Showing results 31 to 40 out of 106
DataOps.NEXT Hitachi Vantara Virtual Conference
14 May - 09:00 AM
Hitachi Vantara is hosting the DataOps.NEXT virtual conference on May 14th, 2020 to help you discover ways to solve your complex data management issues across your entire data lifecycle – data onboarding and preparation, governance and agility, analytics and machine learning, and data fabric optimization. Join this virtual conference today to listen to over 30 industry experts sharing fresh and practical insights.
The Opportunity Hackathon
11 May - 12:00 AM
We know that innovation comes in dimensions, so we have created Afrikathon, which will converge world class talents across Africa to profer lasting solutions to one of the continent's challenges, unemployment, amongst others thereby impacting lives and improving economies. Registrations are open for our Africa-Wide Hackathon where anyone can use Design Thinking, form teams across the continent and create solutions to tackle problem of unemployment & job opportunities, in Africa. In the wake of COVID-19, we need to find innovative ways to create more jobs. Register here Visit our Website
Copernicus Hackathon in Athens 2020
08 May - 02:00 PM
Marousi, Greece
Copernicus Hackathon in Athens RELOADED! Following 2018 and 2019, the Copernicus Hackathon returns to Athens for a 3rd edition, on 8-9 May 2020. For one more time the Athens CopHack will give you the chance to meet people that share the same interest with you on the ways Space Technologies can be used to explore a multitude of application fields on Earth. Together with other enthusiastic people you will get free access to Copernicus space data, DIAS services and support from mentors and the option to follow several business and technical workshops. Participation is for free.
Hack Days Destination Logement
05 May - 04:43 PM
Pôle Emploi lance un véritable appel à projets pour faire émerger des solutions innovantes afin d’aider les demandeurs d'emploi à accéder à une solution logement dans le cadre d'une reprise d'emploi ou d'une formation en Ile-de-France. Les 3 sous-thématiques-clés sont : Faciliter et accélérer les démarches Mieux informer Proposer de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour améliorer le service Les startups/équipes devront soumettre leur solution via la plateforme idéation du challenge avant le 14 juin 2020. Elles auront également accès aux données et APIs de Pôle Emploi et Action Logement, pourront compléter leur équipe et échanger avec les mentors. Les équipes finalistes pitcheront en ligne leur solution au jury final le vendredi 19 juin. La startup gagnante remportera 8 000 €, et pourra se voir proposer une incubation ou un accompagnement - en fonction de son niveau de maturité - de 6 mois avec Paris&Co, pour implémenter sa solution en Ile-de-France avant la fin de l'année. Le challenge est ouvert aux startups, petites SSII et aux experts en freelance (AI, AR, VR, blockchain, etc.).
Hackatón Post Crisis COVID-19 Ecuador
29 Apr - 10:43 AM
Quito, Ecuador
Frente al contexto actual y de cara a la situación luego de la emergencia sanitaria, en Ecuador se organiza el “Hackatón Post Crisis COVID-19”, bajo modalidad virtual, con el objetivo de reunir conocimiento abierto y el talento de los ciudadanos para diseñar propuestas y encontrar soluciones desde la colaboración e innovación ciudadana. La idea es coordinar esfuerzos, ideas y destrezas es su diversidad y aprovechar al máximo las capacidades y recursos disponibles, para co-crear propuestas con una visión de sostenibilidad.
AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! - Singapore
24 Apr - 07:00 PM
Techies in Singapore! Agorize invites you to participate in AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! - Singapore. You'll be challenged to shape the digital future of South-East Asia by creating innovative solutions related to sustainability, learning & development, automation, and security. Register with a team of 2-4 members and create a prototype solution leveraging Amazon Web Services serverless, machine learning, IoT, databases, web applications, or mobile development capabilities. Compete to be one of 5 teams from Singapore to advance to the Online Demo Day on 30 July 2020. The winning team will participate in the Final Online Hackathon in August 2020 for the chance to win the US$20,000 Grand Prize. Check the expert tips page for useful info on hackathons!
AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! - Malaysia
24 Apr - 07:00 PM
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
US$20,000 Grand Prize
Malaysian techies! Agorise invites you to participate in AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! - Malaysia. You'll be challenged to shape the future of South-East Asia’s digitalization by creating innovative solutions related to sustainability, learning & development, automation, and security. Register with a team of 2-4 members and create a prototype solution leveraging Amazon Web Services serverless, machine learning, IoT, databases, web applications, or mobile development capabilities. Compete to be one of 5 teams from Malaysia to advance to the Online Demo Day on 15 July 2020. The winning team will participate in the Final Online Hackathon for the chance to win the US$20,000 Grand Prize. Hackathon best practice info is available on our tips page!
AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! - Indonesia
24 Apr - 07:00 PM
Techies in Indonesia! Agorize invites you to participate in AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! - Indonesia You'll be challenged to shape the future of South-East Asia’s digitalization by creating innovative solutions related to sustainability, learning & development, automation, and security. Register with a team of 2-4 members and create a prototype solution leveraging Amazon Web Services serverless, machine learning, IoT, databases, web applications, or mobile development capabilities. Compete to be one of 5 teams from Indonesia to advance to the Online Demo Day on 24 July 2020. The winning team will participate in the Final Online Hackathon in August 2020 for the chance to win the US$20,000 Grand Prize. Visit our tips page for Hackathon best practice info!
AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! - Philippines
24 Apr - 07:00 PM
Techies in The Philippines! Agorize invites you to participate in AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! - Philippines. You'll be challenged to shape the future of South-East Asia’s digitalization by creating innovative solutions related to sustainability, learning & development, automation, and security. Register with a team of 2-4 members and create a prototype solution leveraging Amazon Web Services serverless, machine learning, IoT, databases, web applications, or mobile development capabilities. Compete to be one of 5 teams to advance to the Online Demo Day on 22 July 2020. The winning team will participate in the Final Online Hackathon in August 2020 for the chance to win the US$20,000 Grand Prize. For useful info on hackathons, check the tips page!
Hack The Crisis Thailand
24 Apr - 06:00 PM
Ideas can't be quarantined. Hack The Crisis Thailand gives you the opportunity flex your fingers, work those brain muscles, and come up with brilliant ideas to combat #COVID-19. With prizes and grants worth up to 800,000 THB, now is your chance to do something great and impactful. Let's come together to solve the crisis until there is a permanent cure. 4 Challenges of Hack The Crisis Thailand: Save Our Heroes - supportmedical personnel on the frontlines Flatten The Curve - reduce the spread of the virus andthe number of infections, and promote social distancing Recover Our Community - help Thailand's communities by alleviating their economic conditions Crisis Communication - reduce the spread of false news and fear-mongering information, and facilitate smooth communication lines between authorities and the general public