Sowing results 9 out of 9
Digital Android Afterwork
09 Nov - 06:00 PM
Digital Android Afterwork invites curious minds to explore the digital world through an Android lens. This fun, friendly and interactive experience is providing participants with exclusive information on job opportunities, new technology trends, and advice on taking your career in the digital world to the next level!
This interactive program will take place online on the 9th of November at 6 PM (UTC+2) through the BeMyApp platform! Anyone interested in the digital world and the possibilities Android has to offer is invited to register!
Participants are welcomed to apply on the Digital Android Afterwork platform for free HERE!
Don’t miss the chance to challenge your skills against similar participants, learn and connect with the Android community.
Visualisation Matters 2021 Hackathon
02 Sep - 08:30 AM
Paddington, Australia
Artie students and residents in Woollahra! UNSW's EPICentre and the Woollahra Council invite you to sign up for the Visualisation Matters 2021 Hackathon.
You'll get to work in a team of 2 to 4 individuals and be challenged to create your own artwork that will be digitised into a video or a still image. You can participate on-campus at UNSW Art & Design in Paddington, or remotely online! Your project will be judges by a panel of experts. Winners will get to present their artwork at the Visualisation Matters 2021 conference on the next day! Your winning artwork will be displayed on the Double Vision screen in Kiaora Lands, adjacent to the Woollahra Library in Double Bay.
Maximize your Visualisation Matters 2021 Hackathon experience — get smart advice from our hackathon tips page!
Startupnight SUN21
01 Sep - 11:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Our interactive program will be streamed fromhub:raumspaces and is intended to provide helpful information around all topics related to startups. Our focus topics concentrate on all things funding, investments, and matchmaking. In addition, this year we will also tackle the topics of recruitment and developer relations.
Google Cloud Global Hackathon for Startups
02 Aug - 08:00 AM
Startups drive innovation. Innovation sparks change. Living through the global pandemic highlighted the need for innovation and change more than any other event in recent history.
How can you be a leader of change? What can you do to advance equity around the globe and build the foundation for a more inclusive society?Showcase your initiatives that are driving change at the 2021 Google Cloud Global Startup Hackathon for a chance to win $50,000 in Google Cloud credits so you can take your startupto the next level.
The three winning teams will also be showcased at the upcomingGoogle Cloud Startup Day.
Short Film Hackathon
14 May - 07:00 PM
Zetland, Australia
Aspiring filmmakers in the Greater Sydney Area! 107 Projects invites you to participate in their Short Film Hackathon. You'll get to learn the fundamentals of creating short films—from concept development to storyboarding, to filming techniques, sound, and editing—all while using your mobile phone.
After your intro to film-making, you'll work in a small team to create your own film focussed on the Green Square section of Sydney.
Maximize your Short Film Hackathon experience with our expert hackathon tips!
CAPS sur l’Alternance
04 May - 06:00 PM
Crédit Agricole Payment Services organise pour la première fois un e-job dating dédié à l’alternance le 4 mai 2021 de 18h à 21h15, ouvert aux étudiants de licence et master.
Les étudiants pourront :
Participer à des conférences en direct
Postuler à de nombreuses offres d’emploi en alternance (et en CDI) en 2 clics
Échanger avec les équipes RH et métiers de CAPS
Passer des entretiens individuels de 20 minutes
… le tout sur la plateforme CAPS sur l’Alternance.
L’événement en ligne se terminera par un quiz qui récompensera les étudiants ayant réalisé les 3 meilleurs scores.
Les offres d’emploi portent sur les métiers suivants : IT, paiement, marketing, finance, RH, communication, commercial, DATA, analyse de données et administration.
Short Film Hackathon
16 Apr - 07:00 PM
Zetland, Australia
Movie and media enthusiasts in and around Sydney! You're invited to participate in the Short Film Hackathon. You'll learn all there is to use your mobile phone to conceive, storyboard, film, and edit a short film that focuses on your local neighbourhood.
Click here for adviceon your Short Film hackathon participation!
05 Apr - 08:54 AM
Hackathon extended by 3 weeks! We've had so many great new participants sign up that we decided to push back the submission deadline to give them time to find teams and work on their solutions. All projects are now due May 27th.
At#GileadHacks4HIV, you can create a solution that addresses the specific needs for HIV testing and treating in Southeast Asia, Africa, Central America and other areas.Innovate and win from the $45k prize pool, including a $25k grand prize.
Objectif Green Deal
12 Feb - 04:35 PM
La Commission européenne lance un challenge à tous les jeunes de 18-30 ans de France, Objectif Green Deal : informer et impliquer la population autour du Pacte vert pour l’Europe !
Le Pacte vert pour l’Europe en quelques mots :
Autrement appelé le “Green Deal”, c’est un engagement pour faire de l’Union Européenne le premier continent neutre d’un point de vue climatique d’ici 2050.
Objectif Green Deal :
Partagez et développez vos idées sur la plateforme du hackathon en ligne les 12 & 13 février prochains et pitchez-les au jury de la Commission européenne !
Retrouvez toutes les infos sur le site.
Et après ?
Les meilleures idées seront récompensées (jusqu’à 1 200€ à gagner !) et auront la possibilité d’être accompagnées pour être mise en œuvre.
Comment participer ?
Remplissez simplement le formulaire d’inscription à la plateforme via le site.
La participation est gratuite.