Showing results 71 to 80 out of 216
Writally Blog-Hackathon August 2016
23 Aug - 05:00 PM
Spring Hill, Australia
Do you get "bloggers block"? Have trouble creating your content? Come and get your blogging flowing again. Bring your laptop to this Blog-hackathon and -- using your personal blog post recipe -- the organizers will help create and workshop your blog post step-by-step as you write it. At the end of the event, you’ll walk away with a ton of helpful feedback to help you improve your blog writing and a kick-ass blog post you can publish immediately!
Silicon Beach Fest - LA
22 Aug - 05:00 PM
Los Angeles, United States
Join Los Angeles city officials as they discuss the new initiatives to grow the tech and entrepreneurial scene implemented by recently elected mayor and long time Silicon Beach supporter Eric Garcetti. already mayor Garcetti has created many new positions to encourage innovation within the local government, opened city data to public use, and is in the process of updating city websites, speaking at many startup focused events, and he has much more planned!
Actividades de entreamiento IV - Desarrollo con NodeJS + Swift
20 Aug - 09:00 AM
Zapopan, Mexico
Come and collaborate to build an app that saves the most popular of internet images. With this application, any user can upload their favorite photos and share them as they chose -- quickly and easily. You'll develop the app using Swift -- one of the most mature OpenStack projects -- one that allows you to store and retrieve objects in a durable, high availability and concurrent manner.
Facebook Indonesia Developer Challenge Meetup Bandung
19 Aug - 06:00 PM
Bandung, Indonesia
Indonesian developers! Are you ready to answer the Facebook Indonesia Developer Challenge? Facebook invites local developers to create innovative digital services — mobile app or website — integrated with various Facebook features. Facebook is reaching out to developers with a complete set of end-to-end developer services to help ensure that more digital products are available to Facebook users. This event will focus on the three categories: Build, Grow, and Monetize!
Women in Media Awards & Women in Media Forum
19 Aug - 09:00 AM
Sydney, Australia
Each year, B&T Magazine recognises inspirational women in Media at its annual Women in Media Awards. In the spirit of collaboration, this year there will be a hackathon element to the event, attendees split into groups to come up with three actionable ideas to meet challenges facing women in the industry. Every attendee should walk away with at least one step they can take immediately to contribute to the promotion of women in media.
Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam
13 Aug - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This is a 24hour event for you to come and participante in making projects that have no value whatsoever. The categories include: Sexy Machine Learning, Freemium Decommodification, Design Like It's 1999, Lamefication, Buzzwords, #Disruptive Browser Plugins, Internet of Poop, Disrupting Dykes, Offline Markov Chain ChatBots, Radical Exclusion Social Hacking, Queueing Modulation, Monetizing Esoteric Languages, Snack Driven Development. There are no limits to your creations but spaces are limited so sign up today!
Facebook Indonesia Developer Challenge Meetup Jogjakarta
10 Aug - 06:00 PM
Gondokusuman, Indonesia
Facebook invites local developers to the Facebook Developer Challenge to innovate in order to develop digital services — in the form of mobile or web apps — that are integrated with various Facebook features. Come and learn how Facebook's Developer Program supports developers to help them build digital products that can reach more consumers.
GirlCode Hackathon
06 Aug - 08:00 AM
Johannesburg, South Africa
Women coders! Come and participate in the 3rd annual GirlCode hackathon -- 30 hours of non-stop programming. The hackathon is open to all females, who will work collaboratively to create a website, game, or mobile app that addresses a selected real world challenge. No prior programming experience is required and registration is free. You can participate in teams of minimum 3 and maximum 6. So come creative...and build cool products! Show the way for more women to join the technology industry.
U:HAC Cebu : Unionbank Hackathon
06 Aug - 08:00 AM
Cebu City, philippines
College students, developers, designers and tech rockstars! Are you passionate about creating innovative tech solutions? Then sign up for the first U-HAC : Unionbank Hackathon. You'll be challenged to create projects that have potential to improve people’s lives -- maybe new and cool apps suited for millenials. Or maybe take a corporate approach and build a fintech project that will help consumers and institutional customers? Be, virtual reality, IoT projects, robotics, or whatever wild and wonderful idea springs to mind!
MISP Hackathon
04 Aug - 08:30 AM
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Come to first ever Hackathon around MISP--the advanced platform for sharing, storing and correlating indicators of compromise (IoC) and cyber security threats! Get beneath the covers of MISP--API, docs, etc.--to store, share, collaborate on malware, and also to use the IOCs to detect and prevent attacks.