Showing results 41 to 50 out of 216
Impact Aloud 2016
26 Sep - 09:30 AM
Wimbledon, United Kingdom
Data geeks! Participate at Impact Aloud 2016 -- Superhighways' third annual event to celebrate the power of digital to transform the way charities and community organisations can collect and measure data and share their incredible stories of change. Attend masterclasses that give you the latest tips and advice on apps, devices and online tools that don't cost the earth but can help you share your stories with the world.
Noise Hackathon
24 Sep - 12:00 PM
New York, United States
Musicians and sound engineers! Come along to the Noise Hackathon -- a free, non-competitive all-day event. Participants will discuss noise music and investigate the concept and impact of noise pollution!
Hackathon 2016 powered by AT&T
24 Sep - 11:00 AM
Fargo, United States
For intermediate hackers and beyond, join a team or compete solo for prizes at the AT&T sponsored Hackathon 2016! This 24 hour hackathon will be focused on creating a visual representation of data sets provided on a theme that will be announced prior to the event.
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Denver
23 Sep - 06:00 PM
Denver, United States
Join AT&T experts and other developers in the local community to create what ever app your heart desires! This mobile app hackathon is being put on by the AT&T developer program and will help teams work toward their end mobile goals. Hangout while building apps, getting fed, competing for prizes, and expanding your mobile dev network!
Hack4DK 2016
23 Sep - 05:00 PM
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hack4DK 2016 is a hackathon of a different flavor than most, with the focus being arts and culture and how they assimilate into popular culture and tech. This years Hack4DK will be held at The Agency for Culture and Palaces in Copenhagen where they and other cultural centers will provide open data and any archives available.
Weebly Hackathon
20 Sep - 07:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Weebly's hackathon will feature events where apps and themes must be created in a timed environment. Take this opportunity to compete against others and race against the clock.
Writally Bloghackathon
20 Sep - 05:30 PM
Spring Hill, Australia
Not every hackathon has to be focused on scrambling to get complicated code to run together. Join the writally community with one of your preconceived blog ideas and they will workshop your blog writing as well as give you a custom recipe for generating a well built blog post with engaging information! Included in the event is a one month basic membership to Writally, in addition to the blog post you write!
20 Sep - 05:00 PM
Helsingborg, Sweden
The long awaited opening of the THINK Open Space will be met with an event as exciting as the opportunities the new building will bring. A creation of the business department of the municipality and city of Helsingborg, the THINK Open Space will be available to anyone and everyone that would like to attend. Their will be free food and drink, as well as programs by some of the local supports in the community.
Coding da Vinci Nord
17 Sep - 10:00 AM
Hamburg, Germany
Attention all art and culture, engineering, styling and games lovers! If you're tech savvy and interested in the culture of northern Germany, then come participate in the first regional event of Coding Da Vinci. You're challenged to awaken the creative digital potential that lies in our heritage. Collaborate with like-minded people and create apps, websites, data visualizations and new devices to display the digitized treasures of northern German cultural institutions in a contemporary light.
Hackster Hardware Meetup: Amazon Alexa Hackathon
17 Sep - 09:00 AM
Houston, United States
Amazon's new personal assistant technology has taken the smart home scene by storm as it provides a cheaper, easier way to add unity to your home. If you want to participate in the development of this exciting new technology then join and Amazon Alexa workshop, where guest speaker Memo Doring will be speaking before an afternoon of hacking. Lunch and Dinner will be provided, as well as surprise prizes to be provided by amazon. In addition, submitting 3 Alexa skills within 30 days of the event will score you a new Amazon Tap!