Showing results 11 to 20 out of 54
Samsung Bixby DevJam
18 Oct - 08:00 AM
Join the 2019 Bixby DevJam and build Capsules (voice applications) that show off Bixby's strengths as a personal assistant. We've got a $125,000 prize pool for all qualifying Capsules, and we can't wait to see what you build!
The Bixby Marketplace is revolutionizing what voice assistant products can do. Get your voice app in front of over 500 million Bixby connected devices. Join the Bixby DevJam today!
2019 Coca-Cola Innov8 Hackfest
15 Oct - 04:00 PM
Shanghai, China
The 2019 Coca-Cola Innov8 Hackfest is open for applications! Aligning with their sustainability initiatives, the world’s largest total beverage company is looking to digitize their value chain by leveraging disruptive technology, in partnership with Swire Coca-Cola.This year, the competition focuses on 5 categories:
1) Smart Retail & Consumer Engagement (B2B2C, B2C, O2O)
Think of creative ways to attract, connect and engage consumers with new models focused on online community-based marketing surrounding social media sites to help with their product sell-in.
2) Customer Experience (B2B)
Come up with integrative solutions to approach, connect and convert their Eating & Drinking customers with a focus on building CRM for all their sales channels and developing stronger bonds with them.
3) Advance Analytics & Data Visualization
Optimise Swire's existing database using advanced data analytics technology, which will guide them to make more informed decisions, identify opportunities and risks.
4) Digital Supply Chain
Minimise inefficiencies that have arisen in Coca-Cola's supply chain due to the presence of multiple partners by leveraging technologies to link data across the supply chain.
5) Other Value-Adding Innovations
Are you a start-up based in China or Asia Pacific? Do you think you can make a difference?REGISTER before October 15th and submit to our platform a 10 slides PPT presentation!
Bubble No-Code Hackathon
28 Sep - 10:00 AM
The no-code online hackathon is perfect for technical entrepreneurs, marketers, and designers looking to take their skills to the next level. Build powerful applications without any knowledge of code.
Do you want to bring your ideas to MVP quickly, build more than just a landing page, or build applications yourself without hiring a developer?
Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of bubble. Bubble is a visual programming platform that requires no coding to create fully-featured applications. Drag and drop to add page elements such as photos, input forms, and maps and build pixel perfect interfaces and unique apps.
We are so excited about bubble, that we have just launched our free Masterclass video series in conjunction with theonline hackathon. This Masterclass is a great first introduction to this technology and will take 2 hours of your time to create your own, fully functioning application.
Team up and compete with other bubble userswhile getting mentoring from bubble experts at the online hackathon happening on September 28-29!
Check out the FREE Masterclass here on bubble development
Building the permaweb
22 Sep - 05:24 PM
London, United Kingdom
$2,500 in ETH & 2,500 AR
We are increasingly losing control of our personal information by placing ownership of data in the hands of just a few. History has shown us time and time again how problematic centralization is, and today, monolithic power structures have dominated the infrastructure of the web, turning open networks into a place where information and freedom of speech are vulnerable to censorship and loss. In response to the increasing centralization of the web, Arweave is on a mission to build a new web -- the permaweb.
The permaweb is a decentralized, immutable new web, built on top of a globally distributed, permanent hard drive -- the Arweave network. We want the decentralized permaweb to be accessible to everyone, but we want you to be a part of making that a reality. That’s why we’re looking for talented developers to build decentralized apps on the permaweb.
Alexa Games Hackathon
21 Sep - 09:00 AM
Madrid, Spain
En esta segunda convocatoria de #AceleraEspañanos centraremos en el mercado de los asistentes virtuales asistidos por voz, el cual se encuentra enpleno crecimiento.Es por eso que te ofrecemos una formaciónGRATUITAy la posibilidad de participar en unHackathon,con muchos premios, gracias al patrocinio de Amazon Alexa.
El Alexa Games Hackathon estáenfocado en desarrollar una Skill de Alexa en grupo o de manera individual.
¿Cómo puedes participar?
1) Registrarse a través de Eventbrite para formar parte del Hackathon de manera individual o grupos de hasta 4 participantes.
2)Inscríbetetotalmente gratis al"Curso de desarrollo de skills en Alexa"y completalo.Es un entrenamiento con todo lo que debes saber para estar a punto ese día.
3) Durante el Hackathon, se deben seguir las pautas que especificarán los organizadores y llevar a cabo en 4 horas el proyecto que se presentará al jurado.
¿Qué se hará en el Hackathon?
Nos centraremos en los juegos, en 3 categorías:
Daily casual games: valoramos que la gente tenga ganas de abrirlos todos los días para jugar menos de 5 minutos.
Choose your own adventure (adventure games): valoraremos que la gente cree juegos de tipo Rol donde tomar decisiones en una aventura.
Puzzle solving/Scape the Room: juegos para el ingenio con retos.
¡Hay muchos premios a los grupos ganadores!
Elevate Tech Jam 2019 - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN!
20 Sep - 05:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
We’re looking for different perspectives and talents to apply their skills towards solving some of the world’s most pressing problems. The event welcomes 500 participants, working in teams of four to six people. These teams can include developers, researchers, UX designers, artists, data scientists, civic innovators, marketing specialists, business students, and professionals of all disciplines.
All Tech Jam participants who join us for the weekend will also receive a complimentary festival pass for Elevate!
Decentraland Game Jam and Hackathon
16 Sep - 06:28 PM
Decentraland Game Jam,$250,000 USD in prizes,September 16-30
A two-week online event, building interactive 3D content for Decentraland – the first blockchain-based virtual world.
Blockchain is transforming the gaming industry, adopted by established companies such as Samsung, Ubisoft, HTC and Kakao Games.
The blockchain allows for unprecedented mechanics in gaming, such as
earn-to-play, allowing players to monetize their skills;
true ownership of virtual goods, which lets you trade what you own in global open markets;
verified scarcity and provable fairness, meaning you can verify the exact supply and rules that affect your items and the games you play; and
interoperability of virtual items, so that the skins you purchased for one game can be used in a different franchise
Sign up
For more details, read theGame Jam Survival Guide
HackThePress 2019
14 Sep - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Techies in the Greater London Area -- and beyond! Are you interested in the state of Journalism and the press? You're invited to participate in HackThePress 2019. You'll be challenged to design and prototype a digital solution to one or more of the following themes:
→Production - help journalists create great content more efficiently,
→ Consumption - help readers know the quality, biases, and reputation of content,
→ Publishing - help journalists use new mediums to get their message across.
Present your project to a panel of experts for the chance to be recognized as a winner.
Audio Hack Days - 13.-15. September München
13 Sep - 04:30 PM
München, Germany
Das neue „Hören“ braucht neue Ideen. Bei den ersten Audio Hack Days basteln vom 13. bis 15. September 2019 in München kreative Köpfe an einer innovativen Audiowelt. Um die Fragestellungen und Probleme der Audiowelt lösen zu können, heißt es, gemeinsam anzupacken. Wenn Welten aufeinanderprallen, entsteht etwas Neues. Neu gedacht, innovativ umgesetzt. Das ist das Ziel der ersten Audio Hack Days.
Die Gewinner des Hacks bekommen die exklusive Möglichkeit, ihr Projekt am 23. Oktober 2019 im Konferenzprogramm der Medientage München vorzustellen. Eine Jury aus Expertinnen und Experten wählt das Gewinnerprojekt aus. Darunter sind unter anderem Corinna Theil (Bayern 3), Mirijam Trunk (Audio Alliance) und Matthias Pfaff (REGIOCAST). Als Mentoren unterstützen Michael Praetorius (Pitch und Präsentation) und Nikolaus von der Decken (Ideen finden, schärfen, überprüfen) die Teams.
Raspberry Jam
07 Sep - 09:30 PM
Krems an der Donau, Austria
Zum ersten Mal wird auch auf der Donau Uni Krems ein Raspberry Jam veranstaltet – ein Treffen für alle die mehr über Raspberry Pi und ähnliche Boards lernen wollen, und natürlich auch selber damit herumspielen wollen. Egal wie viel man schon weiß – von Anfänger*innen bis hin zu Profis sind bei der Jam alle herzlich Willkommen.
Materialien werden zur Verfügung gestellt. Wer möchte, kann jedoch auch gerne eigene Komponenten und Projekte mitbringen.
Das Event wird vom Zentrum für Angewandte Spieleforschung der Donau-Universität Krems veranstaltet und von Klaus Conrad geleitet. Klaus Conrad organisiert in Malta den MaltaPi Jam und widmet sich besonders der Ausbildung von Lehrer*innen im Technologiebereich.