Showing results 31 to 40 out of 49
Garage Stories_36h VR Storytelling Hackathon
03 Jun - 08:00 AM
Palo Alto, United States
Directors, script-writers, transmedia architects, production designers, sound designers, actors, VR developers, editors, and more! Think you can create a VR film in 36 hours? Garage Stories invites you to sign up to participate in their Garage Stories_36h VR Storytelling Hackathon. You'll collaborate with other VR film enthusiasts to create your own immersive world and a VR set that will be open to the public in Palo Alto + VR short.
#ExpeditionHacks Hackathon Series: Seattle 2017
20 May - 09:00 AM
Seattle, United States
Hackers in the greater Seattle area! Come and participate in the #ExpeditionHacks - Seattle 2017 event. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative solution that will extract relevant content from a given list of feeds for a variety of personas. Your solution can use all the data sources you want, but your technology must be able to exist within a private cloud.
28 Apr - 12:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Powered by later lifestyle specialists, Auriens, this 48-hour hackathon will enable the brightest minds to bring about the best new thinking for baby boomers and beyond. From technology and travel to health and hospitality, this first-of-a-kind event is designed to hack innovation across all aspects of the aging spectrum. One aim: to deliver an immersive, innovative and imaginative prototype that challenges the conventions around old age and hacks new ideas to improve the quality (and quantity!) of all aspects of later life for this generation and the next. Considering everything from hospitality and healthcare to travel, fashion and retail, this event is expected to excel in creating age-defying ideas. The hackathon will take place at OXO 2 in London.
ZEIT Hackathon "Die Zukunft der Bildung"
20 Apr - 05:00 PM
Hamburg, Germany
Developers, designers, project managers! DIE ZEIT Publishing Group invites you to sign up to participate in the ZEIT Hackathon "The Future of Education." You'll be challenged to create innovative ways to convey knowledge to educate people in this digital age! Your project could be an app to combat illiteracy, innovative interactive courses, or ways to learn languages with VR glasses, or some other fantastic idea!
Abilities Hackathon Showcase
18 Apr - 07:00 PM
Baltimore, United States
FANN Design invites you to attend the Abilities Hackathon Showcase, where participants in the Abilities Hackathon present their project work to be judged. You'll get to see innovative solutions that enable the Baltimore community to address problems faced by those with disabilities. Projects will be presented in the following four tracks: »Aging, »Wearables, »Leisure/Entertainment, and »Open Software/Hardware
May Day Action Creative Hackathon
15 Apr - 12:00 PM
New York, United States
Writers, filmmakers, graphic designers, social media experts, artists, and creatives! The Resistance Media Collective invites you to participate in the May Day Action Creative Hackathon in order to support immigrant & worker communities. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to collaborate to create posters, flyers, videos, and social media campaigns in support of the May Day Actions.
Karajan / FH Salzburg Classical Music Hackathon April 8-9, 2017
08 Apr - 09:00 AM
Puch bei Salzburg, Austria
Engineers, musicians, anyone interested in hacking the classics! The Karajan Institute & FH Salzburg invite you to participate in the Karajan / FH Salzburg Classical Music Hackathon in Salzburg, Austria. You'll be challenged to build tools to allow innovative, digital experiences of classical repertoire. Hackathon #1: Crack The Code Into The Music Industry
11 Mar - 07:00 PM
Kortrijk, Belgium
Do you want to be in the music business? Belgium invites you to sign up to participate in the Hackathon #1: Crack The Code Into The Music Industry. If you register to attend the Music Hackathon, you could crack the code into the music industry!
Abilities Hackathon
10 Mar - 05:00 PM
Baltimore, United States
Hackers, designers, UI/UX experts! Are you interested in using technology to address the issues faced by Baltimore residents with disabilities? Digital Harbor Foundation and Aging2.0 invite you to sign up to participate in the Abilities Hackathon. You'll have the option to compete for prizes in your choice of one of the four following tracks: »Aging Population »Wearables »Leisure/Entertainment »Transportation/Mobility
HackOMania 2017
04 Mar - 01:00 PM
Singapore River, Singapore
Hackers and geeks in Singapore! GeeksHacking invites you to sign up to participate in HackOMania 2017. You'll be challenged to showcase your technical skills to build connections to leading social media platforms. Collaborate with a team of up to 4 participants. You'll be expected to connect your project to at least one of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Meetup.