Showing results 101 to 110 out of 180
Unearthed Shield-X Perth Info Session
20 Apr - 05:00 PM
Perth, Australia
$20,000 Prize Pool
Software developers, engineers, data scientists, designers, and industry insiders! Prepare yourself for the first Unearthed Shield-X Hardware Hackathon! Participate online, or in-person in Perth, Western Australia. You'll be challenged to design and prototype a personal safety device for use by people working near potentially dangerous autonomous equipment at a mine site. You'll get to use Industrial Design, Ergonomics, Wireless Communications, and IoT. You'll get to learn about this weekend-long hackathon, the challenges you'll face, and the prizes you can win. You'll also network with potential teammates and form your team for the hackathon. Access practical advice on Unearthed Shield-X participation on the expert hackathon tips page!
IoT Tech Day 2017
19 Apr - 09:00 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Tech savvy IoT fans! Are you planning to attend IOT Tech Day 2017? Why not sign up to participate in the IOT Hackathon at the event. You'll collaborate with the best-of-the-best IoT techies in the Netherlands and get to explore the world of the Internet of Things to create new ways to use technology. You'll be using The Things Network to showcase your skills and to build an innovative connectivity solution that can help a business, a government agency, a health-care organization, or a not-for-profit flourish.
Hackathon Smart City & Smart Industry
08 Apr - 10:00 AM
Emmen, Netherlands
Smart City enthusiasts in the Netherlands! WhatTheHackathon invites you to sign up to participate in the Hackathon Smart City and Smart Industry. This event is about how people will live and work in the future. You'll have 30 hours to devise and prototype a smart solution for a city or a business.
Hackathon droidcon Italy 2017
08 Apr - 09:00 AM
Torino, Italy
Android fanatics! This one's for you! Sign up to participate in the droidcon Italy Hackathon. Come and showcase your total control of Android development. Demonstrate your creativity in areas such as wearables, IoT, material design and more. You'll be given a challenge and create an awesome Android app! So come and compete against the most talented and creative Android coders and designers!
hackNY Spring 2017 MongoDB Bus - UPenn, Princeton, Rutgers
08 Apr - 08:00 AM
New York, United States
Student hackers in the Philadelphia - New York corridor! Are you planning to participate in hackNY Spring 2017? Don't delay to reserve your seat on the MongoDB buses leaving from UPenn, Princeton, and Rutgers. Hackers of all backgrounds and experiences are invited to participate in hackNY Spring 2017. At the event, you'll get to collaborate and compete in creative coding challenges in a 24-hour coding sprint. You'll compete for prizes and awards such as: Most Technical, Best Hack Design, Best Hack Using a Presented Startup's API, Best Hardware Hack, Best First Hack, Best Social Good Hack, and more!
07 Apr - 09:00 AM
Brno, Czech Republic
Hackers in the Czech Republic! Interested in the Internet of Things (IoT) or Data Analytics? At&T Developer Program invites you to sign up to participate in the 2017 V4 HACKATHON. You'll get to collaborate and compete for great prizes, as you design and prototype an innovative IoT and data analytics project under one of the following categories: »Smart Cities: Help cities use technology to better serve their citizens. »Healthcare: Allow physicians, medical administrators, or home providers to improve patient care experiences. »Sustainability: Automate efforts that enable meaningful social and environmental benefits. »Home: Create home automation solutions for security, child or senior safety, or real-time monitoring. »Open Data: Use open data to better serve Czech citizens.
Hacking Healthcare
07 Apr - 12:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, designers, researchers, insurers, innovators, healthcare professionals, patients! Amgen invites you to sign up to participate in Hacking Healthcare. Your challenge will be to collaborate to design and prototype innovative solutions that will help patients and accelerate healthcare. You'll be able to choose from the following themes: »Patient empowerment »Use of augmented reality to improve patient care »Using eHealth to eliminate the distance between medical professionals and patients.
Hackathon Girona 2017
01 Apr - 08:00 AM
Girona, Spain
Programmers, IoT specialists, machine learning enthusiasts, designers -- in and around Girona, Spain! You're invited to sign up to participate in the Hackathon Girona 2017. You'll get to meet and collaborate with like-minded techies to design and prototype a personal assistant! Mark Zuckerberg did this with Jarvis in 100 hours. Your Girona challenge will be to do it in only 24?
Hardware Hackathon: Club Snell Edition
31 Mar - 07:00 PM
Boston, United States
Student hackers at Northeastern University! The Generate and Wireless Club invites you to sign up to participate in the Hardware Hackathon: Club Snell Edition. Come up with a great idea for a hardware device that will make your Snell Library experience so much better! Got a crazy idea? Come and make it a reality! Collaborate and compete for prizes -- 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and Crowd Fave!
TNGL Presents: HackHarassment
31 Mar - 06:00 PM
Pittsburgh, United States
University and college students in the greater Pittsburgh area! Are you interested in helping combat online harassment? Toyz Nation Gaming League invites you to participate in TNGL Presents: HackHarassment. The event is open to all students at all skill levels, majors, and schools. You'll learn about the ideas and solutions that can help solve the epidemic of online harassment. Come help #HackHarassment and compete for great prizes in the following categories: »Social Media »Gaming »App Development/IOT/Wearables, and »Music/Visual Arts.