Showing results 161 to 170 out of 213
23 Mar - 09:00 AM
Gurugram, India
HackBMU is a hackathon focused on promoting innovation, diversity and networking among all future hackers. We will be hosting upcoming engineers and developers from all over India to create mobile, web, and hardware hacks for an intense 24-hour session. Participants will be able to meet the up and coming of their generation, allowing them to get up to speed on new trends and quite possibly set new ones themselves. HackBMU seeks to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to all participants to develop their skills, regardless of their ethnicity.
BMVI Data-Run
22 Mar - 03:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Programmers, founders, and other mobility 4.0 enthusiasts in and around Berlin! The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure ( BMVI ) invites you to participate in the BMVI Data Run. You'll have 24 hours to build an innovative mobility solution that combines BMVI-provided data with other data sources to help provide greater freedom for drone pilots in German airspace while protecting regular air traffic, as well as and citizens' privacy.
Catalysts Coding Contest (CCC) in Amsterdam
22 Mar - 03:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
CCC is coming to Amsterdam! Save the date: 22.03.2019, 15:00–19:00 • Classic CCC • for everyone Prepare yourself for an exciting day where you’ll meet a lot of people who share your passion. Make some noise at the contest, show us what you've got and we will be more than happy to offer you one of several cool prizes! Are you rising up to the challenge? This year over 2.000 software developers will measure their skills against each other. You can check out CCC challenges from the past here: Please note: to participate, you have to register on our platform in advance. You can participate individually or in a team of 2 or 3 people. Feel free to invite your friends and colleagues. 😉 Have questions? Get in touch PLEASE, BRING YOUR OWN LAPTOPS!
Immersion DeepTech
22 Mar - 01:00 PM
Nancy, France
Découvrez #ImmersionDeepTech. Pendant 24h, travaillez main dans la main avec les équipes de recherche d’institutions de premier plan, qui vous présentent en exclusivité leurs travaux. L'objectif, imaginez les business de demain. Pour les idées les plus innovantes, un prizepool financier à gagner, et surtout la possibilité de créer un business innovant avec le soutien du consortium. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.
Mini Hackathon: Bettering Student Life
22 Mar - 12:15 PM
Toronto, Canada
$100 for Winning Team
University of Toronto Scarborough students! The UTSC Library invites you to participate in a Mini Hackathon on Bettering Student Life. Come with a team or join one at the event and collaborate to make an app using the technology of your choice (Python, Arduino, Raspberry Pi) to create something that enhances the life of a student.
Select For Cities Hackathon Helsinki
21 Mar - 09:00 PM
Espoo, Finland
The aim of the hackathon is to bring together a diverse range of perspectives, from academics to entrepreneurship and professionals to create innovative smart city solutions utilising Big Data and IoT. Participants will compete by developing a prototype using Onesait platform capabilities to improve Antwerp Smart Zone and Helsinki’s Jätkäsaari area. Some examples of possible solutions; new sensors to let the city speak (noise source detectors, crowds), gadgets and public devices for citizen interaction (actuators, sensors) or apps to increase city interactions or any other way to understand the Talk of The Town and improve citizens life. The developments have to be created on top of INDRA/Minsait’s Onesait Platform. You can use the wide selection of tools provided on the platform and the Data Sources loaded for both Antwerp and Helsinki environments. Examples of loaded data are air pollution, traffic flow, maritime traffic data... If you need it, you can upload your own Data Source. This hackathon is organized in conjunction with the Select4Cities project in Helsinki and Antwerp by INDRA/Minsait - this entry is for the Helsinki event.
Java Challenge Deutschland 2019
18 Mar - 11:32 AM
The Java Challenge Germany 2019 is a challenge designed to inspire creative and dynamic Java Students & Professionals located in Germany. Participants have 15 minutes and 3 jokers to aswer online to 21 Multiple choice Java questions. Enjoy and have fun.
AIANext100: The Guardians Challenge
14 Mar - 03:40 PM
Join the AIANext100: The Guardians Challenge with a 10-page submission! This is your opportunity to imagine a host of new opportunities and challenges in 100-year time from healthcare needs of aging population, physical and mental wellness, financial health, customer experience to shared economy! In a team of 2-4, tackle on the four themes: - Customer Lifestyle - Customer Experience - Customer Protection - Customer Ecosystem This is your opportunity to put your superpowers to the test and collaborate with AIA! In just a 10-page submission, you will have the chance to win: - Internship positions with AIA - $20,000, $14,000, $8,000 HKD Cash Prizes! - An all-expenses paid trip to one of AIA’s operating market worth $40,000 HKD! - Opportunity to present your idea to AIA senior executives and more!
GitHub - Codemotion Rock Paper Scissors Challenge
12 Mar - 12:19 PM
Your mission GitHub Friend, should you decide to accept it, is to code a winning Rock Paper Scissors strategy. As always, should you be caught by the 60-minute deadline, GitHub and Codemotion will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This screen will NOT self-destruct in 10 seconds. Time is of the essence. Good luck, Friend. The Prize: 1 of 20 Free all-access tickets to Codemotion Amsterdam Developer Conference, that will take place in Amsterdam on the 2nd and 3rd of April, 2019. The Price you pay: 60 minutes of your precious time. READY. NERD. GO.
11 Mar - 12:00 PM
Kattankulathur, India
Winners don't do different things. They do things differently! It's to come up with an amazing idea and work tirelessly on it. It is to fail, fail again and fail better. Try out new things and learn while doing that. It's to work together, collaborate and build things that are innovative. With that spirit, SRMIST's NewGen IEDC, SIIC, SRM DSC - powered by Google Developers in association with Department of Computer Science and Engineering is conducting a National Level IoT Hackathon and invites all developers and hackathon enthusiasts to participate in an interesting and engaging hackathon. This is a free of cost hackathon conducted alongside an International IoT Conference SRM-ICIoT ( All the participants are required to bring their own hardware and IoT kits. Prizes and sponsors to be updated soon!