Showing results 1 to 10 out of 28
Hack 2021 for Positivity
07 Dec - 12:00 AM
2020 was, well, 2020. Let’s build a better, more positive future and start 2021 off on a good note! At this hackathon, we want you to create solutions that make the world a better place for yourself, your co-workers, friends, or family. Using Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas, you will have the opportunity to develop an app that addresses sustainability, improves wellbeing, or connects individuals with the tools to promote the general welfare. Socially responsible solutions are key. In the spirit of spreading positivity, this challenge offers five equal prizes of $2,000 each. Register at
Startup Night 2020 with Deutsche Telekom
24 Nov - 10:00 AM
This is an event where startups present themselves to corporates, investors, and potential customers. Startupnight offers you a great opportunity to get valuable information, meet interesting and experienced people from around the world, meet investors and corporates and to expand your network. Startupnight is an initiative of Deutsche Telekom AG with hubraum, Investitionsbank Berlin and Berlin Partner. Additionally, Startupnight will offer several 1:1 sessionswith investors (WestTech Ventures, HTGF, APX, Business Angels Club Berlin-Brandenburg and more). These are for startups on invitation only. To have a chance to be picked, please get your startup ticket here and fill in the form we will send you afterwards. Tickets are free, but registration will be required.
Hackathon Human2Sport #3
27 Oct - 09:00 AM
Saint-Denis, France
Human2Sport, think tank created by Pôle Media Grand Paris, Plaine Commune, and Orange aimed at creating "New viewers experiences - Sport & Live Entertainment". This year our 3rd hackahton = "The OFF of The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games". About Our last hackathon : "Sports, Live experiences & People with Disabilities" (2019) :
Media Hack Day 9&10 oktober 2020
09 Oct - 02:00 PM
Hilversum, Netherlands
Young professionals, data science students, developers, creative minds, and other problem-solvers in the Netherlands! Media Perspectives invites you to participate in a 2-day Media Hack, where NPO, VPRO and Beeld en Geluid will challenge you to conceive and build a public broadcast corporation recommendation engine of the future! You will have 24 hours to develop and create a suitable recommendation engine and then pitch your team's solution to a jury of data experts from the media industry. The winning team will be awarded prizes worth several hundred euros! If you need advice on hackathon participation, go to the tips page!
Media Hack Day 2020
04 Sep - 09:00 AM
Hilversum, Netherlands
Developers, UX designers, and data scientists in the Netherlands! Media Perspectives invites you to take part in Media Hack Day 2020. You can register with a team of four to six people, or join one at the event. Your team will collaborate and compete against four other teams to develop an online auction platform, suitable for the sale of TV advertising airtime. Data sets will be provided by STER (Stichting Ether Reclame), which is responsible for sales of advertising space on all Dutch public TV and radio channels. You will have 12 hours to develop and pitch your team's auction platform to a jury of media industry data experts for the chance to win cool prizes. Each participant will be awarded a gift card worth € 35. If you need answers to your hackathon questions, then visit the tips page!
04 Sep - 09:00 AM
The Plastic Revolution Makeathon is an international event that brings you together with experts in the sustainability field to help you further shape your solution. We will help you prototype, test, and ensure your idea is developed into its most effective iteration. It is an online event that brings innovative young talent and experts together in order to collaborate, test, and prototype ideas into sustainable solutions.This is a unique opportunity to meet other people who are as excited about fighting the plastic epidemic as you are. Once ideas are registered and teams created, we invite all participants to take part in a Makeathon weekend, led by us. You canregister your ideaorsupport a team. This is a testing and refinement platform where you will have the ability to delve deeper into your idea with the help of experts from different fields. On the final day of the Plastic Revolution-Makeathon, a video pitch is required. All presented ideas will gain visibility through international public voting. The best ideas will advance to the next phase, could yours be one of them? Nine solution areas: Material Innovation Plastics in the Ocean Alternatives for Single-Use Alternatives for Microplastic Circular economy Recycling and waste management Reuse and Upcycling Initiatives and Interventions Information and education Submission Deadline : 31 August 2020 Website
First 5G AR Mobile App Hackathon in Europe!
27 Jul - 09:00 AM
8-10 app development teams build a 5G AR Mobile Tourism App "Spektakuläres Düsseldorf" about sightseeing and architectural highlights of Düsseldorf and pitch their app prototypes at the big Final in September to win 30.000 € prize money. The 5G AR mobile apps to be developed by the competition teams should be showcases and an outlook into the future for the possibility of the new technology 5G and AR and their combination in a multimedia app based on the example of tourism.
SigmaHacks 2.0
24 Jul - 07:00 PM
With the world facing an unprecedented challenge in the COVID-19 pandemic, people all around the world have been affected like never before. We thank those on the frontlines, from doctors and nurses to sanitation workers, who are doing everything they can to keep the world running as smoothly as possible. We want to help in any way we can — which is why we’re calling on the creators, hackers, and innovators of the world to band together and help those in need. Just hack away, and let us help you bring your ideas to life!
24 Jul - 06:00 PM
We believe that you learn best by doing. That's why we're launching a hackathon - to empower the next generation to learn and refine real world skills through team-building and tangible product creation. ModHacks is a 48-hour competition for you to learn through creation. At the end, you'll get to pitch your product, whether entirely new or a continuation of a previous idea, to a panel of judges, for cash and prizes
COVID-19 Policy Hackathon
13 Jun - 11:37 AM
Apply to be a part of the COVID-19 Policy Hackathon today! Join us June 13th-14th for a weekend dedicated to addressing our world’s most pressing policy issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. With mentorship from academics and industry leaders, the COVID-19 Policy Hackathon provides a platform for individuals to contribute innovative policy proposals. Apply today to contribute your ideas. The world needs new voices, let yourself be one of them. Please contact with any questions.For details, see official website: