Showing results 11 to 20 out of 58
Audio Jam - Fun Online Hackathon
20 Oct - 04:00 PM
ABOUT THE HACK The Audio Jam run completely online with participants from all over the world over 24 hours. The hack is open for developers, designer and musicians. Communication happens over Slack and Hangout. PRIZES Audio Jam is mostly for fun, but there are prices for 🏆Most supportive individual 🏆Best project
IDV Hacktober 2018
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
MĂĽnchen, Germany
Hast Du Lust, dich alleine oder im Team (max. 3) mit Deiner Idee einer Softwarelösung mit anderen zu messen? Wenn ja, dann melde Dich gleich zum IDV Hacktober an! Im Fokus steht vor allem der gemeinsame Spaß, die Kreativität und der Austausch von Ideen in Form von ersten Prototypen. Natürlich kannst du auch attraktive Preise gewinnen!
Nash Hack Weekathon
19 Oct - 06:00 PM
Nashville, United States
A free, weeklong event where product managers, designers, developers and marketers come together to build projects in an open, community hackathon, featuring: a pitch competition to select featured teams, a week of expert consultations, a 48-hour hackathon, and demos of completed projects open to the public. Whether you’re joining a featured team or working on your own your project, Nash Hack Weekathon is a great way to learn new skills and connect with the community.
MailerLite Hack-a-SaaS Hackathon
12 Oct - 06:00 PM
Vilnius, Lithuania
MailerLite Hack-a-Saas is a 48-hour event where the best developers, designers, project managers and entrepreneurs meet to build new, amazing SaaS products.
Radio-Canada, faites-en une affaire personnelle!
11 Oct - 11:59 PM
Montréal, Canada
Tu es développeur, designer, stratège ou chef de projet ? Cette compétition amicale est l’occasion pour toi de créer un prototype axé sur la personnalisation dans un contexte collaboratif et convivial. Participes au hackathon 2019 de Radio Canada pour avoir la chance de gagner un grand nombre de récompenses telles que Xbox, PlayStation et bien plus!
DevCamp - die Informatiktage
28 Sep - 10:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
DevCamp is your platform for developers, computer scientists, IT enthusiasts, and those who want to be became them. DevCamp is a conference with an open agenda about the topics that are moving digital minds in 2018. Make new contacts, connect with experts in a relaxed atmosphere and participate in exciting workshops.
#Dappathon APAC Tour - Ho Chi Minh
28 Sep - 08:00 AM
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Welcome to's #Dappathon Tour - Ho Chi Minh #Dappathon is a hackathon for Decentralized Applications (Dapps). DO NOT miss out the chance to learn and network, at the same time have fun in bringing your Dapp ideas to life! Blockchain Bootcamp (28th September, 2018) #Dappathon (29-30th September, 2018) First Prize: USD 3,000 Second Prize: USD 1,500 Third Prize: USD 700 *Prizes are in Cash* More info: Questions:
Hacking Audio & Music Research - ISMIR 2018 @Deezer
21 Sep - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Music techies in and around Paris! Deezer, France’s leading streaming music innovator, invites you to participate in Hacking Audio & Music Research - ISMIR 2018 at their Paris headquarters. You'll be challenged to design and develop novel new techniques for analyzing, processing, and synthesizing audio and music signals. Collaborate and compete for recognition by the popular vote of your peers in the categories of Best Code, Best Documentation, and Best Hack/Research Direction.
Tsec Hackathon
21 Sep - 08:00 AM
Mumbai, India
Our college is orgainising a hackathon based on blockchain and social causes. Since blockchain is one of the trending topics our aim is that each and every engineering student should gain some knowledge about this technology also it is one of the best platform for students to show cast their talent and build a working model in few hours.
SMARTHACK 2018: Smart Destination San Miguel de Allende Hackathon
17 Sep - 09:46 PM
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
El objetivo es construir y presentar propuestas que respondan ¿Cómo puede la ciudad de San Miguel de Allende brindar experiencias accesibles, personalizadas y creativas a través de una integración de tecnológica entre todo tipo de servicios gubernamentales y privados para los visitantes y la población en general?