Showing results 81 to 90 out of 216
Bay State Ballot Question Hackathon
03 Aug - 06:00 PM
Boston, United States
Concerned citizens of Massachusetts! Join the New England Center for Investigative Reporting and WGBH for the Bay State Ballot Question Hackathon. This is a hands-on event where journalists, concerned citizens and experts sift through campaign finance data to better understand the funding sources behind voter initiatives appearing on the Massachusetts ballot this fall.
GlobalGirl Media Academy 2016
01 Aug - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
We live in a culturally diverse country that promotes gender equality, and yet females and their views are under-represented — and often misrepresented — in the UK media. This summer, GlobalGirl Media UK will train its first cohort of girls in digital media! This is an an amazing opportunity for girls to create and share digital journalism designed to ignite community activism and spark social change. The course will cover:
»Digital journalism
»Video camera, sound and editing
»Blogging, print journalism and writing for camera
»Interview techniques
»How to source and pitch a story
»Social media for social change, how to use media to start a campaign
»Leadership and civic activism
The course also includes field visits to broadcasters such as the BBC, on-going support from a mentor and advice for furthering your career in journalism, as well as possibilities for international exchange with previous graduates and an online platform for your reports.
Interactive Surfaces Hackathon, ft. Chairigami x Novalia
30 Jul - 11:00 AM
New York, United States
Join NYU MusEdLab for the Interactive Surfaces Hackathon, ft. Chairigami x Novalia — two days of creating, collaborating and turning ideas into musical realities. Participants will be transforming cardboard furnitures into interactive music surfaces with Zachary Rotholz, the founder and CEO of Chairigami, a company that designs and create beautiful cardboard furnitures, and Dr. Kate Stone, the founder of Novalia, a design company based in UK that brings print to life.
The workshop will have two phases:
1) Planning - Brainstorm, design and prototype your ideas.
2) Making and Sharing - Bringing the cardboard furnitures to life with your music and art.
Outside Hacks 2016: The Official Hackathon of Outside Lands
23 Jul - 12:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Come on down to the Outside Hacks 2016: The Official Hackathon of Outside Lands. Build something that enhances the experience for artists and/or fans at the Outside Lands 2016 music festival in San Francisco. Build something for iOS, Android, the Web, or anything else! The winning team will be featured by the festival either through the official app/site or promoted through their channels.
Weekends at Fishburners: Female Founders Hackathon
22 Jul - 06:30 PM
Ultimo, Australia
Are you an aspiring female startup founder? Come and join like-minded people like yourself and receive guidance on how to take your first steps? You don't need to have a background in tech or startups to participate, just an enthusiasm to try this out. You can work on any idea that has a large potential market, and is using technology somehow to capture that market quickly - there are no set challenges to solve, and judging is purely constructive feedback. Come along and help create the jobs, exports, investment and prosperity that great Australian startups can provide.
Writally Blog-Hackathon July 2016
20 Jul - 05:00 PM
Spring Hill, Australia
Do you get "bloggers block"? Have trouble creating your content? Come and get your blogging flowing again. Bring your laptop to this Blog-hackathon and -- using your personal blog post recipe -- the organizers will help create and workshop your blog post step-by-step as you write it. At the end of the event, you’ll walk away with a ton of helpful feedback to help you improve your blog writing and a kick-ass blog post you can publish immediately!
MiTech July MeetUp
19 Jul - 06:00 PM
New York, United States
Minorities in technology - come join the monthly New York meet up! The meet up features speakers from around New York City speaking on topics ranging from their experiences in technology, how to run a start up, and much more. For all game developers…Sara Cornish of Games for Change will be giving tips on game development and Richard Murby of devpost will talk about the devpost Leads Hackathon. You'll also hear from Kim Wales on financing/crowdfunding and from Maisha Walker from INC. Magazine.
Intro to the Austin Startup Scene & Ask Me Anything with Joshua Baer, Austen Trimble & Jason Seats
19 Jul - 04:30 PM
Austin, United States
Want to plug in to the Austin, Texas startup scene? Check out the next edition of Intro to the Austin Startup Scene with Capital Factory founder Joshua Baer, Eagle Eye Networks Director of Sales, Austen Trimble, and Techstars Partner Jason Seats. Find out why Austin's great for start-ups. You'll get answers to questions like...How do I get a job at a startup? How do I find a co-founder? How do I meet investors and mentors? Should I join an accelerator?
TEDxAmsterdam Hackathon
16 Jul - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
In spirit of this year's theme ‘New Power’ -- developers, designers and creatives are invited to unite! This year TEDxAmsterdam is working on a TEDx Open Source project for the new website and as a kick off is hosting their first hackathon to create awesome things for TEDxAmsterdam! That doesn't mean you'll be building a website!'re invited to show off your awesome building skills. The journey should include lots of fun! The final program and location are still being worked on, but you'll enjoy a fun day, with cool people and lots of awesome stuff to be made! Who knows, if your hack is that awesome, maybe you’ll see it back on TEDxAmsterdam!
UniHack presents: Hack the Economy
14 Jul - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Are you a university student, or recent graduate? As the leaders of tomorrow, how can you help ensure sustainable economic growth, and decent work for all? Want to make a difference? Join the hack for two days of innovation, ideation, and getting down and dirty building new apps, services, campaigns, and projects to tackle some of the economy’s most pressing issues. Hackathons are for all types of forward thinking, proactive students. Whether you’re a master coder, design hero, or a sales and biz dev guru, this is the place you need to be!