Showing results 81 to 90 out of 273
MindSphere Developer Days
26 Sep - 08:30 AM
Berlin, Germany
IoT developers and start-ups! Do you have IoT solution ideas for machine building, predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, production supervision, anomaly detection, or a related manufacturing area? Siemens invites you to participate in a Developer Challenge that will be held during MindSphere Developer Days. You'll get access to Siemens MindSphere, as well as extensive industry customer data. Sign up for the Developer Challenge when you register for Developer Days.
AtmosHack : Hack the Atmosphere
25 Sep - 03:20 PM
Helsingfors, Finland
Nine out of ten people are estimated to breathe air containing high levels of pollutants, causing around 7 million deaths every year. More than 90% of these deaths occur in the developing world. Many of these areas have no surface air-quality monitoring networks and rely mainly on modelling and satellite information. Besides air pollution, there are other aspects of atmospheric composition that can affect health, eg UV radiation, which strongly depends on the stratospheric ozone layer.
Unisys Hackathon 20/20
24 Sep - 02:00 PM
Unisys Hackathon 20/20 is a country-wide hacking competition under the Cloud 20/20TM umbrella. We are looking for master hackers who not only wrack their brains out of pure love and passion for technological innovation but also believe their ideas can influence the way the world thinks. Themes: IoT Artificial Intelligence Security Biometrics Safe Cities Virtual Simulation Finance Open Innovation INR 2,25,000 IN PRIZES up for grabs!
Unisys Hackathon 20/20
24 Sep - 02:00 PM
Mumbai, India
Unisys Hackathon 20/20 is a country-wide hacking competition under the Cloud 20/20TM umbrella. We are looking for master hackers who not only wrack their brains out of pure love and passion for technological innovation but also believe their ideas can influence the way the world thinks. Themes: - IoT - Artificial Intelligence - Security - Biometrics - Safe Cities - Virtual Simulation - Finance - Open Innovation INR 2,25,000 IN PRIZES up for grabs!
Unisys Hackathon 20/20
24 Sep - 02:00 PM
Delhi, India
Unisys Hackathon 20/20 is a country-wide hacking competition under the Cloud 20/20TM umbrella. We are looking for master hackers who not only wrack their brains out of pure love and passion for technological innovation but also believe their ideas can influence the way the world thinks. Themes: - IoT - Artificial Intelligence - Security - Biometrics - Safe Cities - Virtual Simulation - Finance - Open Innovation INR 2,25,000 IN PRIZES up for grabs!
Unisys Hackathon 20/20
24 Sep - 02:00 PM
Bengaluru, India
Unisys Hackathon 20/20 is a country-wide hacking competition under the Cloud 20/20TM umbrella. We are looking for master hackers who not only wrack their brains out of pure love and passion for technological innovation but also believe their ideas can influence the way the world thinks. Themes: IoT Artificial Intelligence Security Biometrics Safe Cities Virtual Simulation Finance Open Innovation INR 2,25,000 IN PRIZES up for grabs!
Industrial IoT Hackathon 2018
23 Sep - 09:10 AM
Berlin, Germany
Coders, interface designers, UX specialists, developers, programmers, and students! If you're planning to attend Industry of Things World, then make sure you sign up to participate in the first Industrial IoT Hackathon. In this 24-hour session, you'll collaborate with like-minded techies to create the newest and best IIoT platform. You'll have the opportunity to create something incredible and network with the best-of-the-best!
#CityHackAalen - Gestalte deine Stadt der Zukunft!
22 Sep - 11:53 AM
Heidenheim an der Brenz, Germany
Damit ihr einen coolen Prototyp bauen könnt, stellen wir euch die IoT-Platine "Octopus" und ganz viele Sensoren und andere Materialien zur Verfügung. Der Octopus kann ganz einfach mit Drag & Drop programmiert werden - keine Programmierkenntnisse notwendig! Organisator des Hackathons sind die GEO DATA GmbH und die Stadt Aalen. Ist das Projekt deines Teams unter den Gewinnern, winkt dir die Möglichkeit, es in der Stadt Aalen real umzusetzen!
AgTech Hackathon Italy
22 Sep - 09:00 AM
Braccagni, Italy
Agricoltori, Agronomi, Sviluppatori, Maker, Designer, Marketer, Commerciali, Agricoltori, Avvocati, appassionati e chi più ne ha più ne metta (anche startup volenterose di testare verticalizzazioni dei propri P/S): siamo alla ricerca delle migliori menti che vorranno unirsi in una 30h dalla mattina del 22 a pranzo del 23 settembre, per proporre soluzioni innovative in 4 comparti fondamentali della agricoltura nostrana.
VanHacks 2018
22 Sep - 08:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver techies! Do you believe that technology can be used for the social good? ViDIA -- the Vancouver iDevelopers Industry Association -- Vancouver Startup Week, and Two Tall Totems invite you to participate in VanHacks 2018. You'll collaborate with other techies in the region to create an awesome digital solution that can help solve issues faced by the region's not-for-profit organizations.