Showing results 51 to 60 out of 273
26 Oct - 01:12 PM
London, United Kingdom
Community managers, members of working spaces, creatives, UX/UI designers, and developers in the UK! Launch22 invites you to participate in Hack4Communities. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like-minded freelancers, entrepreneurs, and developers on improving community experiences.
26 Oct - 10:00 AM
Ranchi, India
This event is organized by Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi between 26th-28th October'2018. Prizes Worth Rs 50,000. Travel Reimbursement Accommodation, Food, Schwags and Lots of Fun !!
Web on Wheels
25 Oct - 12:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
At Web on Wheels the companies apply directly to you! On the way in a shuttle bus you will get to know well-known heads of the IT scene on a single day. You will gain insights into exciting topics. In addition, we will provide you with a variety of delicious snacks and a wide variety of drinks for free during your entire stay. Take the chance and be there, many vacancies are waiting for you with direct entry opportunity.
Catalonia Drone Camp 2018
22 Oct - 10:14 AM
Sant Pere de Torelló, Spain
The Catalonia DroneCamp 2018 is meant for those who are thinking of releasing new projects related to the Drone Field. The initiative, funded by a European Social Fund through the Generalitat of Catalonia, calls 20 entrepreneurs who want to train in technology, professional drone applications, entrepreneurship and business management.
Be Safe Challenge
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
1st Place 3,000€
Parisians! Students, makers, designers, developers, engineers, and ordinary citizens! If you're eager to act to help ensure the safety of women in public spaces and on transportation, then you're invited to participate in the Be Safe Challenge Hackathon. You'll get to collaborate with like-minded individuals to create solutions that will help combat the problems that women face every day -- incivilities, street and transport harassment, feelings of insecurity, cyber and physical violence.
Hackathon Be Safe Challenge
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
1st Place 3,000€ *** INSCRIPTIONS OBLIGATOIRE SUR ***Innover pour la sécurité des femmes dans les espaces publics et les transportsIncivilités, harcèlement de rue et dans les transports, sentiment d’insécurité, cyberviolence et violences du quotidien, la sécurité des femmes est un problème de société. Pour preuve, une femme sur deux a parfois peur de sortir seule et la majorité des utilisatrices des transports en commun déclarent avoir subi, au moins une fois dans leur vie, des violences sexistes et sexuelles.Citoyens de tous horizons, il en va de notre responsabilité d’agir!Mêlez vous à des équipes interdisciplinaires composées d’étudiants, de makers, de designers, de développeurs, d’ingénieurs et participez à la création d’innovations pour améliorer la sécurité des femmes et des personnes fragiles dans l’espace public et dans les transports.Ce challenge est aussi une opportunité d’apprendre pleins de choses sur l'entrepreneuriat et de monter un vrai projet d’entreprise à impact, tout en étant accompagné par des équipes de coachs, de mentors et d’experts pendant 3 mois.*** INSCRIPTIONS OBLIGATOIRE SUR ***
Money20/20 Hackathon
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Las Vegas, United States
$100K in cash prizes
Fintech dreamers and risk-takers! AngelHack and Money20/20 invite you to participate in the Money20/20 Hackathon. At this event, you'll be challenged to design an innovative fintech solution that will result in a simpler, fairer, faster and more inclusive financial system for business and society as a whole. Put on your creative hats and bring technologies such as blockchain, machine learning, IoT, big data, and more, to the party! You get to choose from challenges posed by financial movers such as PayPal, Synchrony, Visa, andYodlee. The overall winning team will present their solution on the Money20/20 Keynote Stage. Come with your team and compete for $100K in cash prizes and international recognition. But before that, be sure to check out practical advice for hackathon participants!
Hackathon iCarros
20 Oct - 08:00 AM
São Paulo, Brazil
Durante os dias 20 e 21 de outubro, 50 participantes formaram 10 grupos. Cada grupo terá o desafio de propor soluções baseadas em dados que tragam novas formas de gerar valor no mercado automotivo!
WRLDS 10k$ competition. Smart ball, engaging apps.
20 Oct - 12:01 AM
Big prices for first apps reaching 100 downloads
Join the WRLDS first app competition and make your app on the WRLDS connected platform. Chance to win 1 000 USD for most promising app as well as up to 3 000 USD in addition to the first five teams reaching 100 app-downloads. We are looking for everything that’s fun so just bring out your creative spirit and start coding! Every accepted team gets a complimentary WRLDS ball to use for the hack and after.
Nash Hack Weekathon
19 Oct - 06:00 PM
Nashville, United States
A free, weeklong event where product managers, designers, developers and marketers come together to build projects in an open, community hackathon, featuring: a pitch competition to select featured teams, a week of expert consultations, a 48-hour hackathon, and demos of completed projects open to the public. Whether you’re joining a featured team or working on your own your project, Nash Hack Weekathon is a great way to learn new skills and connect with the community.