Showing results 1 to 10 out of 450
Waterloo Region Environment Network Hackathon 2016
20 Dec - 07:30 AM
Kitchener, Canada
Developers, designers and hackers in Waterloo and the Greater Toronto area! Interested in applying technology to pressing environmental issues? The Waterloo Region Environmental Network (WREN) invites you to sign up and participate in the Waterloo Region Environment Network Hackathon 2016. Collaborate with like-minded techies and create innovative technology solutions.
17 Dec - 10:00 AM
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Developers, designers, hackers! Interested in smart city solutions? BEST Ljubljana invites you to participate in a FIWARE BDTN Hackathon to build sustainable ecosystem solutions using public, royalty-free software platforms. Come as a team, or form a team at the event! You'll be challenged to build innovative solutions on the Smart City theme. Network and collaborate with like-minded individuals and compete for a cash prize!
Milano@Work - Un Hackathon per esplorare le trasformazioni della/nella Città
17 Dec - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Developers, designers, students, start-up folks, creative types, civic hackers, etc. in and around Milan! Sign up and participate in Milano@Work and help your city find solutions to pressing civic issues! This event is a 30-hour hackathon with the goal of creating innovative solutions and prototypes. Bring your own team or join one at the event and compete for awesome prizes for Best Application and Best Mock-up developed during the Hackathon.
Solidary SharePoint Hackathon: bring out the best of yourself
17 Dec - 10:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Techies and business professionals in and around Barcelona! Foundation SP and the SharePoint Users Group of Catalonia invite you to participate in the Solidary SharePoint Hackathon. This event runs in parallel with the TV3 Marathon which will focus on stroke and traumatic spinal cord and brain injuries. Participate and do your part! On your own or collaborating with a group, you will develop an innovative SharePoint app or functionality that helps address these pressing health issues!
The Grand Hackathon: Hack Music (Build, Code, Record) Hosted by Audio Rule and Google Play
16 Dec - 07:00 PM
Tacoma, United States
Musician hackers in and around Tacoma, WA! You're invited to participate in the Grand Audio Rule Music Hackathon, where you'll be challenged to Hack Music — Build, Code, Record! This is a competitive 3-day event where you will compete with like-minded musicians and engineers to create new music-related projects from scratch. You'll develop, and then perform or present your project in a concert format. Prizes include a chance to perform with a renowned national recording artist.
Hackdata Jujuy 2016 - Pensando soluciones de manera colaborativa
16 Dec - 02:00 PM
San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
Hackers and wannabees in and around San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina! Interested in solutions to help NGOs? The Technological Innovation Collaboratory invites you to come and participate in Hackdata Jujuy 2016 — a collaborative event to create innovative tools and technology solutions that will help the flow of information between the citizens, NGO agencies and the City Council of San Salvador de Jujuy.
Teen:Clubs Hackathon
16 Dec - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Teen girls age 13 to 17! Want to be a problem solver? Come and participate in Teen:Clubs Hackathon, sponsored by Ladies Learning Code. You'll be part of an interactive learning experience at a special Teen:Clubs Hackathon. You'll collaborate with like-minded girls and be challenged to explore problems, turn your ideas into reality, and design and build innovative technology solutions.
15 Dec - 05:00 PM
Bogotá, Colombia
Designers, developers, students or professionals in the sciences and humanities in and around Bogota! Are you interested in how technology can help address major human rights, health and environmental issues? The Institute Francais invites you to participate in BOG LABCIUDADANO Hackathon 2016, a "citizens lab" and collaborate to create new digital tools that can power human rights in Latin America and internationally.
CoderDojo Quartu: Scratchathon: Crea la tua invenzione con Scratch
11 Dec - 04:00 PM
Cagliari, Italy
Kids in Cagliari aged 9 to 13 years! Come and participate in the Quartu CoderDojo: Scratchathon. You'll be challenged to create your own project using the free programming language Scratch. You'll be able to come up with your own project idea — an interactive story, a game, or an animation — and bring it to life with Scratch. You don't have top know Scratch or any other programming language beforehand — you get all the training you need at the event.
Agile Youth Challenge™ 2016-2017 - Riverdale and Avenues
11 Dec - 08:30 AM
New York, United States
New York area students in grades 6-12! Interested in computer programming? Come and participate in the Agile Youth Challenge hackathon. You'll get to interact with like-minded students, as well as with New York City's leading industry experts, developers, and designers. You'll collaborate in teams to develop a prototype solution to a problem of your choice. You'll work with partners, in sprints, throughout the day. Use any technology to solve the problem—desktop, web, or mobile—using your choice of agile development tools, such as Java, JavaScript, Objective C, Swift, PHP, Processing, Scratch, Snap!, or C#.