Showing results 41 to 50 out of 273
Hacking Female Health HACKATHON
02 Nov - 04:30 PM
Berlin, Germany
Cash prizes worth € 6.000
Patients, physicians, psychologists, nurses, technologists, researchers, designers, entrepreneurs, business leaders, scientists, students and government representatives in and around Berlin! You're invited to apply to participate in the Hacking Female Health Hackathon. If accepted, you'll be challenged collaborate to design an innovative digital solution to one of your choice of five women's health issues. Compete for cash prizes and for one of five slots in the Fraunhofer Incubation Program.
CodeCamp Heilbronn
02 Nov - 01:30 PM
Heilbronn, Germany
Welche IT-Lösungen entstehen um die Handelsbranche voranzutreiben? Wir sind gespannt auf innovative Ideen von allen IT-Fanatikern, Idealisten, Cracks und jedem der Spaß an technologischen Herausforderungen hat.
Die Innovationsfabrik Heilbronn ist hierfür die optimale Location! Bei kostenfreier Verpflegung und entspannter Atmosphäre bietet das CodeCamp eine tolle Plattform für ungezwungenen, fachlichen und persönlichen Austausch.
BLOQchain: Smart Vegas Hack
01 Nov - 12:00 PM
Las Vegas, United States
Join us for the World Crypto Con Hackathon! From November 1st
- November 2nd, we’re bringing together 100+ developers to the
Aria Hotel in Las Vegas to explore blockchain, distributed ledger
technology, and cryptocurrencies. Through on-site mentors,
presentations, and conversations with global industry leading
companies, we will heighten awareness and foster the growth of
new and exciting projects in this fast and disruptive industry.
Closing event and prototype presentation: NEO Camp 2018
28 Oct - 03:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Watch the hackathon trailer now:
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Closing event and prototype presentation: NEO Camp 2018
What will the blockchain of tomorrow look like?
And what role will you play in making it?
We cordially invite you to attend the closing event of the NEO Camp, in which 15 prototypes built on the NEO platform will be presented. The event will take place on Sunday, October 28, 2018 from 5pm to 8:30pm with subsequent networking at Factory Berlin (Mitte) in Berlin, Germany.
From October 27 to October 28, 2018 the NEO Camp will take place in Berlin (Germany) focusing on building new applications with the NEO Platform. It is organized as a 2-day hackathon. We will form 15 teams consisting of designers, IT developers and at least one business developer per team.
During the NEO Camp, we will provide all the developer tools needed to work with the NEO framework. Bringing these technologies together, we will teach the teams how to code and program them — developing smart contracts, building applications, and finding new use cases for the NEO framework.
Watch the hackathon trailer now:
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Location & Time:
Location: Noize Fabrik, Elsenstraße 52, 12059 Berlin, Germany;
Date: Sunday, 28. October 2018, 5pm to 8:30pm
Maximum participants: 50
14:00 - Intro to closing event at Noize Fabrik
15:00 - Prototype/team presentations
18:30 - Awards announcement // Closing remarks
19:30 - Networking, drinks and end of NEO Camp 2018
Watch the hackathon trailer now:
More information:
Tickets are available at Eventbrite. If you’re interested in participating, register now, because only 50 spots are available and we expect tickets to sell out fast.
Watch the hackathon trailer now:
More information:
NEO Camp
Phone: +49 177 8431872
About us:
NEO is a non-profit community-driven blockchain project. It utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets and automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts. Using a distributed network, it aims to create a "Smart Economy". NEO was founded in 2014 and was open sourced on GitHub in June 2015. NEO believes that community development is its top priority. NEO has a huge developer community around the world, such as CoZ, NEL and NeoResearch, who continuously contribute to NEO development. Millions of community members are active on Reddit, Discord, Github and Twitter. For more information visit:
DLT Camp is a hackathon event organizer that empowers developers and blockchain enthusiasts to transform ideas in to real world prototypes. We provide a fun, collaborative environment for developers to work on challenging problems that define the future of IT. Our events include both business and IT teams, and are supported by lecturers from other fields like patent law and business marketing. For more information visit:
Watch the hackathon trailer now:
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NEO Camp: NEO Blockchain Hackathon
27 Oct - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Winning Team - 500 NEO
Apply here:
Watch the trailer now:
NEO Camp: NEO Blockchain Hackathon
NEO Camp is a 2-day hackathon where 100 selected participants will work together to build the next generation of blockchain technology.
The focus of this hackathon is NEO, a platform designed to build scalable networks of decentralized applications.
The NEO ecosystem is much more than just a cryptocurrency. It relies on the NEP5 smart token framework, which provides a standardized workflow for application development.
The blockchain has evolved considerably since the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008.
Having started as a system for recording cryptocurrency transactions, it has become a comprehensive framework for managing data.
The applications are practically unlimited. From data science to IoT products, the blockchain is being used almost everywhere.
At Neo Camp 2018, participants will be challenged with using the NEO platform to build real-world products that solve problems for users.
New concepts will be explored. Prototypes will be developed. And everyone will benefit from working on the products of the future in a fun, collaborative environment.
Apply here:; Watch the trailer now:
For more information visit:
The Challenge:
The goal of the NEO Camp is to develop new blockchain-based solutions within a NEO framework.
What you build is up to you and your team. The possibilities are endless, but may include:
Payment systems
Data management tools
IoT product ecosystems
Supply chain management
and more.
Whatever you decide to make, the challenge is to come up with a novel solution that pushes the boundaries of blockchain technology.
And to support you, you’ll have a number of industry-leading speakers, developers and business professionals to inspire and educate you.
You’ll be given basic dev training in all the technologies used.
And we’ll provide you with all the tools you need to build a complete, working prototype.
Everything you need to define the future of blockchain technology is available at Neo Camp 2018.
Apply here:; Watch the trailer now:
What we Provide:
An open work environment complete with on-site catering and snacks
An intense, well-structured 30-hour hackathon schedule
A great network that will help you connect with like-minded IT professionals and corporate contacts
Experts to help you code and work with the provider developer tools
Apply here:; Watch the trailer now:
What you’re going to do:
Develop a business model that uses NEO to build new software prototypes
Build out the prototype in an interdisciplinary team of six to ten people
Ideally, develop a working prototype along with a website and video to showcase your product
Present your product and business model at the end of the week to the blockchain community in Berlin
Boost your career by developing your blockchain skills and knowledge; additionally you will receive an official hackathon certificate
Apply here:; Watch the trailer now:
Location & Time:
Location: Noize Fabrik, Elsenstraße 52, 12059 Berlin, Germany;
Date: Saturday, 27. October 2018 9am to Sunday, 28. October 2018 8pm
Maximum participants: 100
09:00 - Welcome notes, intro NEO Smart Economy and NEO Hackathon
10:00 - Team building & brainstorming
10:30 - Team concept finalized
11:00 - Start sprint
12:00 - Bio-break
13:00 - Build prototypes // #neohack
14:30 - Bio-break
14:45 - Build prototypes // #neohack
18:00 - Bio-break
22:00 - Reporting deliverables / feedback session
22:30 - Work / party @Noize Fabrik
09:00 - Registration & final sprint
09:15 - Build prototypes // #neohack
10:30 - Bio-break
10:45 - Build prototypes // #neohack
12:00 - Bio-break
13:00 - Build prototypes // #neohack
15:00 - Team presentations (10 mins per team)
18:30 - Awards announcement
19:30 - Networking & drinks
Apply here:; Watch the trailer now:
For more information visit:
Develop visual elements for the finished application, including color schemes, fonts, icons and buttons. Required: Fundamental knowledge of Web-/App-Design. An asset: Experience with Sketch / Photoshop / Illustrator / Adobe XD.
Back end
Develop and maintain databases and other back end assets that make the finished NEO application work. Required: Fundamental knowledge of JavaScript and NodeJS. A strong passion for innovation and desire to learn. An asset: Experience with Raspberry Pi, C++, PHP.
Front end
Work in tandem with the designer to develop frontend scripts, including stylesheets, JS assets, and more. Required: Fundamental knowledge of HTTP and CSS. A strong passion for innovation and desire to learn. An asset: Experience with JavaScript.
Business development
Work with the development team to create a structured business idea around your team's application. Required: Passion for blockchain technology, and a strong belief in its capacity to change the world. An asset: Experience in marketing, design, or entrepreneurship. A strong passion for innovation.
Apply here:; Watch the trailer now:
Tickets are available at Eventbrite. If you’re interested in participating, apply now, because only 100 spots are available and we expect tickets to sell out fast. Your chances to become a participant are currently good.
Apply here:; Watch the trailer now:
If your application is successful, we will send you a voucher code that you can then use for your registration. Tickets are provided for FREE. Please note that we cannot provide accommodation; you have to make your own arrangements.
NEO Camp
Phone: +49 177 8431872
About us:
NEO is a non-profit community-driven blockchain project. It utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets and automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts. Using a distributed network, it aims to create a "Smart Economy". NEO was founded in 2014 and was open sourced on GitHub in June 2015. NEO believes that community development is its top priority. NEO has a huge developer community around the world, such as CoZ, NEL and NeoResearch, who continuously contribute to NEO development. Millions of community members are active on Reddit, Discord, Github and Twitter. For more information visit:
DLT Camp is a hackathon event organizer that empowers developers and blockchain enthusiasts to transform ideas in to real world prototypes. We provide a fun, collaborative environment for developers to work on challenging problems that define the future of IT. Our events include both business and IT teams, and are supported by lecturers from other fields like patent law and business marketing. For more information visit:
Apply here:; Watch the trailer now:
HackAdemy - 27. - 28. Oktober 2018
27 Oct - 12:55 AM
Munich, Germany
Once you have participated in a hackathon, you will have already worked with rapid prototyping. But have you been successful? The HackAdemy is a playful innovation bootcamp, where you will be introduced to lean innovation methodologies on two days. On the basis of real challenges, you will go through a cycle with your team, supported by experts from different sectors.
V4 Hackathon 2018 Košice
26 Oct - 09:59 PM
Košice, Slovakia
The Healthcare and IoT themed AT&T Hackathon, an event produced by the AT&T Developer Program, is designed for attendees interested in coding apps or hacking hardware solutions. So, join us as we hack hardware, build apps/mobile apps, get fed, compete for prizes across different categories and most importantly: meet new people and scout for teammates to work on new or current projects. We will have experts from the local community onsite to assist with your development.
YB-Hackathon powered by isolutions
26 Oct - 05:52 PM
Bern, Switzerland
Solve companies real challenges within 24 hours by using AI, IoT, Azure Tech Stack and the APIs of the participating companies in an amazing atmosphere at the Stade de Suisse! An eSports Corner and a Maker Space with 3D-Printers, Laser Cutters etc. are part of the program, too. A lot of fun is waiting for you!
Smart Rurality Hackathon - CSLabs - UNamur
26 Oct - 05:30 PM
Namur, Belgium
Le thème Smart Rurality n’a pas été choisi au hasar. Cette problématique cruciale, tout particulièrement en Wallonie, est pourtant d’actualité à l’heure où l’on se focalise sur le développement durable, la mobilité en milieu rural et les autres sujets liés à l’écologie… Notre objectif est de provoquer chez les étudiants une réflexion sur l’intégration des TIC dans le domaine du développement rural et, ainsi, susciter des idées innovantes.
26 Oct - 03:30 PM
Leeds, United Kingdom
Join us for a hacking cool challenge: To develop a solution for Crowd Management and Crowd Experience.
Aimed at: developers,entrepreneurs,engineers,startups,SMEs,students,IoT /IT experts and those of you who just feel passionate about tech!
The prize:
€ 5000 cash
Growth acceleration programme
Pilot test of developed solution
Pre-selection for the next IoTTribe programme
*Travel bursaries available.
More info and applications at