Showing results 21 to 28 out of 28
Postponed Start-up Hackathon 2020 #ihackrlp
27 Mar - 03:00 PM
Ludwigshafen, Germany
Die aktuellen Empfehlungen bzgl. Veranstaltungen gerade auch hier in der Region Ludwigshafen ändern und verschärfen sich täglich, so dass wir uns entschlossen haben, die Veranstaltung vom 27.03.-29.03.2020 im Freischwimmer Ludwigshafen abzusagen.
Mit dieser Maßnahme möchte die Hochschule als Veranstalterin sowie die Kooperationspartner ( LDEW Landesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., Energieversorgung Mittelrhein AG,
Technische Werke Ludwigshafen AG und Wasserversorgung Rheinhessen-Pfalz GmbH) gewährleisten,dass alle Beteiligten und ihre Angehörigen geschützt werden.
Es fällt uns sehr schwer diesen Schritt zu tun, da wir uns schon sehr auf Euch alle gefreut haben und wir ein super Wochenende miteinander erlebt hätten, bei dem bestimmt, die ein oder andere „brilliante“ (Gründungs-) Idee entstanden wäre.
Zusammen mit unseren Kooperationsunternehmen und Förderern werden wir
in den nächsten Wochen das weitere Vorgehen besprechen und Euch frühestmöglich über einen Ersatztermin informieren.
WAD Hackathon - Communications
14 Mar - 10:00 AM
Wrocław, Poland
10 000 PLN
Wrocław Agile Development Hackathon is an all-night programming contest focused on communication solutions. During the event, you will have the opportunity to develop a working prototype of an app, that can spark off a revolution! It's a great opportunity to learn, collaborate and use your imagination. To know more about the event, have a look here:
- 14-15 March 2020 📅
- Topic: Communication
- 1st place: 10 000 PLN
- Food & drinks provided 🍕☕️
- Welcome pack for every participant 🎁
- Inspiring presentations 📣
- Mentors support 👩🏫👨🏫
- Up to 5 people in a team. Gather your friends and create a team! 🤝
- 20 PLN (
- all the proceeds from tickets donated to Fundacja Serce Dziecka
13 Mar - 04:00 PM
Idrija, Slovenia
Idrija 2020 Association organizes a 3-day HeritageHack between 13 and 15 March with financial support of the European Commissiom and the Council of Europe. We invite the young between 18 and 30 to tackle the challanges of cultural heritage in Idrija in an innovative way. Prior knowledge is not requierd. The best ideas will be generously rewarded!
Ideathon 2020 - Help create Norway's best student app
06 Mar - 10:02 AM
Borre, Norway
100 000 NOK
March 6 - 7, 2020, SSN (The Student Welfare Organisation of Southeast Norway) in cooperation with USN, Sparebank1, Silicia, Rada Labs and others, will host an innovation competition at the student house at the University of Southeast Norway, Campus Vestfold.
Here, students will innovate and create concepts and ideas for Norway's best student application.
Auto-tag Images of the Gala with Deep Learning
21 Feb - 07:00 PM
A firm that hosts grand gala nights has begunits planning for the next event. For aesthetics and entertainment, the firm has decided to take a data-driven approach. It has aggregated all images of past events that have beenpublished by attendees and the paparazzi on various social media channels and other sources. You are required to build an image auto-tagging model to classify these images into separate categories.
Why should you participate in this challenge?
Get hands-on experience in Deep Learning
Grab your chance to win up to $250!
Som Hackathon 2020
07 Feb - 08:00 PM
Barcelona, Spain
Què es?
La SOM Hachathon2020 és un repte, un esdeveniment creatiu i formatiu en el que, durant un intens cap de setmana, viuràs una experiència emprenedora treballant amb equips multidisciplinaris.
El Repte
El repte de la Som Hackathon 2020 implicaconstruir solucions tecnològiques transformadores que garanteixin un envelliment actiu i saludable.
Trobar solucions col·laboratives que facin de la ciutat un espai d’autonomia, drets i vinculació social per a les persones grans, no només en clau de present sinó també de futur, i en un marc de necessària sostenibilitat social i ambiental.
Equips universitaris:
Premi de2.000 eurosa distribuir entre els integrants de l’equip i accés directe al programa de preincubació de TecnoCampus.
Equips de Batxillerat i CFGS:
Premi de1.000 eurosa distribuir entre els integrants de l’equip.
Rising Waters - FEMA Hackathon for Flood Risk & Insurance
06 Feb - 08:30 AM
Philadelphia, United States
Insurance is the #1 way to recover from disaster. As we see increased flooding along our shores and inland, it is more important than ever before to get through to people and help them BEFORE disaster strikes.
We are looking for fresh takes on how to convince people (especially in coastal areas) to get flood insurance, using things like games, video, photos, social media strategy, and other marketing tools.
Join us for a full day creative intensive, where you can work with others in your field alongside floodplain managers, emergency professionals, and professional communicators to get things done and have fun in the process!
All skill levels and backgrounds are welcome,you don’t need to be a coder to participate in this Hackathon! Just bring a laptop!
What's in it for me?
Snacks, lunch, bragging rights and admiration! Winners chosen at the end will recieve formal recognition.
What can I expect at the event?
Participants are going to get the problem statement, hear some background and context on flood insurance and flood risk from subject matter experts, form groups based on skillsets, and create products to solve the issue. Each group will be able to call on subject matter experts or a facilitator at any point. In the evening, groups will present their products, talk about distribution, and winners will be chosen.
HackThePress Hackathon #2
18 Jan - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Techies in the Greater London Area -- and beyond! Are you interested in the state of Journalism and the press? You're invited to participate in the HackThePress Hackathon #2. The Internet has changed the ways in which Journalism works and pays for itself! Come help find new ways that technology can help make high quality journalism sustainable again.
You'll be challenged to design and prototype a digital solution that addresses one or more of the following themes:
→ Monetisation - How can news organisations monetise differently?
→ Public Advice - How can news orgs help people make better decisions?
→ Follow-through - How can news pieces inspire real change?
Present your project to a panel of experts for the chance to be recognized as a winner.