Showing results 91 to 100 out of 106
HackBMU 2020
15 Feb - 02:19 PM
Gurugram, India
HackBMU is a hackathon focused on promoting innovation, diversity and networking among all future hackers. We will be hosting upcoming engineers and developers from all over India to create mobile, web, and hardware hacks for an intense 24-hour session. HackBMU seeks to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to all participants to develop their skills, regardless of their background. Last year and the year before, HackBMU garnered huge attention with 20+ teams from around the country. Also, we aimed to close the gender gap in hackathon participation and encouraged female participants to join up by reserving seats especially for them. The response was overwhelming, and a huge amount of the participants were women. Now, for the third consecutive year, we are aiming for new and greater heights and to interact with more people and making it a memorable and enjoyable event.
HACK36 2020
14 Feb - 08:00 PM
Prayagraj, India
A 36-hour tryst with gizmos, infused with youthful energy and a relentless drive for development, this is the 3rd edition of the annual Hackathon conducted by MNNIT Allahabad. Hack36 holds in store, challenges expecting to be conquered and solutions waiting to be uncovered, for all thetech-savyand geeks, coders and development enthusiasts. So, caffeinate, collaborate, celebrate; work, solve and work harder, reverberating theessenceof the hackathon, "Every once in a while, a newtechnology, an old problem and a big idea turn into an innovation".
Hack für den guten Zweck - Welthungerhilfe
14 Feb - 12:32 PM
Bonn, Germany
Du bist Developer*in, Webdesigner*in oder UX-Profi? Du willst deine Fähigkeiten nutzen, um Gutes zu tun und gleichzeitig den digitalen Fortschritt vorantreiben? Dann melde dich jetzt für den Hackathon bei der Welthungerhilfe an und verändere das Marketing und Fundraising in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit deinen Skills! Wir sind überzeugt, dass der digitale Fortschritt auch beim Kampf gegen Hunger eine entscheidende Rolle spielen wird. Dafür braucht es Ideen, Innovationen und Know-How aus der IT-Branche. Wir veranstalten einen Hackathon@WHH und möchten nichts Geringeres, als die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und das Spenden auf den Kopf stellen und gemeinsam mit euch die Zukunft entwerfen! Junge, dynamische Teams werden am 14./15. Februar 2020 Ideen ausarbeiten. Die entstandenen Prototypen bilden den Auftakt für zukünftiges, innovatives Marketing und Fundraising der Welthungerhilfe. Das Gewinnerteam hat die Möglichkeit zu einem internationalen Hackathon der Welthungerhilfe in einem unserer Projektländer zu reisen. Und auch der zweite und dritte Platz kann sich über attraktive Preise freuen! Lasst euch überraschen!
08 Feb - 11:53 AM
Greater Noida, India
A hardware hackathon where participants will choose a domain from the specified listand with the required components have to come up with a solution to the problem in eight hours.
Deep Science Hackathon 2020
07 Feb - 06:30 PM
Rīga, Latvia
The Deep Science Hackathon, organized by the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL), will be the fifth Hackathon in Latvia of that kind. We will identify the strongest material-based high technology ideas with the potential for innovations, that will take a permanent place in the environment of new enterprises of Baltics. For three days, participants will create interdisciplinary teams and develop ideas with a help of mentors. At the end of theevent,they will present their ideas to a jury, investors and stakeholders. During theevent,participants will also be able to learn more about the new enterprise ecosystem, business model canvas, presentation and investor-pitch preparation.
HackData 4.0
07 Feb - 09:00 AM
Delhi, India
Greetings from ACM and ACM-W Student Chapter: Shiv Nadar University! We're back with yet another edition of HackData- Shiv Nadar University's Annual 24-hour long National Level hackathon - on 7th and 8th February 2020. What projects can I build? Project ideas can be chosen from one of the following 5 tracks: Energy Education Security and Resilience Economic Development and Entrepreneurship Smart City Solutions Why attend? Prizes worth over 1 lakh INR to be won with a special prize for an all women's teamand special awards for the top 10 teams. Food and Accomadationare on us! Amazing attendee kits, T-shirtsand lots of SWAG along with certificatesfor ALL the participants. An exclusive opportunity to interact with mentors and judges from various tech startups and companies. Networking opportunities and prizesin fun games and ice-breaker sessions. Registration fee (upon selection) :ABSOLUTELY FREE. Do visit our event website for more details: Follow us on Instagram: In case of any query, write to us at
Swamp Hacks VI
31 Jan - 05:30 PM
Gainesville, United States
Welcome to the Swamp! Swamphacks VI is 36 hours of learning, coding, and creativity. For a whole weekend, over 650 students nationwide come together as developers, engineers, and designers. We welcome all people with a desire to build and learn by making. Experience software development in sunny Gainesville, Florida through our hackathon! No experience is necessary to participate; we welcome everyone regardless of year in school. From seasoned mentors to intriguing workshops, Swamphacks VI supports all student activities and encourages “outside the box” thinking. Join us to meet some of the brightest minds in the South and have an awesome weekend in our swamp. This year, Swamphacks VI aims to make our event more sustainable by reducing our waste and carbon output. Our goal is to use more compostable material, encourage our Sponsors to travel sustainably, and provide hackers with eco-friendly swag.
UPES - CSI Hackathon 4.0
31 Jan - 01:54 PM
Dehradun, India
Hello there, coding enthusiasts !! Hackathon 4.0 is back for the fourth time in our beloved campus. Experience the Biggest ever Hackathon in Uttarakhand first hand, where you'll rack your brains for 48 hours non-stop. Non-Dehradun based colleges will have a qualifying coding round on the 12th of January 2020. The teams qualifying this pre-coding round would be given free accommodation and food. They will only have to pay for their travel. The teams unable to qualify will have to register themselves through which they will avail an exclusive access to a variety of activities and workshops. Use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kindle the fire of knowledge and enlighten yourselves by attending our hackathon. So, hurry up and get yourselves registered today!! Link:
Free Kids Hackathon: Scratch, Python and more
25 Jan - 10:37 AM
$50 per team member
This hackathon is perfect for students 5-18 years of age with some coding experience. Bring a friend to compete in a team! Register here: This hackathon allows contestants to compete across three leagues: VARSITY Requirement: High School / Middle School Recommended: More than one year of coding Projects will be related to data science, web development or complex Python or Java JUNIOR VARSITY Requirement: High School / Middle School Recommended: Less than one year of coding Projects will be in Python or Java EXPLORER Requirement: Elementary School Recommended: At least 6 months of coding Projects will be in Scratch Basic Rules TEAM SIZE: One to three contestants 1 PROJECT PER CONTESTANT: You cannot submit a team project and a solo project HONOR CODE: Adults (instructors, parents, etc) can help contestants debug but the majority of the work must be done by the contestants CONTESTANT AGE LIMIT: Ages 5 - 18 only US RESIDENTS ONLY: All contestants must be residing in one of the 50 states NO COPYRIGHT MATERIAL: Photos, music, text, video, and other mediums Register here:
25 Jan - 09:00 AM
Fornovo di Taro, Italy
€100 voucher per winning team member
Hackers in and around the province of Parma! Analysts, coders, designers, makers, professionals, and students! You're invited to participate in Hackafork -- Italy's first hackathon dedicated to food, nutrition, and food automation. On your own, or as a member of a team of up to 5 people, you'll be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch a project on the theme of the food chain from production to logistics, from sales to catering. Your project -- a combination of both hardware and software components --must bring improvements to the food sector (production, logistics, food, catering, etc.). You'll present your solution to a jury that will judge it on originality, functionality, and execution. Each member of the winning team will be awarded a € 100.00 voucher.