and any other cool features you come up with. Showcase your skills with technologies such as natural language processing, voice recognition, and AI.
Sharify Hackathon
02 Dec - 06:00 PM
Brussel, Belgium
Techies, entrepreneurs, designers! Come and showcase your ideas and skills at the Sharify Hackathon! This is your opportunity to launch your start-up in a weekend! Come and collaborate with a wide variety of want-to-be entrepreneurs — business people, designers, technical professionals — and work together to deliver a valid customer target, a viable business model, and a functioning prototype. The hackathon theme is sharing, so your concept can address areas such as the circular economy, digitization and automation, internet of things and connected devices.
IoT Hackathon 2016
02 Dec - 05:00 PM
Portland, United States
Developers, designers, Internet of Things hackers in the Portland area! Showcase your IoT hacking skills to help your city become more sustainable! Come and collaborate with like-minded individuals at the IoT Hackathon 2016, sponsored by Women Who Code Portland. You'll work in teams of 3 - 5 women and men to create innovative ways to preserve energy and prevent wasteful consumption in the home and/or at work.
Hack For Health - Hackathon E-santé
02 Dec - 05:00 PM
Le Havre, France
Healthcare technologists and professionals! Sign up and participate in HackForHealth — an e-health hackathon aimed at promoting innovation, collaboration healthcare technology. Showcase your creativity and skills! Come and develop your ehealth project idea — a prototype app that you think will change medical practice. It could be something for telemedicine, or patient education, or an innovative use of sensors. All ideas are good!
AT&T / JA Czech :: Junior Hackathon 2016
02 Dec - 09:00 AM
Brno, Czech Republic
High school students, developers and hackers from the Czech Republic! You are invited by the AT&T Developer Program to come and showcase your skills at the AT&T / JA Czech :: Junior Hackathon 2016. You'll collaborate with your peers on connected life and Internet of Things challenges in areas such as:
»Data Analytics,
»Education, and
»Smart Cities
ITPalooza IoT Hackathon
02 Dec - 08:00 AM
Davie, United States
Coders and developers! Come and strut your techno-stuff at the ITPalooza IoT Hackathon! If you have any experience with Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Swift, Python, PHP, or Go, then this is the place for you to be! The South Florida Technology Alliance and the ITPalooza Executive Management Team invite you to sign up today to meet and collaborate with your peers and hack your way to a real-world IoT solution.
Nairobi Energy Data Challenge: Untangling the Challenges
01 Dec - 12:00 PM
Nairobi, Kenya
Interested in helping open up access to reliable energy for under-served populations? Sign up to participate in the Nairobi Energy Data Challenge. You'll collaborate on innovative solutions utilizing approaches such as the Internet of Things, off-grid energy access, and pay as you go technology. You'll work on creating solutions to the following core challenges:
»Designing meaningful ways to help energy users by communicating with them about their energy use and payment patterns.
»Designing IoT systems that work effectively to improve data collection and transmission for pay-as-you-go and off-grid energy service provision.
»Using pay-as-you-go technology and data currently collected on energy users to design new ways to provide access to other essential services.
100100 Talks
27 Nov - 10:00 AM
Vicenza, Italy
Coders, mechatronic engineers, makers, designers, students, marketers! Come and participate in the 100100 Challenge EVolution! You'll participate in a team compete with like-minded individuals to solve Internet of Things challenges. The 100100 EVolution Challenge is focused on technology such as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and smart mobility. Your team will get the opportunity to create an innovative solution and compete for prizes in one of three challenge categories: Acquired Disability, Electric Mobility, or Culture and Smart City.
Ultrahack 2016 Finals Day 27.11.
27 Nov - 09:30 AM
Helsinki, Finland
Hackers from schools, startups and corporations in and around Helsinki! Come and sign-up for Ultrahack 2016 Finals Day 27.11. Attend and participate in Ultrahack - Hackathon of the Year and you'll get the opportunity to be exposed to awesome new technology and you'll meet and network with like-minded future technology oriented people.
Connect. Collaborate. Create.
26 Nov - 12:00 PM
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Students, recent graduates, creative designers, developers, data analysts and marketers in the United Arab Emirates! Accenture Digital invites you to sign up and participate in the inaugural Connected Hackathon in Dubai. The event will run at the same time as similar events in Rome, Dubai, Prague, London, Dortmund, Madrid, Amsterdam and Istanbul. You'll be challenged to create and prototype innovative ideas that bring economic and social value for your community. You may utilize everyday objects, open data, open source libraries, rapid prototyping frameworks, microcontrollers, sensors, 3D printers, beacons, wearables, etc.