Showing results 111 to 120 out of 213
ER&D Hackathon
14 Jun - 05:00 PM
Munich, Germany
L&T Technology Services is on a mission to engineer change for the masses by leveraging ground-breaking technologies at the ER&D Hackathon on June 14-15, 2019 in Munich. You’ll have 24 hours to collaborate with like-minded experts and LTTS stakeholders to develop solutions that can engineer change for billions of lives.
The hackathon has three different challenges to tackle, but it’s up to you to decide which one you’ll take on : Mobility, Healthcare or Factories !
Innovathon Smart Life by SPIE
14 Jun - 05:00 PM
Paris, France
L'innovathon Smart Life By SPIE, c'est un week-end pour imaginer, pitcher et inventer vos idées ! 💡
Du 14 au 16 Juin 2019, venez vivre un moment incroyable au Beeotop, qui nous accueille pour 54h de création !
- C'EST QUOI ? -
Un concours de 54h organisé par SPIE ICS pour concevoir des solutions innovantes aux bénéfices de la SMART LIFE, autour de 3 thématiques 🏙 :
Smart Cities
Smart Buildings
Smart Companies
Microsoft for Startups
L'école 42
La ville d'Issy Les Moulineaux
📅 Vendredi : pitch d’1 min des porteurs de projet / votes / constitution des équipes
📅 Samedi : travail en équipe & mentorat / conférences thématiques
📅 Dimanche : travail en équipe & mentorat / Grand jury
Berlin Cosmos Hackathon - Let's represent.
14 Jun - 12:57 PM
Berlin, Germany
The hackathon is a two day event with the majority of our internationally based development team. We will be spending the weekend with participants as they work on projects to submit for prizes or possible funding.
Most of our stack currently is written in GO but we welcome Javascript, Rust, Haskell, Python..etc. Come join in and build blockchain applications. The level of familiarity with blockchain, will be quite advanced.
HackXLR8- Third Edition
12 Jun - 12:27 PM
London, United Kingdom
HackXLR8 is back for a third year as part of TechXLR8 at Excel London! Returning as a 2-day hackathon, this year the theme is Enterprise Innovation. The Hack will take place from Wednesday, June 12th to Thursday, June 13th 2019!
If you're a Developer, Marketer, Designer, Data Scientists, or an Idea Generator, this fun challenge is for you!
Team up in a group of maximum 8 or minimum 2 to compete at London's TechXLR8 official hackathon HackXLR8!
Prize pool: TBC
Smart Solutions IoT Hackathon Wiesbaden
12 Jun - 09:00 AM
Wiesbaden, Germany
1.000 €
Gefragt sind innovative Konzepte und Lösungen für ein smarteres Wiesbaden.
Die Anmeldung ist kostenlos, für Verpflegung wird gesorgt.
1.000 Euro Preisgeld und Teilnahmezertifikate!
Tech on Tour - IT Job Shuttle
06 Jun - 01:00 PM
Nuremberg, Germany
Steig ein in den IT-Job-Shuttle durch die Nürnberger Digitalwirtschaft. Während der mehrstündigen Tour kannst Du hinter die Kulissen von Hightech-Unternehmen schauen und wertvolle Kontakte zu Fachleuten und Personalern in den beteiligten Unternehmen knüpfen. Für die Verpflegung zwischendurch ist bestens gesorgt. Zum Ausklang des Abends erwarten Dich dann gutes Essen und Freibier.
Roche Diabète Tech
06 Jun - 08:30 AM
Paris, France
Comment faciliter le suivi du patient diabétique entre les différents professionnels de santé exerçants en ville ?
Les 6 et 7 juin prochains à Paris, le tout premier hackathon Roche Diabetes Care France mettra au défi les professionnels de santé d’améliorer le suivi des patients atteints de diabète.
Médecin généraliste, pharmacien, infirmier libéral ? Prenez part à #DiabèteTech et venez imaginer une plateforme facilitant la communication entre professionnels et patients.
Compensation financière et remboursement des frais de déplacements.
Code League - Hackathon'19
25 May - 12:29 PM
Pune, India
AFour Technologies invites all the Tech Superheroes out there for the biggest ever hackathon in Pune. Get ready for the “Code League,” an out-of-the-box event of all-night hacking, learning and having fun. Just get all your ideas in place, rest we are here to supply you food, required infrastructure, expert guidance and a place to crash when you are tired of coding.
hck hnx: Sensors & AI
24 May - 05:00 PM
Heilbronn, Germany
Gestalte mit Sensoren und künstlicher Intelligenz, in 48 Stunden, die Welt von Morgen! Bringe Deine Ideen ein und entwickle, designe und programmiere im Team Lösungen!
Die Veranstaltung wird organisiert von der Hochschule Heilbronn mit drei Partnern aus der Industrie.
Bosch Embedded Systems Hackathon, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
24 May - 02:00 PM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Pick one of the challenges we face on a daily basis and create a new software application to resolve this issue. You and your team get 24 hours to realize this. We will provide food, drinks, (chill)rooms, and if needed a laptop, all at our office location in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Register as a team, or register individually to become part of this ultimate event.
Assignments based on SAST OS for security camera's, Bosch conference systems and Bosch Industry 4.0.