Showing results 41 to 50 out of 180
DevHacks 2017 Hackathon
27 Oct - 09:00 AM
București, Romania
Coders and hackers in Romania! DevTalks Romania invites you to participate in the DevHacks 2017 Hackathon. You'll have 24 hours to build something useful addressing one of the following categories: Women in Technology, Video & Audio Hack, Web, Mobile, Big Data, AI & IoT & Robotics, Security, and DevOps. You'll work in a team and one of your team must learn a new language at the event.
#startingUP 2017 - #startathon [21-22 Oct 2017]
21 Oct - 11:00 AM
Singapore, Singapore
Programmers, engineers, entrepreneurs, business minds, product designers, and makers in Singapore! You're invited to participate in the #STARTINGUP 2017 #STARTATHON -- a 30-hour intense innovation event for rapid development, prototyping, and validation of tech solution ideas. You'll get to attend masterclasses on topics such as Internet of Things, Mobile App Development, Digital Fabrication, and Business Modelling. You'll then get to prototype your idea with the latest tools in open source hardware and IoT development boards.
SmarTone Hackathon "Smart Properties"
21 Oct - 09:00 AM
Cyberport 1, Hong Kong
Hackers in Hong Kong! Are you interested in the use of technology to make smart cities? If so, you're invited to participate in the SmarTone Hackathon "Smart Properties" event. You'll get to choose from one of two challenges: Smart Workplace, or Smart Property Management -- you'll be expected to design and prototype an innovative and creative technology solution that enhances customer experience and enables smarter living and business operations for both landlords and tenants.
Blockchain and Smart Cities Hackathon
20 Oct - 05:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia
Hackers, designers, strategists in and around Melbourne! The Blockchain Association of Australia invites you to sign up to participate in SmartCitiesHack Melbourne. You'll be challenged to use technologies such as Blockchain to develop an innovative solution that enables smart cities in Australia. Come as a team or join one at the event. Teams should comprise between two to six members -- including a developer and a designer, plus additional members such as a strategist and a marketer.
Reveal Your Perceptions — by Cosmetic Valley en partenariat avec LVMH
18 Oct - 12:00 AM
Paris, France
Venez participer à "Reveal Your Perceptions" un hackathon spécial étudiants, organisé par Cosmetic Valley en partenariat avec LVMH, à l'occasion du Salon Cosmetic 360 !
TeenTechSF Civic Hackathon @TheMixatSFPL Oct 14 & 15
14 Oct - 08:30 PM
San Francisco, United States
Tech-savvy teens? Come participate in the TeenTechSF Civic Hackathon and collaborate ideas for tech solutions for the most pressing issues facing teens today! Your project can take any form—app, Arduino project, website, video, 3-D printer prototypes! Compete and win a chance to participate in the TeenTech Civic Hackathon World Pitch.
The Future of Shopping Hackaton
14 Oct - 11:00 AM
Gent, Belgium
Retail and eCommerce enthusiasts in Belgium! Think you can design an awesome shopper experience? In The Pocket -- the digital product studio -- invites you to participate in The Future of Shopping Hackathon. You'll be challenged to use technologies such as AR/VR, IoT, Beacons, Social Commerce, etc. to design and prototype a winning shopper experience -- leverage Google's AdWords and Ingenico’s payment APIs to show the judges that your project's the best.
11 Oct - 09:30 AM
Les Mureaux, France
French hackers! If you can make it to Paris, you're invited to participate in a hackathon to be held at the E-Tonomy. You'll be challenged to create an innovative technology solution that will help promote the digital transition of personal care services in the health, medical and social care sectors. The sky is your limit, but think digital, home automation, robotics, Internet of Things! Your solution must be capable of making the world a better place for someone tomorrow!
Everything IoT Global Leadership Summit 2017
11 Oct - 08:00 AM
Eveleigh, Australia
Australian hackers in the IoT community! Are you planning to attend the Everything IoT Global Leadership Summit 2017? If so, then Everything IoT invites you to participate in the Everything IoT HackLABS 2017. This weekend event will take place in Sydney with the Leadership Summit, but you can also participate in a simultaneous HackLAB in Melbourne! How great is that? You'll be challenged to compete against teams of IoT enthusiasts from corporations, government, startups, and academia to come up with new innovative IoT solutions! Everything IoT sponsors have submitted challenges for you to address. If your project is one of the top three, you'll be selected to present it to an expert panel at the Leadership Summit for your chance to be the grand winner.
AEC Hackathon 4.6 - London
06 Oct - 05:00 PM
Croydon, United Kingdom
Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals in the UK—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! You're invited to take part in the AEC Hackathon 4.6 - London.
Come and collaborate at this 48-hour event. Join with fellow professionals from the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector! Create a cutting-edge solution that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment.
Collaborate and compete for prizes in the following categories:
Best Overall Project
Best Project that Solves A Big AEC Problem
Best MashUp Project
Best Digital Cities Project
Best Hack from a Past Event
Advice on AEC Hackathon participation can be found here!