Showing results 11 to 20 out of 180
HS2 Hackathon
08 Dec - 10:00 AM
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
High tech businesses, innovators, designers, data scientists, coders and business strategists! If you're interested in rail transportation, then you're invited to participate in the HS2 Hackathon. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative new idea that will help deliver the High Speed 2 infrastructure project. Working on a team of up to five people, you'll collaborate to explore how technologies such as wearable technology, machine learning, and virtual reality might help key aspects of the HS2 project, including staff safety, customer experience, maintenance operations and community impact.
07 Dec - 06:00 PM
Sidi M'Hamed, Algeria
3 days mobile app hackathon which brings together developers, designers, marketers, and ideas people to collaborate on building a working mobile app prototype. Whatever your background, you can join us.
Hackadrone 2018
05 Dec - 12:00 AM
INR 3,00,000
Cyient Ltd and DJI invite you to participate in Hackadrone 2018—India’s first UAV hackathon, sponsored by Microsoft and the Telangana State Government. We are calling on all developers to create innovative commercial and industrial solutions on the DJI industrial drone platform. Hackadrone 2018 is open to start-ups, independent software programmers, developers, senior IT professionals, and technology students.
Social Hackathon | La prima maratona di solution making collettivo a Piacenza
02 Dec - 09:00 AM
Piacenza, Italy
Coders, designers, communicators, and other techies in and around Piacenza! Confcooperative Piacenza invites you to participate in their first Social Hackathon -- a 12-hour marathon, where you'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative human-machine solution that can help a person with disabilities build new social relationships and enjoy an improved quality of life.
Smart City Cloud Hackathon OpenStack Rio
01 Dec - 05:00 PM
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Programmers, designers, entrepreneurs, and other technology stakeholders! You're invited to participate in the Smart City Cloud Hackathon OpenStack Rio. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that connects Rio de Janeiro and its inhabitants with the environment, using technologies such as the Internet of Things, Big Data and Cloud Computing.
Severn Trent Water Leakage Hackathon (Get paid to hack)
29 Nov - 09:00 AM
Coventry, United Kingdom
A funded hack with sponsored places, prizes and a commercial opportunity to design and deliver predictive analytics based solutions for reducing leakage.
Hack The Wind
28 Nov - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Designers, developers, wind energy experts, data scientists & analysts in the Netherlands! InnoEnergy and WindEurope invite you to participate in Hack the Wind―a hackathon focussed on innovation in the future of wind energy. You'll be challenged to use Envision’s Internet of Things (IoT) platform and datasets to create innovative new green energy solutions. Collaborate and compete for your share of a €20K prize pool.
buqs hackathon
25 Nov - 09:30 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Hackers in and around Utrecht! Are you interested in Smart City applications of technology? You're invited to participate in a Buqs hackathon. You'll be challenged to use existing Buqs -- electronic sound creatures that communicate with each other via embedded technologies such as microcontrollers and sensors radios -- to design and prototype something innovative and new.
Museum Hack!
25 Nov - 09:00 AM
Launceston, Australia
Hackers and makers aged 16 and over in Tasmania! The Innovation Circle invites you to participate in Museum Hack 2017. You'll be challenged to come up with your own innovative way to interact with the collection at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery! It doesn't matter if you're into hardware or software, coding or design! Come along and showcase your creativity and design something that will benefit the Museum and all its visitors.
The P&G European IT Hackathon - Germany
24 Nov - 03:00 PM
Kronberg im Taunus, Germany
The Hackathon will take place in our R&D Makerspace right in the heart of the Braun and Oral-B German Innovation Center. Here we have available various capabilities like AWS Alexa, 3D CAD, additive manufacturing, electronics design & prototyping and IT infrastructure – the perfect environment for you to bring your ideas to life!