Showing results 61 to 70 out of 216
Let's Make (Twitter) Friends
10 Sep - 09:00 AM
Seattle, United States
Hacking programs and problems is fun, but for those interested in hacking the social scene, there is the Let's Make (Twitter) Friends! Let's Make (Twitter) Friends will have both a workshop dedicated to creating twitter bots followed by a hackathon to put hackers new found skills to the test.
2016 MA Community Voting Day
06 Sep - 05:30 PM
Cambridge, United States
With the presidential election coming up, elections are on everyone's mind. If you are interested in the outcomes of major elections in the near future then check out Voatz' community day. At this event upcoming voters will test and provide feedback on potential new voting tech with real time results, while simulating current issues including the Massachusetts State Primary.
We Are Code VR Hackathon
04 Sep - 08:00 AM
Downey, United States
Virtual Reality has risen to the top of the tech scene as everyone begins to see the first mainstream prototypes and uses come to market. If you have an interest in VR or are currently working in this innovative field, then gain some more experience and compete for great prizes at the We Are Code VR Hackathon! The event will be sponsored by Oculus with the chance to win cash, gadgets, free coding classes and more!
Blockchain and Identity Hackathon
02 Sep - 06:00 PM
Tallinn, Estonia
As part of the Future of Identity Conference, the blockchain and identity hackathon will have two guest speakers Juan Benet and Trent McConaghy. After the presentation, hackers will be focused on incorporating new blockchain & decentralization tech for target applications in identity, supply chain, IoT, financial, energy, and creative industries so as to continue to grow and improve Estonia's online presence.
Yale Entrepreneurship Bazaar
30 Aug - 10:00 AM
New Haven, United States
A collaboration between Yale's numerous entrepreneurial organizations, the Yale Entrepreneurship Bazaar is sure to provide great networking opportunities, sponsors, and mailing lists for interested parties. In addition, stands will be advertising upcoming hackathons and classes within the community, and culinary startups will be handing out free samples of their products.
Tyler Web Dev Hackathon & Tech Celebration
28 Aug - 05:00 PM
Tyler, United States
Join prominent individuals from the Tyler area at the award ceremony for the winning teams from the 2016 Tyler Web Dev Hackathon and celebrate a new era in technology for the city.
Hawaii Annual Code Challenge Kickoff Ceremony
27 Aug - 09:00 AM
Honolulu, United States
Come participate in the Hawaii Annual Code Challenge (HACC) in Honolulu. It's a month-long event held to engage the local tech community in the modernization of Hawaii state government. A first of its kind for the state, HACC is based on the concept of a hackathon, a problem-solving event that brings together creative individuals over a set duration. HACC will offer an extended period for development over one month. Prior to the kickoff, participants are encouraged to submit their own ideas for state-related challenges facing the citizens of Hawaii. Submissions will be considered for inclusion in the challenge pool.
Make a Documentary In a Weekend - Toronto
26 Aug - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
A hackathon for all the film makers out there, join a group or create your own and create a documentary in just two days! Work with a group to utilize the provided cameras, lenses, and software to create a 3-5 documentary about your own topic.
Music Innovation Hackathon - a part of the Cutting Edge Conferences and Events
26 Aug - 05:00 PM
New Orleans, United States
Attend the Music Innovation Hackathon -- hosted by the VL Group and Launch Pad. The hackathon is part of the Cutting Edge conferences produced by the New Orleans based non-profit organization Music Business Institute (MBI). The Cutting Edge is dedicated to the many musicians whose dreams and efforts make the music business a reality for the rest of us.
Android Summit 2016
26 Aug - 09:00 AM
McLean, United States
All you Android techies! Come along to the Android Summit 2016 -- a two-day multi-track conference focused on designing, developing and testing for Android. It is the second annual event dedicated to Android in the Washington, DC area. Learn more about Android development, design and testing! Meet other developers, designers, testers and enthusiasts! And be sure to get the limited-edition t-shirt!