Showing results 21 to 30 out of 106
Ardor Blockchain Hackathon
01 Jul - 12:00 PM
Build withthe feature rich Ardor blockchain platform and get paid for it! Compete for over $15,000 in prizes working with one of the most advanced blockchain platforms. Developers working with anything from Python to Javato Javascript can compete, as well as designers to make marketing materials or new UI's
Reto CDMX - concurso de innovación
26 Jun - 11:04 PM
Con una concentración poblacional y actividad económica muy alta, la Ciudad de México confronta desafíos serios tanto en la gestión de residuos como movilidad, al mismo tiempo ofreciendo grandes oportunidades para los que proveen soluciones a estos temas.
Ultrahack y Finlandia con el apoyo de partners como Grupo Bimbo, Italika, ECOCE y Microsoft y en colaboración con el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Méxicoconvocan equipos creativos a participar en Reto CDMX – un concurso de innovación para buscar soluciones de TI a los retos que enfrenta la Ciudad de México en temas de Economía Circular y Movilidad Urbana.
Registrate hoy y aplicaantes del 29de mayo!
Entra a:
MarineTech – Plymouth
26 Jun - 07:00 PM
Developers, engineers, marine biologists, physicists, data scientists, and professionals involved in the business of the ocean -- such as ports and shipping, offshore oil and gas, fishing & aquaculture, naval and defence, etc! You're invited to apply to participate in the MarineTech Hackathon.
In this fully-virtual event, you'll be challenged to imagine and design an innovative digital solution that can help advance marine technology and ocean exploration. You'll also get the opportunity to network with your peers and industry experts as you build your solution.
Your project must be based around the following:
Technologies that address monitoring, warning, and remediation issues,
Investigation of current technologies for surveillance purposes and predicting fishing effort, and
Use of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, 5G, Robotic Process Automation, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Cloud Office and IT Infrastructure Services.
Hack in the Woods 2020
25 Jun - 06:00 PM
Tournai, Belgium
Developers, makers, designers or just plain techies! If you want to improve the world, Microsoft Innovation Center invites you to participate in the next edition of Hack in the Woods.
At this eco-responsible event at Domaine De Graux in the Tournai region of Belgium, you'll pitch your tent right in the heart of nature. Then as a member of a team, you'll have four days to design and prototype an innovative solution to a challenge posed by a partner humanitarian organisation such as Handicap International, or Good Planet.
COVID-19 Policy Hackathon
13 Jun - 11:37 AM
Apply to be a part of the COVID-19 Policy Hackathon today!
Join us June 13th-14th for a weekend dedicated to addressing our world’s most pressing policy issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. With mentorship from academics and industry leaders, the COVID-19 Policy Hackathon provides a platform for individuals to contribute innovative policy proposals.
Apply today to contribute your ideas. The world needs new voices, let yourself be one of them.
Please contact with any questions.For details, see official website:
12 Jun - 01:58 PM
Marseille, France
We will be building deep tech solutions around AI, machine learning and mobile apps for biodiversity data collection and analysis.
DataOps.NEXT APAC Hitachi Vantara Virtual Conference
04 Jun - 09:00 AM
Hitachi Vantara is hosting the DataOps.NEXT APAC virtual conference on June 4, 2020, to help you discover ways to solve your complex data management issues across your entire data lifecycle – data onboarding and preparation, governance and agility, analytics and machine learning, and data fabric optimization. Join this virtual conference today to listen to over 25 industry experts share fresh and practical insights.
Women In Tech 24h Virtual World Tour
28 May - 12:00 AM
Today more than ever Women are Taking up Space.
Female astronauts have recently succeeded in an all-women spacewalk and courageous women all around the world are taking up the space they need to thrive in their professional and private lives.
During the Women in Tech 24hour Virtual World Tour we will meet international leaders who are championing their industries from AI to Blockchain, FemTech, Climate Change and even SexTech!
We are living through unprecedented times, where our physical space is being challenged and confined, regardless of gender, age or nationality. Let’s open the discussion on how Humanity can take up Space in a more sustainable and inclusive manner for our future.
Better Health Hackathon: #CodeforCovid19
23 May - 12:01 AM
HCL is calling for the top startups, developers, solutions architects, and hackathon enthusiasts to develop imaginative solutions built around how technology can keep us connected and help the world get better leading to a brighter future. Let’s build high-tech solutions to address the need of the hour through a hackathon exploring themes across pandemic containment, community enablement, crisis communication, vaccine discovery, remote healthcare and clinical trials at the Better Health #CodeforCovid19 Hackathon.
CTH: Chai Time Hack
16 May - 08:00 PM
All you need to do is to upload a document of your idea. Yes! That it. The ideas will be judged based on innovation, novelty, and feasibility.