Showing results 1 to 10 out of 54
13 Dec - 04:00 PM
Ansbach, Germany
New Tech in Media
Ihr interessiert euch für Design, seid angehende oder fertig abgeschlossene Developer, Journalisten oder Medien-Enthusiasten? Dann seid ihr gefragt! Vom13. - 15. Dezemberfindet der erste Media Lab Ansbach Hackathon statt. In 48 Stunden könnt ihr eine von 4 Challenges bearbeiten.
Zu gewinnen gibt es Preise im Gesamtwert von über 1.000€.
Hackathon Digitale Dienstverlening Gemeenten | 29 november 2019
29 Nov - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hackathon Digitale Dienstverlening Gemeenten
Op 29 november a.s. organiseert de Publieksbalie (een projectgroep van traineeorganisatie DisGover) de hackathon Digitale Dienstverlening Gemeenten in de Openbare Bibliotheek van Amsterdam.
Uitonderzoek is gebleken dat een groot knelpunt in de digitale dienstverlening van gemeente te maken heeft met de verwachtingen van inwoners en ondernemers. Ze willenop de hoogte gehouden worden van wat er met hun melding, klacht of vraag gebeurt. Op dit gebied is er voor gemeenten nog ruimte voor verbetering!
Tijd voor verandering
Wij geloven dat door middel van een multidisciplinaire aanpak eengamechangerbedacht kan worden om de digitale dienstverlening van gemeenten aan inwoners en ondernemerste veranderen.
In de vorm van een hackathon
Een hackathon is een evenement waarbij verschillende teams in korte tijd met elkaar de strijd aan gaan om een zo creatief en innovatief mogelijke oplossing te vinden voor het aangereikte vraagstuk. Als deelnemers met diverse achtergronden, expertisesen perspectieven samenwerken, kunnen ze samen tot een oplossingkomen.
Praktische informatie
Wanneer:vrijdag 29 november 2019
Hoelaat: 9:00 tot 19:00 uur (incl. afsluitende netwerkborrel)
Locatie: De Werkvloer (1e verdieping Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam)
Meld jehier aan!
Voor vragen kun je terecht bij
Virtual Ukrainian Open Data Hackathon
22 Nov - 06:00 PM
The Ukrainian Open Data Hackathon is a team idea/prototyping competition, organized by Tech London Advocates Ukraine, for students and professionals worldwide. You can sit in Kyiv, Mariupol or Zhmerynka and still participate in our event. Are you in New York or Tokio? Not a problem at all to hack for Ukrainian good with us. Even sunny Honolulu or Phuket can join us since our Hackathon is truly borderless.
You pick your idea, team and work on a solution for the Challenge, explained below.
What is the Challenge?
Participants can choose a combination of any of the following work-streams:
Business Climate
How Might We elevate Ukrainian small businesses and investment into Ukraine?
Set the Record Straight
How Might We promote the correct usage of linguistics and raise awareness on cultural knowledge of Ukraine? (#KyivnotKiev, ‘Ukraine’ not ‘the Ukraine’)
Clean Data Indicators
How Might We boost and keep open data indicators up to date, correct, and automate the detection of any errors?
What datasets do we have?
Our Partner, Refinitiv Labs, provides free access to data, metadata and, perhaps most importantly, sample Jupyter notebooks for many of the most popular sets including Tick History, Historical Pricing, Reuters News Archive, Aggregated News & Social Media Sentiment, ESG and Knowledge Graph. It also provides access to the Intelligent Tagging Natural Language Processing and Symbology services.
Also, every participant will get access toOpen Datasets Catalogue within the Ukrainian Ecosystem (mostly - in Ukrainian).
21 Nov - 09:00 AM
Lucca, Italy
5GCity Hackathondemonstrates, in operational conditions, a distributed cloud and radio platform for municipalities and infrastructure owners acting as 5G neutral hosts. The platform enables to turn a city-infrastructure into a distributed and multi-tenant edge infrastructure by relying on the 5GCity orchestration platform, based on OSM, to manage and orchestrate (NFV + MEC) end-to-end services and creating programmable and on demand network slices.
YYC Hacks App Development Hackathon
16 Nov - 09:00 AM
Calgary, Canada
At this 2-day event students from grades 9-12, will get to learn how to use MIT App Inventor and then put this knowledge to usein small groups tocreate an app to solve any problem they see fit. Unlike other Hackathons, on the morning of the first day, there will be a Bootcamp for all of the students, both experienced and not, on how to use MIT App Inventor, after which they will be set free to work in their groups. On the second day, students will finish creating their apps, which they will then present to a panel of judges from the app development and other science fields. There will be prizes for the winning teams.
NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! All student grades 9-12 welcome to participate!
Hack Mobile
15 Nov - 06:00 PM
Calgary, Canada
Hack Mobile will bring students and community members together for the purpose of creative collaboration. Participants will come together for over 30 hours, solving problems from the ground up using their diverse backgrounds and ingenuity.
Newsjam DC: Make Newsgames in a Day
08 Nov - 05:00 PM
Washington, United States
The Newsjam is anopportunity to rally community around games for reporting, playful infographics, data driven play, persuasive gamesand anything that's about helping improve the news through game design. Work and play with other game designers, programmers and artists to inspire the spirit of political activism and news reporting into games. This year, there will a Newsjam inWashington, DCand one inMiami,Florida. You can participate at either, but not both, locations. The Newsjam is an event sponsored by theKnight Foundationand theAmerican University Game Laband theUniversity of Miami School of Communication. In its second year, it is a 24 hour game jam with a very specific focus - the intersection of news, games. and community. It’s an opportunity to experiment with games as a way ofconnecting people with the news,empowering citizen reportersorre-envisioning the way we learn about the world around us.
Ramayana Hackathon in Noida - The Ramayana School
26 Oct - 11:00 AM
Noida, India
Ramayana Hackathon is a one-day event organized by The Ramayana School, where we will try to dive into the Valmiki Ramayana, Unravel the facts and create Quiz Questions from it.
- Participants will be allocated resources (books, websites for referring English translation of the Valmiki Ramayana).
- Participants need to bring their laptop and basic internet connection (through dongle OR mobile's hotspot) and create quiz questions, from the allocated chapters.
- Participants creating a maximum number of questions, most innovative questions, fastest set of questions, will be rewarded.
You can form teams and join, parents, can join with their children, for this amazing experience to dive into Lord Rama’s life
Date: 26 Oct 2019
Time: 11 AM to 5 PM (You can join for a few hours also)
Venue: IIP Academy, B-7, Sec.2, Noida (Near Noida Sec.15 Metro Station)
Register now (free):Free Registration To Attend The Hackathon
Facebook Event Page
NOTE: Bring your own laptop and basic internet connection (dongle OR mobile's hotspot).
R U Ready - Hackathon
23 Oct - 04:31 PM
München, Germany
Are youready to HACK?
Developers, designers, media enthusiasts and hackathon junkies: We want you for our R U Ready Hackathon!
Together with Germany’s top media companies we will offer exciting challenges aiming to disrupt the media industry. Join us for a 3-day hackathon at the R U Ready Summit @ Medientage Munich and build the future of media!
Why you should join:
-Meet like-minded media innovators & win cool prices
-Get a free conference pass for the first day of Medientage Munich
-Get access to Germany’s top media companies
When & Where:
October 23-25, 2019 @ Medientage München | ICM - Munich
More information:
Edtech Hackathon
19 Oct - 08:30 AM
Vilnius, Lithuania
If you are a programmer, designer, project manager, lawyer, entrepreneur or a person, who has ideas suitable for the EdTech industry, wants to put them to practical use and contribute to solutions of the future education and studies, then this event is perfect for you.
Why is it beneficial to take part in Edtech Hackathon?
For two days experts from different fields will share their knowledge and insights, introduce the basics of business, teach to recognize the target market and identify the most important steps to be taken by future successful entrepreneurs. Also, it is a great place for making new acquaintances that can be useful for your career in the future.