Showing results 211 to 213 out of 213
Amazon Women of the World
15 Jan - 06:16 PM
Amazon India presents #WOW Women of the World Week Ready to embrace the Challenge? Apply Now Diversity Hiring event for Tech and B-Schools Eligibility Criteria: Applicable to female candidates from 2018 & 2019 graduation batches with no backlog & CGPA>6.5/10. Students who have been evaluated by Amazon in the last 6 months are not eligible. Students who are currently being evaluated by Amazon are not eligible. Register here:
Blockchain Connect Conference: Academic 2019
11 Jan - 08:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Blockchain Connect Conference: Academic 2019 will be the third blockchain connect conference hosted by SV Insight. The theme of this conference is “Academic”. This conference will gather the most authoritative blockchain professors around the world, the public chain projects with the most advanced technology, and technical experts, to discuss the most cutting-edge blockchain academic research, problems, and solutions.
Data Matters with Louis Dorard
10 Jan - 01:42 PM
London, United Kingdom
Skills Matters hosts a series of talks with experts from around the world. The aim of this free series is to share the ideas that are shaping our technology and the people who are leading the charge. Author of the MachineLearning Canvas, Keynote Speaker, ML Coach and chairman of will delve into his experience in data as it shapes machine learning and other key tech.