Showing results 221 to 230 out of 273
AngelHack Delhi Hackathon 2018
05 May - 09:00 AM
Delhi, India
Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in and around Delhi! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Delhi. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. This year’s theme is Seamless Technology. You're not limited! Build an app that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community -- you might win the Code For A Cause Impact Award. Or just build something innovative without limits, something that brings positive change to the world, or whatever your imagination can conceive.
Tech Shuttle
26 Apr - 11:59 AM
Cologne, Germany
At Tech Shuttle the companies apply directly to you! On the way in a shuttle bus you will get to know well-known heads of the IT scene on a single day. In addition, we will provide you with a variety of delicious snacks and a wide variety of drinks for free during your entire stay. Take the chance and be there, many vacancies are waiting for you with direct entry opportunity. Get one of the coveted 80 free slots at Tech Shuttle on April 26 th, 2018!
Recoding Smart Cities
21 Apr - 09:00 AM
Eschborn, Germany
1500€ und andere Preise
Am 21. & 22. April findet in Frankfurt der EY Smart City Hackathon statt. Ihr habt 48 Stunden Zeit Lösungen und Konzepte für intelligente Städte schaffen entwickeln. Drei Städte stellen Euch exklusiv Live-Data zur Verfügung. Gesucht sind Techies, Marketer und Strategen. Zu gewinnen gibt es pro Challenge 1500€.
Tech'Office Hackathon - Make Your Office Great Again
20 Apr - 06:00 PM
Mons, Belgium
Students in and around Mons, Belgium! The Microsoft Innovation Center in Mons invites you to sign up to participate in the Tech'Office Hackathon - Make Your Office Great Again. Come with your own multi-disciplinary team, or join one at the event. You'll be challenged to use the technology of your choice -- Hololens, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, etc. -- to come up with an awesome solution to improve your work environment!
Codecruise - IT Job Shuttle
19 Apr - 12:00 AM
Hamburg, Germany
Neulinge und alte Hasen aus dem Bereich der Informatik aufgepasst! Der Codecruise Shuttle rollt mit dir am 19.April 2018 durch Hamburg. Es erwarten dich exklusive Einblicke in namhafte Unternehmen der IT Szene. Knüpfe Kontakte, tausche dich aus und erweitere deinen Erfahrungshorizont in angenehmer Atmosphäre mit leckeren Snacks und Getränken. Die Plätze sind begrenzt. Die Teilnahme ist für dich kostenlos. Sichere dir jetzt deinen Platz!
13 Apr - 12:00 AM
Dresden, Germany
The HACKATHON OpenCloud will taking place from April 13, to April 14 in Dresden. You will get 24 h to realize a creative industry 4.0 project. Work in teams and create the best idea for winning this challenge! You will get the chance to gain prices in total value of 1000 €.
11 Apr - 10:00 AM
Valencia, Spain
European fintech and IoT enthusiasts! You're invited to participate in the IOT + BLOCKCHAIN ​​CAMP '18 in Valencia, Spain. In this 5-day event, a 5-day event you will be challenged to work on prototypes that use Blockchain and IoT technology in order to solve problems and create opportunities for your industry.
DigitalGlobe Earth Observation Challenge
10 Apr - 04:46 PM
Spend two-months building solutions with DigitalGlobe’s resources and ESA’s APIs, to immediately support disaster relief. You’ll be challenged to transform earth imagery into meaningful context and actionable insights for business growth, global development, and geospatial intelligence with GBDX Notebooks. Unlock over one-hundred petabytes of multispectral and high-resolution imagery by deep diving through 17 years of global images to solve our earth’s most critical problems.
Vinci Energies' Challenge Human Beyond Digital Hack
06 Apr - 06:30 PM
Frankfurt, Germany
3000€ + incubation
Each challenge represents a real problematic for the company: ➤ Data science and machine learning ➤ Data transmission ➤ Behavior Detection Four teams will compete to win 3000€ per challenge and a high-level incubation program to implement their solution within the Vinci Energies network!
HACKUX Hackathon – Designing Voice Interactions with Alexa
06 Apr - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
The Amazon Alexa team focuses on bringing user-delighting, voice-activated experiences to its customers. Voice can be used anywhere where humans and machines need to communicate, from smart homes to toys and wearables. Systems like Alexa are an early sign of a massive shift in how we interact with machines, but what’s next? How about interoperability? How can we use Alexa to design products that interact with each other?