Showing results 1 to 10 out of 216
DanceHackDay 2016
10 Dec - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Performers and developers! Are you interested in how technology can foster innovation in dance? Kinetech Arts & CounterPulse invite you to participate in DanceHackDay 2016. This is a daylong event that combines the traditional hackathon with a dance lab. You'll get the opportunity to create new and innovative applications of technology and dance material to create awesome live audience experiences. You'll be challenged to use DIY wireless heart monitors to create a cloud-based dataset of the heart rate of performers and use it to create interactive performance pieces based on the actual live heart rate of performers in multiple cities.
Mod the Future Hackathon New York
10 Dec - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
Hackers and makers! How'd you like the chance to win up to $1 million in start-up funds? You just have to come up with an awesome idea for a new Moto Mod for Motorola's new Moto Z phone. Choose from one of these three challenges:
» Health and Fitness: What could make health diagnosis easier?
» Retail: How could a Moto Mod change the way people experience their favorite stores and restaurants?
» Multimedia: What Moto Mod would upgrade phone hardware to better suit user media preferences?
Telstra Cloud Hackathon #2
09 Dec - 05:30 PM
Melbourne, Australia
Innovators, techies, entrepreneurs! Come and participate in Telstra Cloud Hackathon #2. This event is a venue for you to showcase your creativity and technical skills to create digital solutions limited only by your capacity for innovation. Come and show what you've got — wearables, mobility, internet of things, etc. etc.
Music With A Purpose Hackathon
03 Dec - 12:00 PM
New York, United States
Musicians and sound engineers! Come along to the monthly Music Hackathon NYC. This month's topic is Music With A Purpose. It's a free, non-competitive monthly all-day event for participants to create new music-related projects from scratch, develop them over a period of ~8 hours, then perform or present them in a concert format at 8pm.
Ultrahack 2016
25 Nov - 12:00 AM
Helsinki, Finland
Get ready to Ultrahack, one of the biggest hackathons in Europe for the development ideas and software. Ultrahack has top notch industry players to provide never-before-published APIs and tools. You can join with your pre-existing software and get expert evaluation and coaching or you can start from the scratch. All participants will have a good chance of winning during this extraordinary hackathon experience!
MIT Hacking Arts Hackathon
19 Nov - 04:30 PM
Cambridge, United States
The MIT Hacking Arts Hackathon is an annual conference, tech expo, and hackathon combined event in which students and professionals come together to explore the future of the arts and compete with an idea focused on design, fashion, film, gaming, music, or other creativity themed topics! The one day event will also have challenges and prizes presented by Adobe, Autodesk, Unity, and more.
Hack4Sports Hackathon
18 Nov - 06:30 PM
Leuven, Belgium
Join sports enthusiast hackers from around the world to work on your sports themed ideas in an amazing venue with food and drink! Network, work, and spitball ideas with individuals and business leaders with similar interests to you.
Redesigning the Paid Experience - Hackathon mit Design-Thinking-Workshop
18 Nov - 10:00 AM
Düsseldorf, Germany
Manager, marketers, engineers, developers, hobbyists, artists! Interested in the economics behind digital media? Come and participate in the Redesigning the Paid Experience hackathon. Bring your expertise, skills and meet other participants from various sectors and disciplines. Work with like-minded individuals on innovative ideas to create reader willingness to pay for the work of digital media journalists.
Global Startup Hackathon - Columbia
17 Nov - 06:00 PM
New York, United States
Whether you are a bootstrapped founder, engineer, doctor, PhD scientist, business hacker, or student, you are invited to join this must attend Hackathon. Global Startup Hackathon is open to anyone who is planning to start, work, mentor or fund a startup. If you are seeking to launch a startup across a large market, you will enjoy this chance to mingle and network with potential co-founder, partner, corporate clients or investors along top industry domain experts. This event will focus on Digital, IoT, Health/BioTech, CleanTech, or Media.
Galvanize: MillerLite Hackathon - Pitch Night
16 Nov - 06:00 PM
Denver, United States
Students and digital technology enthusiasts in the Denver area! Interested in brand marketing? Come and participate in a Brand Hackathon and explore ways for Miller Lite to use digital and technology solutions to get millennial men to buy more beer at liquor stores and bars. Research shows that choosing a beer brand is largely an impulse purchase. Your challenge is to show how technology can be used to close the gap between traditional media and moment of purchase.