Showing results 11 to 20 out of 28
🐰👑 Webinar _ Campagne KLAP _ Cartes Facilitation graphique
10 Jun - 11:30 AM
Paris, France
Plus d’informations et inscription sur meetup : Événement en ligne RDV pour ce premier Webinar pour que nous vous présentions : - la Facilitation Graphique - notre set de cartes pour vous faire monter en compétence sur ce sujet - notre campagne de crowdfunding ___ RDV à ce Webinar si vous vous dites : “Je ne sais pas dessiner”, “mon écriture est moche”, “j’ai honte de ce que j’ai dessiné”, “c’est inutilisable en entreprise”, … Petit florilège de nombreux échanges que l’on a eus avec des personnes hésitant à se lancer dans cette discipline aussi fun qu’inspirante qu’est la facilitation graphique. On serai ravi de vous compter parmi nous durant le Webinar pour vous présenter plus en détail le projet ! See you soon! Geoffrey, Yoann et Vincent
05 Jun - 04:00 PM
In our co-creative and socialMAKERTHON OWL: OPEN.PUBLIC.PLACES from 5-7 June 2020, we (4 institutions from science, economy, policy making and society) will invite creative minds from all generations and backgrounds to design and prototype innovative ideas for streets and squares, churches and museums, parks and playgrounds in times of Corona - and beyond. For the first time, we will experiment with a hybrid event format, uniting hands-on experimentation with online-meetings. A strong focus will be on inviting female makers to be part of the innovation process, and to encourage artistic or musical interventions as well as technological solutions. The MAKERTHON OWL is located in a rather rural area - involving two larger university towns plus several smaller villages and neighborhoods. We will reflect and share the outcomes of this process to see whether this model of participation, and the involvement of the "maker" spirit in urban innovation processes, will increase innovation in regions - in Europe and across the world. What are the problems you aim to help solve with this project?: In times of social distancing, people across the world still want to use streets and squares, parks and other open spaces to meet and cherish urban vibes and enjoy collective experiences. With our MAKERTHON OPEN.PUBLIC.PLACES we aim to "conquer" public spaces in cities and villages while infusing the "Maker Spirit" into local innovation processes. We will invite people from different genders and areas - universities, innovators, startups, citizens, artists, musucians, families, designers, policy makers, to think abour their urban environments and come up with new ideas on how to use them. We will encourage all participants to use LEGO, playmobil, playdow and other gamestorming materials to illustrate their ideas during the MAKERTHON.
The Opportunity Hackathon
11 May - 12:00 AM
We know that innovation comes in dimensions, so we have created Afrikathon, which will converge world class talents across Africa to profer lasting solutions to one of the continent's challenges, unemployment, amongst others thereby impacting lives and improving economies. Registrations are open for our Africa-Wide Hackathon where anyone can use Design Thinking, form teams across the continent and create solutions to tackle problem of unemployment & job opportunities, in Africa. In the wake of COVID-19, we need to find innovative ways to create more jobs. Register here Visit our Website
Hackatón Post Crisis COVID-19 Ecuador
29 Apr - 10:43 AM
Quito, Ecuador
Frente al contexto actual y de cara a la situación luego de la emergencia sanitaria, en Ecuador se organiza el “Hackatón Post Crisis COVID-19”, bajo modalidad virtual, con el objetivo de reunir conocimiento abierto y el talento de los ciudadanos para diseñar propuestas y encontrar soluciones desde la colaboración e innovación ciudadana. La idea es coordinar esfuerzos, ideas y destrezas es su diversidad y aprovechar al máximo las capacidades y recursos disponibles, para co-crear propuestas con una visión de sostenibilidad.
Hack The Crisis Thailand
24 Apr - 06:00 PM
Ideas can't be quarantined. Hack The Crisis Thailand gives you the opportunity flex your fingers, work those brain muscles, and come up with brilliant ideas to combat #COVID-19. With prizes and grants worth up to 800,000 THB, now is your chance to do something great and impactful. Let's come together to solve the crisis until there is a permanent cure. 4 Challenges of Hack The Crisis Thailand: Save Our Heroes - supportmedical personnel on the frontlines Flatten The Curve - reduce the spread of the virus andthe number of infections, and promote social distancing Recover Our Community - help Thailand's communities by alleviating their economic conditions Crisis Communication - reduce the spread of false news and fear-mongering information, and facilitate smooth communication lines between authorities and the general public
JunctionX Barcelona
17 Apr - 06:00 PM
Barcelona, Spain
The biggest European hackathon is now coming to the beautiful city of Barcelona. JunctionX Barcelona is a 48-hour non-profit hackathon perfect for developers, entrepreneurs, designers and people with creative minds. The JunctionX program was created for local tech communities around the world to have a way to create their own hackathon, and bring developers, designers and all other techies together. All JunctionX events are individual events created by the local community, supported by Junction (Finland).
14 Apr - 09:00 PM
Participă la #HackTheVirus, primul hackathon online din România împotriva provocărilor cauzate de COVID-19! Tu și echipa ta aveți 50 ore să lucrați la un challenge și să veniți cu o soluție. Alătură-te și tu în data de 14-16 aprilie și hai să găsim o rezolvare împreuna pentru provocările actuale! Lucrează în echipa cu studenți din toata România și contribuie cu abilitățile tale de programator!
Hackathon: Fake News and War on Democracy: Workshop | Seattle
04 Apr - 09:00 AM
Seattle, United States
Problem solvers and community activists in the Seattle area! If you're concerned about the spread of misinformation, then the Flatiron School invites you to participate in the Fake News and War on Democracy Hackathon for Seattle. Come with a team, or join one at the event! Pick your 'Fake News' topic area and collaborate to tackle one of the most important problems of our time. Present your team's project to a jury panel of local thought leaders for the chance to win recognition and prizes.
Holy Hack 2020
27 Mar - 05:00 PM
Leuven, Belgium
HolyHack is Belgium’s most epic student hackathon. Gather with students from engineering, business and beyond to bring your ideas to life in 24 hours. More info about cases and topics:TBA.
Media Innovation Hackathon
27 Mar - 05:00 PM
Halifax, Canada
Hackers in Nova Scotia and beyond -- students and professionals! Shiftkey Labs invites you to take part in the first Media Innovation Hackathon. You'll get to form a team and collaborate to create innovative solutions to prescribed media industry challenges. Come collaborate and compete for awesome prizes. Maximize your hackathon experience -- get smart advice from our tips page!